God Can See

God Can See


Some people say to one another, I can see God in you and God can see you in i.


God can see what all we cannot see and God can even see through us – through one another at the very same time as well amazingly.


God’s seeing is truly more about us, our self realization – raising and expanding our consciousness – of seeking to experience our true nature, our true self and our divine essence respectively.


Once we embrace our completeness, greatness, gracefulness, oneness and divine purpose and divine will, we will be able to recognize the incredible foresight and empowering vision that we have been having all along, it is a matter of truly seeing in, with+in our higher self and humbly acknowledging the divine grace of God that provides us with the brilliantly creative intelligence, courage, grace, radiance, strength, sustainability and wisdom to joyfully celebrate each and every moment of this truly precious life with abundant admiration, appreciation, gratitude and immense thankfulness for God’s bountiful grace, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved




Like what we remember, remember what we like.


Some moments came our way while some others claim away?


At times, there are no words to express the amazing joyful elation – while at other times, there are truly no words that could be ever be expressed other than observing total silence and peaceful calmness.


This is where we respectfully move ahead, carefully understanding and realizing that we have a responsible role to play and earnestly come together compassionately, faithfully, diligently, prudently, responsibly, sincerely, truthfully and wisely to sustain the visions that belong to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the universe infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved


Better Things, Better Than Better Could Ever Be

Better Things, Better Than Better Could Ever Be


Had we known, things would have been better?

Now In

Well – think again and answer please; Had we now+in, thinks and things would be better than better for sure. (Here it is not about analyzing or reflecting upon somethings and some thinks casually or with a retrospective higher sense of maturity, no – not at all, it is not seeking to contradict anyone or ridicule anyone whatsoever but rather it is humbly seeking to focus mainly upon the now+in as much and as reasonably as possible – for along with the now+in, other factors may each play their own strategic and imperative parts in the grand process+scheme of things and thinks – but the now+in plays its own important role for sure to a certain extent which is why it is in some ways better than better could ever be for living in the present moment of our lives with conscious awareness, purposefully, meaningfully, diligently, prudently, responsibly and wisely is better than just stating later on, had we known – had we known and had we known – and then what? Regrets, sadness? It is essential to carefully scrutinize and pay the highest degree of attentiveness and practice due diligence at any given instance for when things and thinks may take a turn or circumstances and scenarios may change, one never knows – but being precautious, diligent and attentive, by being consciously in the now+in, focused and diligently striving, one may be able to grasp and more well informatively approach and respond to the various aspects of lives respectively, God Bless)


Shifting – Taking away – Deviating – Moving away – Ignoring – Disregarding – Over confidence? – Multitasking? – Pride? – Negative tendencies? Too sure? So on and so forth – life is not just like that, that it can be taken for granted?

So many times when something important maybe going on, what we are attending to, we might be listening (not listen+in?) – thinking that we are wiser, that we know far much more better, that we are the greatest professionals? that there is no one better than us? that we are the only one’s? Whatever and wherever, do not let pride, negative or sentimental tendencies to come in between responsibilities and ensure to exercise due diligence, prudence, alertness and prudence along with the highest level of utmost responsibility and wisdom for what “now+in” may be constituting – representing may not be reflected at that given point and moment in time – but later on, when something happens, the remorseful set of flashbacks start portraying across the screen of our conscience, exclaiming – oh no, had we known?

Well it may be the known part to a certain extent but to some extents, it is also the now-in, the now-in and the now-in; how much ever we may deny, overlook or cast aside the importance, the now+in will remain the now+in predominantly – its greatest contentious precedence being that we need to be alert and attentive, diligent, prudent, responsible and wise, for somethings and some thinks come only once in a lifetime, there is-are no second chances for some aspects and instances of our lives please, kindly be fair and responsible, considering that we are all interconnected and need to be true to our commitments and serve fairly, justly and truthfully, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Words, World and Change

Words, World and Change


Change your words, change your world, God Bless.


Change when bifurcated connotes the following; “Ch” refers to Chi, the life force energy – while “Ange’ refers to Angel, the bode of good tidings. It is humbly seeking to reflect upon the incredible power of the words (accompanied along with the pure intent infused within them + as well as the constancy of purpose and wisdom + the indomitable will power + committed resolve to inculcate and integrate certain betterment’s, improvements and developments) circulating whether in our thoughts, actions or expressions respectively, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

People Like You

People Like You


People like you because you truly like yourself.


Your self likes your because you truly like people.


It all starts with truly liking yourself and others.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Values For a Lifetime

Values For a Lifetime


When you have something after a very long time, you truly know and realize its incredible value.


When you now some thinks, you truly have somethings for a very long time continually; amazingly for a lifetime indeed.


Its about living your values, your true self, your true nature, your completeness, your gracefulness, your divine essence, your bliss, your wonderfulness, your truthfulness and your amazing creative magnificent brilliance infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

I am Time

I am Time


Sometimes, we want just a little more time to be the i am.


Some other times, we want to be the where we wear be.


And further yet at some other times, we want the time to stand still; to be one with the moment in its graceful evolution.


i am humbly seeks to refer to the oneness of our collective consciousness. The hands of time along with its dividing intersections resembles the wheel in some respects. The wheel spins around while the time spans across and the i am expands surround – evoking our creative intelligence, our higher self’s incredible brilliance in expanding our consciousness, embracing our completeness, our true self and our divine essence amazingly.


The wheel helps to train send across cities while the time helps to transcend across seek greater harmonious ties, friendships and strategic acquaintances with one another.


While time is neutral, the i am is natures will. This is humbly being endowed with the creative intelligence to be one with our true self and true nature, thereby being the moment as it is as well as being the it as the moment amazingly. Realizing the essence of time becomes our primordial objective where we want to carefully grasp and wisely utilize each and every measure of time very most remarkably, constructively, responsibly and wisely.


With time and i am resourcefully calibrated, we can achieve phenomenal strides in our lives since we are earnestly striving to make the most valuable and responsible utilization of each and every moment of our lives considerately, committedly, diligently, responsibly and wisely, God Bless.

