God’s Word is Light, God’s Light is the Pure Divine Sacred Worthiness

God’s Word is Light, God’s Light is the Pure Sacred Worthiness of its Divine Glorious Infinitude of Cosmic/Universal Goodwill, Harmony, Healing, Peace, Progress, Prosperity, Sustainable Welfare and Pristine Immaculate Wisdom

output_sj43lySome state, its not in our hands? The ever divine gracious wisdom enshrined within our sacred heart’s wisdom resonates; its a lot/allot in our glands!

Remember the pineal gland; regarding the reference to – if your eye be single, it does not mean virtually single; but deciphering its sanctified revelation; what it humbly seeks to exemplify is true be able to perceive the divine graciousness; true/through the auspices of the divine vision of our sacred hearts.

For when the eyes of our hearts perceive, the ever gratuitous realization of our pure divine nature’s awareness consciousness’s evolutionary growth in divine grace and divine wisdom ever ingeniously/gratuitously blossoms; so be it, its being sow true life’s divine light of our soulful wisdom enshrined within the pure sacredness of our divine hearts; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2016 Vashi Chandi

How does/thus Consciousness Migrate?


Consciousness does not migrate; its might=this is the might as in mighty/the almighty(realize, we are all the children of God); gyrates=in these humble contexts, it seeks to refer to its pure divine harmonious consonance.

Consciousness ascends, elevates, emerges, expands, evolves, raises, transcends and so on and sow forth with profound reverentiality for all of life true/through the auspices of the genealogy of its divya prana shakti=pure divine life force energies pure divine potential ever sow authentically, auspiciously, conscientiously, contentiously, devotionally, ingeniously, gratefully, harmoniously, pure divine intentionally=shuddh bhavana orientated; joyously, jubilantly, legitimately, meritoriously, morally, nobly, precisely, promisingly, provisionarily, radiantly, sensibly, tenaciously, vigilantly, visionarily, wisely and divine worthily; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2016 Vashi Chandi

Knowledge Fields=Human Intelligence; However, Wisdom Yields=Pure Divine Cosmic Intelligence Pan”om”ramic Evolutionary Graciously Infinite Vision


Its the pure divine essence of your pure divine nature’s awareness consciousness; realize your pure divine potential ever sow conscientiously, devotionally, ingeniously, meritoriously, vigilantly, wisely and worthily in an divinely ordained manner; be true your nature; so be it; its being sow true life as its divya prana shakti=pure divine life force energies ever gracious wisdom; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2016 Vashi Chandi

Celebrating Guru Nanak Devji’s 548th Birth Anniversary; Sukhmani Sahib/Sri Guru Granth Sahib, Exemplifying the Pure Divine Infinite Gratuitousness of Our Pure Divine Nature’s Consciousness

 Celebrating the Divine Light of Life’s Breath; Seek/Liberating the Evolutionary Divine Breadth of Life’s Ever Radiant Light/Gracious Wisdom


Earnestly live your divine light of your cherished life’s vision that radiates the amazing graciousness of God enshrined within as well as all around you ever sow conscientiously, devotionally, ingeniously, meritoriously, reverentially, vigilantly and wisely; Satnam WaheGuru; Jai Sat Chit Ananda; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2016 Vashi Chandi

Congratulations President Elect Donald Trump; With Every Good Wish as Every Wishes Goodness; May the Divine Grace Be With You & Yours, USA and the World


Congratulations and Best Wishes. Wishing you, your cabinet, administration and governance all the very best, greatest and grandest of success/triumphs in your respective endeavors.

May your pure divine nature’s awareness’s conscientious consciousness of the abundant provision of God’s divine graciousness and sacred wisdom shine forth ever sow gloriously and gratuitously.

With every good wish as every wishes goodness; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2016 Vashi Chandi