Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse

A full solar eclipse is expected to occur on Wednesday, 22 July 2009; God Bless


Let us all devote a few minutes of our precious time to consciously pray together for the Solar Eclipse to transcend peacefully and for Universal Goodwill; Welfare; Wellness and Happiness to prevail always; God Bless


Prayers are amazing; This gift of prayers is always with us; When the Universe prays together; the Wishes seek to manifest miraculously; God Bless


Let us gratefully acknowledge; appreciate and express our sincere thanks for everything; Express thanks to God always for the lamp of peace; love; faith and hope that glows in all our hearts and for God’s graceful and loving presence and God’s Blessings always; God Bless


Thanks to God for permitting the Love and Light of God to shine through our lives always; God Bless

God Bless

May One and All to be Blessed with a Vision of Good Health; Wellness; Happiness; Prosperity; Progress & Wisdom always; When the Universe is Happy, We are all Happy; In one another’s Happiness is our true Prosperity, Development and Greatest Happiness; God Bless

Universal Appreciation; Happiness; Gratitude & Wisdom

May Universal Appreciation; Good Health & Wellness; Happiness; Consideration; Compassion; Respect; Peace; Love; Cooperation; Inspiration; Gratitude; Economic Development, Stability; Prosperity, Progress & Wisdom prevail always; God Bless

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi


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