Please Note – From the moment, we resonate the captioned title, I am Time, this humbly seeks to reflect upon the measure of time as a gracious endowment where within the very same fraction of time, we are able to achieve far much more and appreciate ourselves and others tremendously. Wherever, whenever, whatever; it all begins and starts with the i am, how we treat the i am for from there onwards, it is purely the form of brilliance, creativity, resourcefulness and progressiveness infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Never Know What’s Next, But Have True Faith

Never Know What’s Next, But Have True Faith


Life can change in any given instance-moment almost completely. One never knows how+what+when or why but it is essential to live each and every moment with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility and our creative wisdom consistently.


At times, we see the reality of all that there is after all. Whether people or events, the panorama of all aspects unfolds quite mysteriously? Actually, it is in many ways relating to our ardent expectancies whether in the form of positive or negative vibrations – we are constantly emitting and radiating a certain frequency of thoughts – thoughts that are actually pure energy based and having the infinite potential to remarkably change the landscapes and horizons of our lives, which is why as we have been taught time and again, think well, think responsibly, think wisely and act+express with due diligence and responsibility.


At times, those events, imaginary doubts+fears or people that we thought were there, never appeared after all? And that which we never thought or ever imagined, emerged and manifested after all, that is the meticulousness+miraculousness+precision of life. Kindly remember that everything and everythink truly works according to a systematized plan that belongs to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the universe infinitely. So it is in our best and greatest interests to contribute our initiatives and efforts; align our commitments to be focused upon achieving greater good for one and all, always promoting our pure intentions and seeking the grace and wisdom from our divine essence, from our true nature and our true self, our higher self to help sustain our visions to be devotionally empowered with goodness, goodness and ever fulfilling goodness for the universe and its inhabitants consistently, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Imagine Your Greatness

Imagine Your Greatness


Have the image, imagine the having.


Embody your true essence; Express your divinity+purity; Experience your incredibly brilliant and creative magnificence; God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Lifting Ourselves

Lifting Ourselves


Our Mother and our Father lift us up when we are born and carry us preciously and sacredly for some of the most priceless moments of our lives.


God lifts us up and carries us amazingly at various pathways across our lifetime when we most need the divine intervention and also at some other times when we may never have ever realized at all.


Coming to the aspect of lifting ourselves, we have to truly realize that we have some of the greatest graceful endowments from our Mother and Father, our God, from Nature and from the Universe such as our creative intelligence. The words we speak, believe in and keep communicating+resonating with firm conviction; with+in ourselves and with others can also help to lift us up in letting our light+radiance shine through in living a life of purpose with conscious awareness, compassion, due diligence, dutifulness, purposefulness, responsibility, sincerity, truthfulness and our creative wisdom infinitely, God Bless.


Sometimes, we lift others while at some other times others help us with the same process by inspiring us to awaken to our completeness, to embrace and experience our true nature, our true self and our divine essence which is ever lifting us up to the lofty pedestals of recognizing and truly realizing the practice of our discipline, our humility, our purity, our sincerity and gentleness in all that we think, do and express consistently, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Hurt, The Feelings? The Realization!

Hurt, The Feelings? The Realization!


At times, we may unknowingly hurt others feelings and sentiments? Those experiencing the hurt know how it feels and keep suffering because of our ignorant or negligent behavior?


At some other times, we may likewise hurt our very own selves considerably and keep this hurting all across a lifetime? Yet again, this cannot be defined or termed as sheer ignorance or negligence alone since the hurt is very closest to us and we may be earnestly seeking the needful healing, the release from the anguish, but then what is withholding the release please?


Well, it maybe the realization that has not actually dawned or we may have been just putting off thinking that the self pitying or victim hood is going to bring more comfort, solace or that we simply did not know what to really do?

No, that is not an answer at all, we should rather take the necessary and responsible steps at firstly+spontaneously seeking forgiveness from others as well as forgiving ourselves because however deep the scars maybe, nothing hurts more than deliberate hurt because there is a wound and we maybe delving deeper and far more deeper into that hurt for what?

No, it is not fair for ourselves or others, to tolerate or foolishly engage in the deviation from the norms and disciplined practices of living our values, we need to realize, yes realize and be consciously aware of what we are thinking, what we are doing and what we are expressing and not just live on an auto pilot mode, taking things as they come and piling on the heap and loads of overwhelming burdens of hurt that could only further attract more hurt and more on, but why?

We have our creative wisdom, we have our creative intelligence and we have our creative life to live in harmony and goodwill with ourselves and others, wake up, this is not a dress rehearsal or a stage play, this is real life with real values and real commitments, be true to your nature as well as nature to your truthfulness, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Good Times, Hard Times & The Sacred Ground

Good Times, Hard Times & The Sacred Ground


In good times, we may tend to forget a lot of the hard times.


In hard times, we may intend to forget a lot of the good times.


At other times, we may come across the sacred ground which is the platform of equanimity remaining unaffected-unperturbed or influenced by the condition or state of events and instances remarkably. This is the neutral pathway of incredible brilliance and creative intelligence, which is always inspiring us to expand our consciousness, to embrace the grace of our completeness, our true nature, our true self and our divine essence infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

The Master, The Creator

The Master, The Creator


Creating masterpieces, peace is the master creator.


Peace is our true nature, our true self and our divine essence.


Peace is where we come from + to calm form + to become formless with the oneness; discovering the oneness with+in our higher self, to realize our wonderfulness in following our bliss infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Thanksgiving, Embrace the Grace of Living Our Values

Thanksgiving, Embrace the Grace of Living Our Values


Thanksgiving engenders the gracefulness of being+graciously giving what is pure and true in our thoughts, actions and expressions sacredly.


