Cancer – Inspire Life

Cancer – Inspire Life


Cancer represents amongst one of the very most critical challenges of our times ever; God Bless


Remarkable progress has and is being made regarding the cure for cancer; God Bless


It is extremely essential to understand the vital importance of the immune system; God Bless

Immune System

It is considered that the immune system is amongst one of the greatest shields and defenses to help with the hopeful recovery; God Bless


There are so many who have bravely challenged cancer and overcome it with the respective treatments as well as their inspiring attitude; God Bless


They have faced each and every one of those crucial moments very most admirably; this is literally each and every moment by moment; God Bless


They have shown the way to millions of others that there is a way; that while undergoing the respective treatments; whilst recuperating from cancer- there is one special part of one’s self which is the true spirit of life; God Bless


We salute them always and admire their characteristics and the inspiration they provide to millions and millions of people despite facing amongst the very greatest challenges which demand the very highest priorities; God Bless


Truly noble and admirable actions for they take the initiatives in ensuring that their inspiration reaches across and inspires those who might very most ardently and earnestly seeking and hoping for the very much needed inspiration and guidance very most hopefully; God Bless


It is living the very most precious time of a persons lifetime in those moments since when the recovery and signs of progress are identified and embarked upon; one is joyful beyond expression; one is elated and very most thankful to the persons who were able to reach across the communicate the inspiration to them; to show them the way of hope; truly some moments can change a lifetime for a life time; God Bless

The True Spirit of Life

This is the true spirit of life which is the very most integral aspect of everything in life; The true spirit of life is the inspiration of life; It is known that when the spirit expresses itself, it reveals the divine knowledge; God Bless

True Nature – Trueselves

The true spirit of life is our True Nature; our Trueselves; God Bless

The Divine Grace of God

When God’s grace; God’s love and light shines forth in our lives; we are able to experience peace despite all the restlessness; turmoils or contradictions that may prevail since and through the peace one is able to find true happiness; God Bless

Peace and Happiness

Peace and Happiness accompany each other; one cannot be separated from the other. Wisdom is peace within ourselves as well as the interactions that we have with the Universe ; God Bless

Thank God

Always thanks to God; in each and every moment always; always and always utmost thanks to God always; God Bless

World’s Happiness – Universal Happiness – Respectfully

When the World is Happy, We are all Happy; In one another’s Happiness is our true Joy, Prosperity, Development and Greatest Happiness; God Bless

God Bless – With Admiration and Utmost Respect

May the Universe be Blessed with a Vision of Good Health, Happiness, Peace; Inspiration; Joy; Prosperity, Progress and Wisdom always; God Bless

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi


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