Rumi – Rue Me – Its The True Me – God Bless – Respectfully

Rumi – Rue Me – Its The True Me – God Bless – Respectfully

The Radiance Of Revelations Encompassing Miraculous Intuitiveness – God Bless


Rumi discovered and experienced the true essence of being with his heart immersed in profound devotional enchantment


His life reflected the credentials of the joy of living melodiously


His yearning for the truth within carried forth legions of soulful expressions that devotionally spoke of the vision of the divine light

True Me

This seeks to refer to the true me within each and every one of us – the true me that seeks its purposeful living with conscious awareness


Expressing life from the mind of our heart and Experiencing living from the heart of our mind – expressing our divinity – experiencing our growth in grace and wisdom infinitely


Rumi spoke the language of the heart with eloquent magnificence that transcended across civilizations delightfully


His perception of humanity has sought to evoke our awareness to the potential divinity that dwells within our true realm amazingly


Rumi’s renditions speak of the dance of love in the love our dance gracefully


This is our heart dancing with joy to the rhythm of its art


His poetry inspires the awakening to the splendor of the divine light that shines forth in our lives splendidly


The radiance refers to embracing the completeness of our life where we realize the quintessence of life is represented by the identification, discovery, recognition, realization and experience of our true nature – true self remarkably


The revelation that our soul is the mirror of truthfulness


The miraculous intuitiveness being the witness to the cosmic grace that glows as it flows through our being harmoniously


Rumi’s legacy bears evidential testimony to the heart prints of humanity coming together in the spirit of love as one to celebrate the goodwill and harmony of the Universe primordially – God Bless

Behave Be-Have How We Behave Is How We Be-Have – God Bless - Keep Discovering - Discover, Recognize and Experience Our True Nature Our True Self Love, Light and Wisdom, God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi


The primordial definition of life inspires us to be true to our purpose and values – God Bless


The art of life provides us its amazing foresight to accomplish the visions that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely – God Bless


The art of living inspires us to discover, recognize and experience our True Nature – our True Self – God Bless


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom; our higher consciousness – Let us seek to develop our intuition – Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of  life –  Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of compassion, conscious awareness, diligence, good health, happiness, harmony, joy, peace,  prosperity, progress, prudence, success, sustainability and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


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