Its about being admirable, altruistic, amazing, appreciative, awesome, beautiful, brave, caring, confident, committed, compassionate, considerate, conscious, courageous, courteous, creative, dedicated, deserving, devoted, dignified, disciplined, diligent, divine, dutiful, empathetic, endurable, enthusiastic, faithful, forbearant, forgiving, fortuitous, focused, gentle, good willed, gracious, gratuitous, great, gregarious, happy, healthy, hopeful, honorable, human, innovative, industrious, intelligent, inspired,introspective, joyful, jovial, kind, loyal, loving, mature, meaningful, meticulous, mindful, motivated, nature, noble, optimistic, grateful, respectful, passionate, patient, peaceful, perseverant, pertinent, polite, practical, prudent, purposeful, radiant, reasonable, reliable, responsible, resilient, sensible, sincere, specific, strong, temperate, tenacious, thoughtful, trustworthy, truthful, virtuous, well, wonderful, worthy and immensely thankful to the grace of the divine essence that shines forth its brilliant radiance within the true nature and true self of all of God’s creations amazingly, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always – God Bless

Compassion, Love, Light & Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Search the World

Search the World


We search the world to find what we already have?


We search the having to find the wold in us – that the world is our oyster.


Its the pureness of the world with+in our true nature, our true self and our divine essence amazingly, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved


Experiences, Learning from Others

Experiences, Learning from Others

Experiences, The Bout About


Most people talk about their experiences.


Experience their bout is what most people talk about.


They truly speak so that others may not have to go through the intensive rigor and sufferings; the hardships and the overwhelming challenges. Its truly about making others aware, diligent, prudent, precautious and to safeguard one another’s interests (remember we are all interconnected) compassionately, considerately, responsibly and wisely, God Bless.


Whether habits or practices; the pureness of life seeks purity in return; Whether it maybe one’s thoughts, actions, feelings, expressions, expectancies and commitments or for that matter so many more thinks and things -> all need to be sacredly following the ethical doctrines, codes, practices, covenants, contracts, commitments, guidelines, rules, regulations and laws governing the world, reality, nature, the universe and our truthfulness respectively, God Bless.

Note – The sad part and path is that some people have to undergo the complete process of receiving hatred all along their lives? (it is their false delusion or assumptions that they are thinking so while no one actually has even the slightest inclination, time or thought about them negatively please. The reason being everyone is+are having their commitments+obligations and responsibilities to truly take care of respectively) And further due to the procrastination and negative chatter in their minds, keep thinking that they are paying infinitely high penalties?by being meted out punishments? in the form of rejections and isolation? (yet again, if one is secluded or harboring any anger, envy, hatred, jealousy, resentment, suppressed emotions or negative tendencies, it is entirely their own choices since no one ever told, informed or ever suggested any such maladies at any given instances whatsoever) at times are never forgiven? never given another opportunity? they are condemned and considered as outcast and are always reflected upon with disregard and lack of esteem or credence? (all along it is the self pitying and wrong notions of the comfort zone of staying in one arena and battling with one duel after one another, where the person is hurting one’s own self and then experiencing victim hood? pity hood? How foolish and absurd can this be?

They are inflicting themselves with more and more agony and anxiety, heaping loads and loads of negative tendencies and not able to emerge to the surface of goodwill, purity, liberty and true freedom? But why? because of the negativeness? Well, its their choice but their price also to pay as well, they need to raise their consciousness and reflect on the betterment and greater possibilities by intending purely well and realizing that each and every moment of their lives spent in regret and delusion calls forth similar set of scenarios to multiply and then they are sadly more sadder than ever, ruminating – hallucinating and retrospectively reflecting on all that went wrong all along, without realizing all the good that went well all along as well?)

Please wake up, this is real life, real people, real time, real responsibilities and real truthfulness and real commitments with real consequences and account-abilities please, God Bless.(see the negative part and path took so much longer to traverse through ((but this does not mean that those who may be experiencing negative periods in their lives have to be shunned or ignored please – in fact their sensitivity is far more greater and delicately balanced please – kindly understand very carefully please)) whereas the positive part and path succinctly and precisely got paraphrased in a very short and neat paragraph, that is what life is about – diligence, prudence, neatness, tidiness, systematic ability, organizational ability, discipline, accountability, responsibilities, due diligence and our creative wisdom consistently, God Bless.)

Note – The above reflect on the sad part and path but greater is the said part and path where those conquering some of the most challenging diseases and healing themselves truly help others to miraculously heal themselves as well thereby – voila, this is it – they reach the plateau of their greatness and gracefulness by encouraging and guiding+helping to let others to likewise let their respective light and divine purpose and will shine through in experiencing good health, wellness and joyfulness all across their lives gratuitously, graciously and jubilantly is one of the greatest of blessing they could ever accrue for they helped others realize what others were ardently seeking – the much needed recovery; all the amazing wonders unfolded through the remarkably relevant shifts in one’s beliefs, practices and convictions + intentions + pure essence in their actions, thoughts and expressions consistently with meaningful and responsible consistency, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Breath of a Lifetime

Breath of a Lifetime


Imagine the lifetime that comes with+in each breath.


Breathe the imagination of a million lifetimes in+live time.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved


Make a Wish

Make a Wish


Make a wish, wish our making.


What we make in our wishing is what we wish in our making, its wishing.


The definition of “wis” means to know well and “hing refers to the hinge”; Hinge as we know refers to the attaching+the joining. Put together, this precisely defines what make a wish means after all; it is our higher consciousness that it is our higher consciousness that is aligning+ordaining+orchestrating+dictating its primordial aspirations and objectives that belong to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the universe magnificently.


It is a solemn oath; the divine speech that we have been endowed with; at times we wish for somethings and they manifest almost instantaneously; and at other times, a lifetime of waiting?


Well, it all belongs to the pureness, meaning that when wishing, it should be pure and encompassing the goodwill, harmony and welfare of one and all.


What we came with is our grace and what we will grow with is our gracefulness and wisdom, so everything else in between is the purity of the intent+the purpose that engineers and drives+sustains the flow of life’s evolution amazingly.


Indeed, we have got a wish; we have got so many wishes; we have got together+we have got to get there. There refers to our evolutionary growth, expanding our consciousness and experiencing our true nature, our true self and our divine essence.


