In due course of time; Intu time of course; not off course




Intu seeks to refer to our intuition and the due course exemplifies the disciplined and ordained time frame that usually unfolds in an precisioned manner, where there is no interference; interference or manipulation whatsoever.

Remember, that nature/ creation, evolution and all that’s orchestrating the various processes of growth/decay as well as sustenance are harmoniously but strictly governed by a defined set of rules of conduct; characteristics; principles, values and qualified methodologies; we cannot just jump the line and state that we are more innovative or just because we dream’t; just because we wished; just because we prayed; just because we went on a pilgrimage; just because we abstained; just because we sacrificed? just because we thought so? and so on and so forth; for with reality, we need to be authentic/genuine and absolutely real; there is no fooling around or appearing to be silly or foolish, because if at times, there’s something too good to be true, we should not get carried away and put all our eggs in one basket and lament later on when the results may be contradictory to our fervent expectations.

Everything and every-think must be almost carefully scrutinized and even the most mundane thoughts, do not let them just get through and masquerade themselves as some set of a contagion or emotional force that deviates your complete set of disciplined code of conduct and disciplined/dignified mannerisms of living for some may say, there are no rules in life? they are perhaps gambling and speculating all their lives? and want others also to join their bandwagon? And to be certain, there are indeed rules, regulations, laws and procedures that are in force and apply whether across national and international jurisdictions as well as far beyond in the spatial and cosmic realms as well; for wherever we may go, whether its the source or the force, everything rigorously demands observance of a defined set of ethical practices and conventionalites precisely. Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2015 Vashi Chandi

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