From there onwards, once we are truly one with+in the oneness, the wish+wishes will wish our making for we are one with nature, we are one with the universe, we are one with one another, where all that we seek is purely+truly the oneness from where we all emerge towards+true wards the wonderfulness we all merge with+in at the completion of our earthly sojourn compassionately, consciously, devotionally, diligently, dutifully, meaningfully, purposefully, prudently, radiantly, responsibly, sincerely, tenaciously, truthfully and wisely, God Bless.


The point is what we appoint and not the points we earn+the mileage we accrue or the goals we score since one aspect of our life could help sustain everything else and everything else could not apparently sustain one single aspect of our being; So it is more about living our values, our characteristic excellence and making a wish for seeking the grace and wisdom for one and all infinitely for when we are knowledgeable, we make clear, well informed and wise choices and from there onwards what we think, do and express is aligned with the divine will remarkably, think; its about discipline, its about discipline and truly about discipline since if one were to simply wish and think everything will manifest, it is not so; one has to strive diligently, work creatively, intelligently and faithfully, earnestly and committedly with a pure resolve and conviction in one’s true self and one’s true nature for we have been given this being to let our light shine through in living a purposeful life with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility and our ingenious creative magnificent wisdom infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Remembering 26/11, Embracing The Remembrance; Prayers & Thoughts

Remembering 26/11, Embracing The Remembrance; Prayers & Thoughts



In memory of the victims who have left us with their poignant memories on this extremely tragic day.


Our embrace, speechless words humbly seek to gently reach across the landscape of thought in time; time in thought; standing still in complete respectful silence.


May their noble spirit guide us with the foresight to accomplish the visions that belong to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the Universe infinitely.


While paying our respectful tribute to their respective memories, the Universe stands firmly on a platform of resolute solidarity with a unified vision and pledges to consciously and sustainably promote Universal awareness, compassion, goodwill, harmony, peace, solidarity and wisdom earnestly.


May their memories be a source of comfort, courage, endurance, inspiration, foresight, strength and wisdom to their respective families as they keep building the precious bridges of their admirable lives and to keep carrying forth the noble legacies and visions of their loved ones affectionately, God Bless.

Minds & Hearts

They will always remain in our minds and hearts very most admirably, affectionately, dearly, memorably and nobly, God Bless

Peace, Love & Light,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani All Rights Reserved

The First Ever

The First Ever


Whatever we had first, remained the first ever.


Every first brought us the joyful experience of a lifetime.


The very thought of being first became the very first of being taught amazingly+firstly, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Life Asset, Realization

Life Asset, Realization

A brief imaginative prelude from some conversations – Oh, look at them, they are so lucky, life has set everything for them? Their life is set up well!

Well, let us rephrase and expound on this

Life Asset

Life Has Set

Life Has Sets

Everything and Everythink comes in pairs and opposites (example good and bad, hot and cold, pure and impure, sad and happy, give and take, send and receive; so on and so forth)

To summarize this, iti is like this-

Life Asset, Life Has Set, Life Has Set, Life Has It – What Life Has is Purity, Life is Pure in its Essence and So are You; So please do not spend your Lifetime comparing or compelling but rather engage in “Calm Planning”, YES, calm, responsible and wise planning, so far, things may not have been so good enough, that is why the idle talk, well now, take charge, take responsibility, be tenacious, be diligent and be courageous as well as consciously aware of what you think, do and express for you are sending something across that will apparently return to you in one way or another, in one form or another, at one time or another to either reward, award or awkward you?

Remember that while you are doing somethings, life is doing-true in sum things too, so please align with life vision and scheme which always embodies and encapsulates the essential pathway of living our values and being sincere and true to our nature as well as committed and diligent in all that we think, do and express consistently with meaningful and purposeful consistency.

Please treat life as your greatest asset (kindly remember that life treats you, considers you, treasures you and trusts you as its greatest asset and you need to reciprocate its graciousness earnestly, committedly, faithfully, truthfully, diligently and responsibly + wisely, God Bless), you have everything at its greatest when you have good health and wellness along with the various other priceless assets that are truly incomparable and priceless, God Bless.


Look at what life has set, its life’s asset especially for you. (but you need to consciously and responsibly take the diligent initiatives wisely to ensure that you are able to avail of the great joyfulness of life, remember the law of cause and effect; the law of sow and reap; the theory that resonates, what goes around, comes around too-true – the boomerang effect in other words; so whether its your thoughts, feelings, emotions, vibrations or wishes; always think well for yourself and others; always do well for yourself and others; always express well for yourself and others, God Bless) Life’s realization is life’s real life vision, the vision that embodies the goodness, purity and wellness for one and all for there is no partiality; those who have persevered and progressed have diligently strived and resourcefully utilized what they had to create greater goodwill and progress, so if we aspire-desire somethings in our lives as well – well the reality is that we need to truly follow a disciplined conduct and calibrated regimen that principally espouses living with conscious awareness in the now of our lives and not just ruminating, vacillating and wandering here, there and everywhere where actually we are getting lost and we are lost getting as well for we are not in the right place at the right time and not practicing righteousness, all because of lack of realization, we are living in a bygone era or are not facing the reality of our lives which demands firm accountability and utmost diligence and responsibility please.


Look with+in (your characteristical virtues and values) at what you have set, they are the true assets of your life.


Some people constantly look at others in envy? hoping that life could set up similar assets for them as well?


Well, sadly enough they might probably ensue in draining away their precious energies in vacillating from pillar to post in quest of some imaginary mirage? some illusive thought patterns? Hoping for what? For life to come to preset?


The contentious point is that life has set fairly and equally the vital strategic opportunities and aspects, some of us realize this and carpe diem (seize the moment and resourcefully utilize it) while others spend the very same moments in engaging in the self pitying and blame game?


This way, no one to who it may so concern – meaning, those hallucinating, ruminating and wandering aimlessly in their lives get nowhere further, they do not progress because they self defeating attitude of reflecting on others achievements sarcastically depletes their reservoir of precious energies and good luck actually becoming good lack in their lives – please note, this is not about negatively reflecting on their way of living, rather it is humbly seeking to make them consciously aware that they they need to awaken to their true self, to their true nature and their divine essence – they too truly deserve to live and enjoy this wonderful life along with their families but the challenging part is no one wants to ever look upon them, given them any opportunities because those individuals have shut the paths that could help establish a harmonious communication and constructive dialogue, however what we can do is send across our thoughts filled with good wishes and pure vibrations for our energy is pure and sacred, seeking the goodwill, harmony, progress, sustainability and welfare of one and all earnestly, God Bless.


Coming to the point, when speaking of life’s assets; life has set what you truly desire and aspire, so think well, act well, express well for yourself and others, be compassionate, be considerate, be diligent, be prudence, be responsible, be sincere, be truthful and be wise, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Mothers Love

Mothers Love


From our Mothers love to our loving Mothers.


We are the true essence of our Mothers love.


Mothers love is truly pure, sacred and graceful.


Remember the pureness of your Mothers love; Love and cherish the purity of your remembrance.


We each seek our Mothers companionship all across our lifetime since our Mother is truly our greatest friend, guide, inspiration and devotion; We experience a lifetime of amazing grace in each and every moment of our Mothers love, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Lottery, Lot Are We

Lottery, Lot Are We


Many individuals fascinatingly venture into caring and playing lotteries, depending upon the stroke of random good luck to strike them? At times, they spend far much more than just all their money, savings and time. They virtually put themselves and others interests and trust in the pathways of great dangers, perils and unbelievable risks.

Lot Are We

Only if they could actually realize that if they so fervently believe in the lottery they have faith in will truly serve them one day or another is not everything in life after all. They need to side by side, simultaneously care a lot for what they need to do, to attend to-true as well for life is not just a merry go round or an adventure where games are played and respective matters are jeopardized or gambled away please. They could while playing the lottery equally devote their attention and time in being faithful and honest towards their respective obligations and duties as well for good luck comes to those who resourcefully utilize what they have been endowed with compassionately, consciously, diligently, honestly, faithfully, prudently , responsibly, resourcefully, sincerely, truthfully and wisely, God Bless.


They could very well analyze and reflect upon the fervent anxiety, the hyper tension and loads of concerns and worries that they kept carrying before and after the lotteries and that stretched further all the more?Remember the captioned title states, lot are we – indeed, we are a lot more than we think, indeed we truly deserve to care a lot more than we do; indeed we are carrying a lot more than we have discovered, experienced and realized – this is with particular reference to our true nature, our true self and our divine essence which always seeks our sacred engagement and commitment towards being true to our nature as well as nature to our truthfulness. We are a lot when we truly believe in our true self and carefully understand + realize that we have + are and will be given more when we truly be more, that is, when we prove our credentials in serving truly and faithfully our entrusted duties and responsibilities rather than seeking everything well beforehand – for we need to earn the trust, we need to prove our self worth to ourselves and others and this is not just something that is acquired by purchasing it, it is diligently strived for and inculcated into our lives through a remarkable approach of self discipline, regulation, responsibility, due diligence and our creative wisdom that time and again encompasses duty, duty and duty – which are our due time before trying to tie one thing with another simply because we think that we are entitled and deserve certain things, it is not just like that or that like just, it is about being truth to our truthfulness for the process of life works with meticulous precision, a fixed set of rules, the law of cause and effect, the law of sow and reap and various other legitimate and authentic set of factors, principles and values governing nature, the universe and the world amazingly God Bless.

So it was not and it is not he lotteries to blame since there are indeed some individuals who win fortunes from time to time after all but the fortunate advice is not to depend only upon lotteries for everything in life please. Life cannot be spent waiting to win a lottery and leaving everything else aside please, this is risking far much more in life than one could ever imagine, since as it is very well known that too much of anything and any think could lead to fatigue and exhaustion and disgust, whereas moderating and consciously regulating the respective aspects with a fair balance and equanimity could remarkably help to identify the much needed balance that might be essential towards one’s good health, wellness and well being please, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

The Great Secret

The Great Secret


One of the great secrets of our lives is to experience our true nature, our true self and our divine essence; humbly acknowledging the grace and truly seek greatness in ourselves and others consciously.


Now, when it comes to secret; once having experienced our true nature through practice of meditation; the pathway of our self realization, we experience the divine oneness in everything and every think that we do, practice and believe in; it is truly awakening to the magnificence of the cosmos, the universe and the constellation of the solar+soul art system embodied within our true self amazingly.


As we are all aware, our bodies secrete certain acids and fluids. This process of secretion relates to discharging what is needed to be excreted and the creative intelligence of our minds and bodies regulate this process with harmonious consonance and meticulous precision.


While the body does its work remarkably well, the question+quest in comes to our feelings and emotions. Are we perhaps holding onto certain elements and fragments of anger, bitterness, envy, hatred, jealousy, resentment and suppressed emotions of negative tendencies please? Have we been able to forgive and forget, letting go of the immense load of certain tendencies that may be draining away our precious energies please?


Once we truly let go of all that has been acquired through ignorance, negligence and errant assumptions, our lives could remarkably change and significantly improve. Then we realize that it was and unconditional release from the negative tendencies that was holding us back from the true joyfulness of our lives, think carefully again, is it worth holding onto grudges and punishing ourselves and others for no meaningful, purposeful and responsible resolution at all please? This moment will never come back again, the choice is ours; either to live well informed, well in form + form in well+will our true appreciation, gratitude and joyfulness at all that we have been given and resourcefully utilizing each and every precious moment of our lives at making a positive difference in ours and others lives compassionately, God Bless.

Please note – The human system has been engineered to truly let go (since if we hold onto the suppressed emotions, baggage of anger, rage, jealousy, bitterness as well as other set of negative tendencies, we may stagnate the corridors, landscapes and horizons of our thoughts, our intelligence, our feelings  and our emotions) to truly realize and realize the greater goodness that is there within our true nature, to embrace our completeness, our gracefulness, our truthfulness and our wonderfulness for who knows that what we are holding onto may not let go of us due to the false clinging and attachment that we gave it, we gave sanctuary to certain negative feelings and when they became a part of us and when we realized that we wanted to let go but then the habitual tendencies kept elongating and stretching back? almost like a rubber band?

Well, kindly seek to dispel all those thoughts of what if and what if not since there are somethings we can do and there are somethings that grace and truthfulness can do, so let us first earnestly and faithfully do our part and follow the righteous path of living a purposeful life with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, truthfulness and our creative ingenious wisdom infinitely for when knowing the great secret is about secreting, letting go of the negative tendencies; then that is precisely what we do rather than criss crossing or engaging in a duel-competition of contemplating upon what if and what if not and lean from the human body how it magnificently functions and keeps us healthy and well, so likewise we imbue its creative intelligence that is already well in place, all that it truly needs is the truthful acknowledgment, of shedding our ego, our ignorant duality and embrace the oneness of our divine essence and be grateful that we can achieve a lot through discipline, focus, faith, indomitable will power and our conviction which seeks to refer to our strong belief that encompasses the amazing infinite potentiality to achieve brilliant results in different pathways and walks of our lives amazingly. Let us seek to explore and better understand the roots of the incredible brilliance and ingenious creativeness of who we truly are, which is embodied within our true nature, our true self and our divine essence infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Iran, World Powers & Nuclear Agreement, Congratulations & God Bless

Iran, World Powers & Nuclear Agreement, Congratulations & God Bless


It is truly one of the greatest achievements of the decade to note the amazing agreement that has been reached between Iran and the World Powers at Geneva respectively.


The hallmarks of time always inspire us to acknowledge its noblest contention that inner peace that is ever prevalent within each and every one of us is one of the most significant potential powers that can help us achieve and establish greater Universal goodwill, harmony and welfare consistently, God Bless.


While very most gratefully thanking all those concerned with this remarkable agreement, we humbly call upon each and every individual to recognize and experience their true nature, true self and divine essence for we all have a greater purpose and role to play in this wonderful life consistently, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless

Inner Peace, Love, Light and Wisdom, God Bless,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Sadhu T L Vaswani, Lets Meet, Meat Less

Sadhu T L Vaswani, Lets Meet, Meat Less

Lets Meet

Let the mind of our hearts and the hearts of our mind meet each other across the realm of compassion, consideration and conscientiousness.

Meat Less

Let us seek to awaken the virtue of compassionate awareness with the lamp of grace, love, peace, truth and wisdom regarding the noble practice of compassion.


November 25 2013 proudly marks the 134th birth anniversary of Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani. who remarkably instituted the meatless day campaign.


Nature always provides us with an abundance of nutritious resources of nourishment that are adequate to sustain us healthily.


Compassion is celebrating the true essence of our being. By practicing it, we engender and nurture the roots of our evolutionary gracefulness which refers to practicing divine respect for all of God’s creations consistently, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless

Compassion, Love, Light and Wisdom, God Bless,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Om Sai Ram

Om Sai Ram


Om is the symbol of the absolute embodying the essence of the Universe. Om, the eternal home; When we chant Om, we merge with the pure expression of the energy ensconced within our trueselves. We align, attune and merge in divine oneness with the cosmic consciousness, the infinite self seeking Universal goodwill, harmony, progress, sustainability and welfare selflessly. Om is the eternal home of the spirit of life, God Bless.


One of the translational definitions of “Sa” which when expounded+elaborated resonates its primordial elucidation that is “Sansaar”. The translation definition of Sansaar refers to the Universe and “Ai” humbly referring to the “i”; our true nature, true self and our divine essence. We embrace the Universe within our higher self with the compassionate realization that we are spiritual beings of light, filled with pure divine energy, where the truth of the intuitive will of our lives encompasses the evolution of grace and wisdom amazingly, God Bless.


Further, the translational definition of Ram is as follows; “Ra” referring to the “Raah” – which when further expounded refers to the “path”. Here it humbly seeks to the right path which is the practice of righteousness in our actions, thoughts and expressions conscientiously. M respectfully refers to “Ma” – Ma when translated refers to Mother Nature as well as Mothers all across the Universe who are truly the embodiment of compassion, devotion, dignity, joy, happiness, hope, love, magnificence, sincerity, truth and wisdom as well as the amazing grace of divinity. This syllable constitutes the magnificence of our learning, where we are inspired to embrace the true ideology of our lives as taught to us by our loving Parents, especially our Mothers who always strive to enlighten us regarding the incredible importance of living our values committedly, earnestly, faithfully, responsibly and wisely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Remembering President John F Kennedy

Remembering President John F Kennedy



President John F Kennedy represents the dignity of humanity’s true aspiration of characteristical excellence.


Today as we fondly remember him and reflect upon the crossroads of time, we are inspired to introspectively engage in the intuitive conversation with our higher self, our true nature and our divine essence respectively.


The hallmarks of history will always salute him for his erstwhile+noteworthy contributions relating to the development, goodwill, harmony and welfare of the world.


Let us seek to honor his greatness by letting our light to shine through magnificently in living a purposeful life with a commitment to live our values, conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, sincerity, truthfulness and our creative wisdom infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love and Light,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Players, The Play Is Here

Players, The Play Is Here


The games we play, the game is we are played!


Every game requires a conscious, committed and dedicated engagement and fair, just and responsible participation and so does life and its glorious moments infinitely, God Bless.(just that is justice and righteous)

Here Is, is Here

Its not out there somewhere, it is right here, right+precisely where you are. whether you call it a game, a match, a competition, a duel, a battle, an aspiration, an conquest, an ambition, an goal, an penchant desire, a journey, an adventure, a stroke of luck, your fortune, your stars, your horoscope, the shining star, your stars, your planets, your virtues, your characteristics, your impulse, your determination, an ardent quest, an cherished hope, a true hope, a result, an advantage, an benefit, a gain, a competitive spirit, a lifelong trek, the dream of a life, the moment of a lifetime and so on and so forth; the rules are belief, compassion, conscious awareness, consideration, conscientiousness, competence, commitment, dedication, due diligence, empathy, faith, focus, fortitude, integrity, loyalty, legitimacy, resolve, radiance, responsibility, righteousness, sincerity, tenacity, truthfulness and your brilliant creative wisdom respectively, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

The Divine Trust

The Divine Trust


The human trust in divinity.


The divine trust in humanity.


Its the pure truth of our nature as well as nature of our truthfulness, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved




What are you dreaming?


Beaming, you are what?


Well, be and mean what you are truly, living your values grace and greatness, God Bless.


Some people are dreaming while the beam+in is reflecting back the imagined set of actualities and then they are beaming joyfully which needs one thing, at one time with one centredness, focus is what the dream, the beam and the being require please.


Every breath, desire, emotion, feeling, impulse, pulse, sensation is responding to your outlook of life whether, when you are dreaming, when you are beaming or when you are being+meaning please.


Think again, life is not a dream, it is the pure reality, so awaken to your true divine essence and beam forth the incredible magnificence of your true self, make your life purposeful, be resourceful and contentious, realize that what you have been endowed along with this precious time is truly a blessing, this time too shall pass but this pass true shalt time, if you let you time go by without doing anything constructive, then you are sadly engaging in the most challenging action which is doing nothing at all? doing no+think at all? Just whiling away the time in chatting? in watching somethings that do not relate to your positive development in life? and just gossiping? networking or socializing without actually managing your time schedules please?


Some people say they dream’t they were a millionaire, well there are a million years, there are a million moments here, what did you do all along? Dream’t and dream’t more and more? Dreaming holds somethings, some messages but it is entirely upto us to ascertain and nourish our intellectual faculties, to discern and feed and nurture the thoughts and notions that are constructive, meaningful, purposeful, responsible and wise please.

Please wake up before it is too late, take charge of your life before life takes charge of you and seeks accountability and then it might be too very late for all that socializing, all those chats and all those fancy gadgets and all the dreams without any constructive platforms might all collapse instantaneously when the reality arrives and seeks firm accountability please.


Dream, enjoy the dreams but know what is in+joy and enjoy, not just enjoy and say who cares, when the time comes, we will awaken? That is foolishness and ignorant thinking that dream now and when the time comes, things will fall into place by themselves. You have been equipped with the wisdom and the capabilities to strengthen the vision of your dreams with your beams, the beams that emanate from your true nature, from your true self, from your divine essence, empowering and providing you with amazing strength, grace and wisdom that always seeks to earnestly sustain the visions that belong to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the universe infinitely, God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Now I Know

Now I Know

Choices, Choice Is


Know, you have choices.

Choice Is

Choice is, you have now.


Live in the now of the know, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Be Calm

Be Calm


What we be calm with is what we become with as well.


Practicing calmness (meditation-infinite stillness) helps us to discover as well as to actually be discovered (self realization) and to experience our true self, our true nature and our divine essence as well as witness and humbly participate with+in the panorama of the graceful cosmic evolution manifesting its primordial agendas magnificently, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Shri Sathya Sai Baba, The Prashant of Ananda

Shri Sathya Sai Baba, The Prashant of Ananda


23rd November 2013 marks the 88th birthday of Shri Sathya Sai Baba respectively.


We would wish to humbly felicitate Baba and joyfully express our earnest admiration, sincere appreciation and profound gratitude for his esteemed guidance and graceful wisdom consistently.


The translational definition of Prashant refers to peace and Ananda refers to supreme joyfulness.


The joy of truly being alive, committed, compassionate, diligent, faithful, happy, prudent, radiant, responsible, sincere, truthful, wise and living our values is what life is all about. Let us seek to earnestly live every moment with+in the joyful realization of the pureness of our being marvelously.


Baba has always taught us to be the one we truly are; being one in the oneness with our true self. our true nature and our divine essence; to earnestly abide by the commitments we have made to be true to our nature as well as nature to our truthfulness.


Baba’s teachings evoke our conscious awareness to live a purposeful life with commitment, conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, sincerity, truthfulness and faithful abidance towards our respective agendas, assignments, duties, responsibilities, studies and tasks earnestly; To light the lamp of compassion, joy, love, peace and wisdom in the mind of our hearts and the heart of our minds gracefully.


Sathya represents the Truth. Truth is the frequency that has been transmitting its cosmic waves ever since the Universe evolved and will seek to continually radiate its splendor and magnificence infinitely.


Baba inspires us to reflect upon the divine reflection of God which is ensconced within our true nature. The mind of our hearts and the heart of our minds enshrines the grace of God amazingly. We experience the divine essence of our soul when we seek to identify, discover, recognize, realize and experience our true nature amazingly.


We experience the true love of God when our minds and hearts are immersed in profound devotional union and alignment with the supreme oneness+ consciousness, we thereby experience the miraculous wonderfulness and ingenious magnificence of this brilliant life through expanding our consciousness and attaining our self realization  magnificently.


Truth is the pure elevated alignment of our thoughts to the level of universal consciousness such as the divine light. Being the moment as it is, expressing our divinity; experiencing our evolutionary growth in grace and wisdom humbly empowers and facilitates our divine light to shine through and radiate the hallmarks of magnificence in living a purposeful life with conscious awareness infinitely.


When we seek to truly be one with ourself; to be one with our true nature, with our divine essence; we experience the completeness, the greatness, the gracefulness, the wonderfulness and truthfulness of our being’s pure oneness infinitely, God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Compassion, Love, Light and Wisdom, God Bless,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Smartphone, Heartphone, The Divine Voice

Smartphone, Heartphone, The Divine Voice


The smartphone gives us information while the heart phone forms great visions in forth giving.


The smartphone keeps us well informed while the heart phone keeps us well in form.


The smartphone lets us connect when there is a network whereas the heart phone always calm in net us with our net worth.


The smartphone allows us to chat, play games and watch video clips while the heart phone all loves us to chart, portray frames and swatch we thou care leap soar; calipso as well as gyrate to the melodious calypso rhythmical resonating the intonation of the thumbs tapping away the drums true our way.


The smartphone thinks smart ahead while the heart phone thinks and puts the heart ahead always.


With the smartphone we reach across, while the heart phone preaches and teaches us the cross roads of our true living.


The smartphone depends on the batteries while the heart phone true fends on the better we.


The smartphone at times leave us unaware while the heart phone makes us consciously aware of what we wear+were.


The smartphone is our vital link to the world nowadays while the heart phone has and will always be our why will linkedin to the world, to our words, to nature and the universe know our days and ways.


The smartphone makes us wonder while the heart phone makes us realize that wonderfulness is always ours, just a heart beat away – a way, the courteous and righteous way always.


The smartphone may appear to shine while the heart phone shines its true appearance.


The smartphone depends on its apps while the heart phone claps on its true independence.


The smartphone radiates signals while the heart phone mediates us to seeks + speak well.


The smartphone comes to us as a gift while the heart phone gifts us all that could ever come forth.


The smartphone was invented while the heart phone was created by the gracefulness of God.


The smartphone makes us remember while the heart phone remembers our make in, our made in, our match in with priceless values and gracefulness.


The smartphone needs electrical power to recharge its batteries whereas the heart phone kneads all the fascinatingly magnificent empowerment true in charge its better we.


The smartphone has patents while the heart phone says patience is the inner contentment devoid of any copyright for gladness is an innate part of our being on our true path of living a purposeful life with conscious awareness, due diligence, foresight, prudence, responsibility, sincerity, truthfulness and wisdom infinitely.


The smartphone make us ready from outside while the heart phone already makes us further strengthened right from the roots of truthfulness inside as well as insight our true self amazingly.


The smartphone counts the minutes, the air time, the tariff while the heart phone means its counting far and wide everytime, ever fair, just, joyful and precisely meaningful and caring.


The smartphone came to us now while the heart phone knew our coming; our calm in ever since time imemmorial.


The smartphone helps us to listen to our music while the heart phone melodiously musicalizes our listening; our listen+in to our higher self and our true nature respectively.


The smartphone may only come hear us when we tend to carry it whereas the heart phone is ever loyally near us, gloriously caring and carrying us triumphantly across the landscapes of our lives compassionately, joyously and proudly.


The smartphone make us enjoy the realization of colorfulness while the heart phone beams the real life’s vision of calling upon our fulfillingness.


The smartphone seeks innovation and innovative developments to keep pace with the evolving trends while the heart phone speaks of the amazing courage, foresight and wisdom our our inner vision – our higher self brilliantly.


The smartphone needs to be bought along with subscription to plans while the heart phone come gratuitously with the master plan from the master architect of our lives, our loving Parents and the wonderful grace of God amazingly, God Bless.


The smartphone makes our mind work excitedly while the heart phone makes our mind and heart accentuate and align every moments of our lives note worthily, momentously, constructively, meaningfully, purposefully and wisely.


The smartphone brought us closer to one another while the heart phone brought trust in one another’s true closeness and companionship in the oneness of our graceful evolution.


The smartphone belongs to someone else till we may have our own while the heart phone be+longs true us until we we soar with the visions that belong to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the universe infinitely.

Divine Essence

The smartphone is a device while the heart phone is the voice of divinity, our divine essence, our true nature and our true self infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved


Your Style

Your Style


Express your style, style your expressions.


Express your care, compassion, courage, feelings, gratitude, grace, humility, love, nobility, opinion, peace, prudence, radiance, sincerity, truth, values and wisdom; they never go out of style, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

God’s Classroom

God’s Classroom


The lesson=listen+in to your truth continues.


The intuitive dialogue, living your true values.


The syllabus, calm to=true you in you truly.


The moral of each chapter is to realize that you are a true being of light filled with pure divine energy; to recognize your divine will+higher purpose as well as to experience your true self, your true nature and your divine essence in the radiant grace of oneness that unites all of us amazingly, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Laughter & The Inner Smile

Laughter & The Inner Smile


Laughter encompasses the amazing summary of life’s choicest moments.


Moments embody the priceless joyfulness of life’s laughter that truly belongs to the smile with+in as well.


This is truly enjoying right from with+in, reaching across our true self, our true nature, our divine essence and celebrating the inner smile across the ever joyful miles of this glorious life infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved




At certain rare instances, we may unknowingly miss making+taking heed and note of what needs to be acknowledged, done and carefully considered and regarded respectively.


The missed takes might appear at times based on once in a lifetime and we need to carefully pay attention to what is going on with+in.


Its so much about miss take+in rather than the takes we miss in for what we forget to incorporate and instill need the very specific sequences of its particular process to evolve and then manifest.


To simply put it in one sentence, no detail could be either too unimportant or extremely over important that it overshadows everything else in its pathways. If we missed taking in what needed to be carefully understood, then we might constantly keep lingering along the corridors of profound regret which would actually impede any process far much challengingly.


Some people learn from their mistakes while others learn from others and seek to carefully implement certain barriers, protocols, rules, guidelines and systematic patterns to help pro actively detect and prevent the spillage or overflowing. It is a matter of keen interest that is needed in each and every process of life for life is interesting and interest is life’s making, God Bless.

Please Kindly Note – The reason to avoid staying just constantly with the regretfulness is not because it is just avoiding and dis regarding the credibility of what transpired but rather seeking to be practical and realistic in preparing for what’s next – since if staying back in what already happened but could not be prevented and then lamenting and wailing may cloud and distract one’s attentiveness along with precious energetic resolve which could otherwise prove to be more useful in attending to the organized and systematic approach of pro activeness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility and one’s creative wisdom respectively, God Bless.

Someone may say so what’s new, this is something perhaps they may have come across and classify it as elementary and what is more professional and more innovative, well, sometimes the simplest of things need to be repeated and reminded from time to time to ensure that they get well registered and are there to be truly applied within one’s life essentially with due relevance and considerable importance, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved