God What We Got

God What We Got


When we ask God what we want, we won’t ask for what we got?


We should bask in what we have got for its what we inevitably get after all.


Appreciation and gratitude for what we have been endowed with has its own graciousness and gracefulness that is truly incredible, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Thoughts, Entertaining? Attaining!

Thoughts, Entertaining? Attaining!


IF we keep on entertaining ourselves with some thoughts, then we will keep on attaining the results that are truly proportionate to its related thinking after all!

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

People Like Right

People Like Right

Indeed, People like Right Things for the Right Reasons Because Righteousness Is Their True Nature


People like to write, well let them right – make righteousness their true liking, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Somebody to Lean On

Somebody to Lean On


Across this graceful life of ours, many a time we need somebody to lean on – someone with whom we share our precious life’s moments remarkably.


While reciprocating the graciousness of our loved, near and dear one’s for their amazing support there is also our brilliant embodiment to lean upon – this is the greatness of our true nature, our true self and our divine essence.


Since what emerges from within our higher self is encompassing an incredible wealth of wisdom and priceless attributes which helps shoulder and nurture each and every moment of our lives very most magnificently, God Bless.


Please remember, our true self is always there within us and we can connect with its pureness by truly embracing the completeness of our true nature. When we meditate, we witness the amazing radiance of our divine essence and seek to communicate with this with a sense of oneness that is us. Since sometimes, when alone, when needing someone to reach across and feeling helpless? or lost? or overwhelmed? or confused? please remember that you are never alone – your higher self, your true self, your true nature and your divine essence is always with you, caring for you, nurturing you and somebody to lean on infinitely with grace, trust and devotion, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Weigh the Consequences

Weigh the Consequences


When we don’t know the way, now may appear as the better way? or otherwise?


Whatever decisions are taken, they must take various aspects into careful consideration to ensure that it relates to the well being of one another fairly and truly please. The captioned title humbly seeks to inspire establishment of a pro active instead of reactive approach please since if one consequently reflects upon weighing the divergent factors much later on than they should have been – it would be seeking to justify where no possibilities might prevail please. Why not seek to adopt and ensure practice of a disciplined approach where the weighing of the pros and cons is attended to as the right way, right away rather than procrastinating or deferring it for much later on please since everything arrives sooner or later and when it arrives, it also departs at its own pace without provision of any space or element of time to make or integrate any adjustments please. So many a time, please realize that life is not a race and that just coming first in the process or scoring higher marks or earning a higher distinction is not all that there is, there are various other aspects that need to be taken into accountability and applicability as well please since we are all interconnected and what we do for one another comes back to us in one way or another, at one time or another, in one form or another, so let us seek to truly deliver our very best that is relegating safety and one another’s well being as the very greatest and highest priority + paramount factor predominantly preceding everything else please.


Even if there maybe urgency and demanding schedules, budgetary and financial pressures or other surmounting time demands – time and again, the safety and well being cannot be compromised since life is not a dress rehearsal or having provision of multiple opportunities please. Many instances in life are absolutely singular and do not have any repeated chances or trials or the sorry I did not know – the please forgive me and I shall do better next time and take more care and pay more attention – no, no and no – since when we are given the responsibility, we need to ensure that we are commitedly performing our tasks with complete devotion and faithfulness, with absolute awareness and a sense of dedicated and unflinching responsibility please. There is no time to attend to the messaging, the smartphones, the video clips, the chats and jokes, there is no time to glance at the news or socially engage when one is given some particular task to perform please, in one’s leisure time, one may by all means take the liberty to attend to one’s social engagement but when on duty – when assigned to a task – whether at school, whether at work, whether on duty, whether anywhere whatsoever – remember to be there fully, completely and with absolutely loyalty and complete conscious awareness, please do not seek to deviate or play around with your or others times and safety please, you are given what you have been given because you have been trusted and recognized for your capabilities, so please abide loyally by what has been conferred upon you and uphold the ethical and sincere approach of wholeheartedly performing your tasks and duties responsibly please, God Bless.


Life is not just about doing somethings because we have been assigned to do so but rather it is because we have been “entrusted” to true sow please. Sowing the seeds of good virtues as well as living our values and principles across the landscape of this magnificent life enthusiastically as well as with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility and our creative wisdom earnestly and faithfully please, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved


Happy National Day China, October 1 2013

Happy National Day China, October 1 2013

Celebrations, Congratulation, 64th Anniversary of the Founding of The People’s Republic Of China, God Bless

The People’s Republic Of China

The People’s Republic Of China proudly celebrates its 64th anniversary on October 1 2013 respectively.


It is a great privilege to take this opportunity to reach across and felicitate the Chinese Community in The People’s Republic Of China and all across the World.


It marks the remarkable economic growth spanning six decades of the admirable, enterprising, innovative and truly commendable initiatives of its wonderful people.


This has always been amazingly complimented by its rich cultural heritage spanning well over five thousand years of admiration, dignity, grace, respect and immense pride.


The People’s Republic Of China’s contributions to regional and global peace, prosperity, progress and sustainability are immensely appreciated, God Bless.


The national motto of The People’s Republic Of China is “Gung Ho” – The translational definition of this is “Work Together, Work In Harmony”. This is indeed truly resonating the creative and incredible magnificent attitude, greatness, gracefulness, dedication, excellence, unity and wisdom of the Chinese nation and its admirably wonderful people always, God Bless.


The true spirit of The People’s Republic Of China will always shine forth gloriously and grace the Universe with its remarkable contributions focused upon sustaining the visions that belongs to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the Universe infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light & Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Values, Our Worth

Values, Our Worth


What we maintain, maintains our worthiness.


It truly starts with living our values and principles, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Life Pre-Tends

Life Pre-Tends


Some of us pretend till its time?


Life pre-tends time with its will!

(pre as we all know is well before-the organized + systematic approach – and tend referring to taking care. Well that’s life’s way of taking care as caring truly takes, God Bless)


Life’s approach inspires us to live a purposeful life with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility and our creative wisdom consistently, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Life Happens

Life Happens


Somethings force us to change?


While, yet at sometimes – it is sum thinks that face us with true changes!


The choice is ours – how we truly accept, adapt and integrate certain strategic changes into our lives please.


It is said that life is what happens to us? Well actually it is, how we live our truth – life happens to+true us accordingly, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved


Complete the Conversation

Complete the Conversation

Remember, Our Consciousness Creates Our Reality!


The day we truly start and trust in consciously engaging and completing the series of intuitive conversations at each specific instance with ourselves, we will start conversing with+in the completion of living our grace amazingly.


We regard some people with profound admiration, compassion, love and respect while overlooking some others of our fellow beings at the very same time even although they are our very own near and dear ones? One day all of this will measure up and come back to us likewise and then we will be left wondering, where did it start after all?


Its all within us, our choices, our preferences and our desires but beyond all of this is the call of our soul’s agenda which inspires us time and again to importantly awaken to the realization of our truthfulness and to live our values and principles. To come together commitedly, earnestly and faithfully to sustain the visions that belong to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the Universe infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Overlook? Looks Over Us

Overlook? Looks Over Us


Do we tend to overlook what looks over us?


In one glance, it is trust while in another, it is thrust?


Everything depends on how we look at things rather than how they are.


A lot in our lives depends upon our outlook-our perspective and our attitude, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Rush? Rash Decisions?

Rush? Rash Decisions?


Rushing at certain times (habitually?) has supposedly become an integral part of our lives? Is this true?


IF we are late – delayed – angry – worried – hurt – misunderstood? worried – anxious – genuinely concerned – or caught in different set of circumstances and scenarios, we rush frantically?


Does this insistence to reach across in time actually help us since we focus mainly on the reaching and in the process tend to over reach? over stretch? over extend? over pressurize? and over demand from ourselves and others?


In the process of rushing, we inadvertently have additions or editions heaped onto our lives? This seeks to refer to the after effects since during the process we may not actually tend to realize but when we pause and reflect upon the sequence of events, we find that we took so many risks and then we experienced so many emotional turbulence’s simply because of negligence? ignorance or laziness? or just carelessness?


This is why when we look at certain people, we are greatly impressed by the way they live their lives – whether it maybe their day to day living or embarking on a journey, they are always gladly anticipating what’s right there in the present moment as well as what’s ahead in the anticipated moments. All being attended to with a sense of calmness, organization and systematic scheduling and depending upon making notes and ensuring to be there on time with time in time.


Some individuals may tend to just exclaim so what and whats so big about rush after all? Meaning they kind of take it for granted that they have been equipped and endowed with the rushing capability and tend to make it habitual? But do they realize that in the process, how they stress and pressurize their nerves and their minds? They also cause panic for others who are connected to them in some way or another since others experience prolifically immense stress at noticing how lethargically and deliberately the schedules are being dealt with regretfully.


Regardless of what anyone may think, do or express – it is always better to be pro active and systematic. To organize and always ensure that each one is responsibly attending to what one needs to do well in time with complete conscious awareness and alertness since otherwise at times the price of rushing might be unpredictable because one may have to rush through traffic taking enormous risks – one may miss appointments and the opportunities may never come again? one may miss on some of the finest moments of one’s life simply because they choose to laze around and ignore all reasonable steps and measures needed to be reckoned and acknowledged? Why, why and why the need for rush when yet again it may become the rush for need? Meaning in the process of rushing, forgetting the keys? forgetting some important documents? forgetting some important points? forgetting some important details? forgetting some extremely vital and crucial agendas? And so many more frantic and panic situations generated and created simply because of affiliating with the rush factor? But why? When having the choices, why not chose to reason instead of rushing please? Having the time and timing the having but then yet seeking to leave at the last minute? Is this doing justice to what one is doing, trying to multi task and then running and pushing? risking one’s and others safety?

Rushing is understandable in emergencies where the need for urgent assistance is duly warranted but making rush a habitual way of living is definitely not warranted or helpful at all please? No, this is not understandable at all since life is not an emergency please, life is emerge in seeing – being, living and seeing the greatness and of who you truly are please and for sure in the greatness it did not come about just like that, it took a lot of careful initiatives, meticulous efforts and commitments as well as dedication to nurture each and every step of your life please, Please carefully understand that whatever is being stated is for your own good and that if you realize and carefully note each and every aspect of your life, you will see the differences that when you calmly did somethings in an organized manner and when you did somethings repeatedly in a hasty-rushing manner with deliberate last minute approaches, you may be amazed to note that there was a great element of differences between the calmer and the frantic approaches – that for sure the calmer approach got you the results with delight fulness and satisfaction while the rushingness may have brought or may not have brought results? but whatever may have come with the rushingness, may have left you with a feeling of extreme tiredness and what effect this may have been having repeatedly on your nerves? on your mind? on your heart? on your organs? on your complete self is very difficult to gauge please, kindly understand that you are not a mechanical being, you are a human being and you have feelings and care for yourselves and others truly well, so why not adopt a disciplined and systematic and organized way of doing things please, why just adopt the rush and last minute approach please? Think about it since sometimes there may not be enough time to think about it due to the profound regrets and sadness that may results at having forsaken priceless opportunities of this life called our moments, each and every moment is truly precious and definitely not worth the rushingness please, kindly understand please.


Rushing may lead to rash decisions and what those decisions may constitute and turn out to be? what outcomes are completely unpredictable please, think yet again whatever you are doing, be carefully attentive and vigilant and consciously aware and responsible since once you do somethings, they are completely irreversible and please remember that each moment of our life is truly priceless and never comes back again, so please do what needs to be done with complete awareness, due diligence, prudence and responsibility – seeking to make organization and systematic delegation and disciplined scheduling a habitual way of your life please instead of just rushing around please, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Invite, In-Vite, While In

Invite, In-Vite, While In


Across our lifetime, we keep inviting far much more with our thoughts than we could ever imagine.


The translational definition of vite refers to lively as well as quickly. Within the fraction of a few moments, we realize that what took us a lifetime to achieve was always actually positioned at the very most closest distance from us after all.

While In

Beyond the invitation and enthusiasm, it is the lingering and nurturing of certain thoughts that tend to remain deep rooted with+in the crevices of our minds -as well as within the realms of our hearts and appear to become aligned with our soul’s agenda.


Living our values along with experiencing our true nature, our true self and our divine essence can help us to gracefully sustain the evolution of so many amazing aspects of our lives infinitely, God Bless.


In our lives, when we truly seek with our pure intentions the very most sacred choices – we realize the quest is far beyond what we may have engaged and thought with incessantly. That it is all actually a matter of practicing acceptance, compassion, humility, kindness and unconditional love towards ourselves and all of God’s creations selflessly, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Its You

Its You

Everywhere you look, its you – whether – with+in as well as all around you, you are experiencing and witnessing your reflection in what you see+seek amazingly.

God loves you and shines through you when you express unconditional love for all of God’s creations including yourself and radiate your pure divine essence non dualistically.

You got it, yet you seek to keep searching and filling? fulfilling? While actually its your true self and your true nature that you must truly feel and experience to witness the witnessing and let your truth help you realize your completeness.

Many people keep thinking that their outer circumstances will govern everything in their lives while yet here again, it is what they are truly believing within themselves that will keep emerging, merging and manifesting until they realize that they are the composer as well as the composition harmoniously aligning + elucidating and intonating their primordial aspirations enchantingly.

The cosmic energy connects everything and when we truly realize the pureness of our energy, we effortlessly transform the landscapes of our lives remarkably because everything that we think, do and express has its greater potential for establishment of universal goodness selflessly. Our way of looking at things becomes vastly clarified and empowered with a unique oneness that no longer identifies itself as separate from the source of all creation and regards the transcendence of our ego with profound humility knowing that its you and you are its – you become the performer as well as the witness – you become the doer as well as the watcher – you become the act as well as the actor – you become the learner as well as the teacher – you become the disciple as well as the master (the master being our true nature, our true self and our divine essence respectively) – everywhere its you because you are truly its, both belonging to the incredible virtue of oneness of cosmic consciousness that exemplifies the embodiment of our divine essence infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

What do we Seek? Seek do we What? Pure Intention

What do we Seek? Seek do we What? Pure Intention

Tempted? Temp Its? Temper and Temperature


Some people are not able to control their anger and realize it quite later on when it is almost futile to make any amends.


Whether temptation, temperature,, temper or any other factor – its so much about the emotional engagement of our thoughts.


Let us seek to learn more about our thinking process – think how we feel good as well as feel good about how we think.


It may not be as easy as just reading and practicing it but taking the first step and then some more responsible steps in the same direction with a desire – an aspiration to better regulate our lives could hopefully help in some way after all.


We nay discipline and regulate our food habits as well as be consciously aware of whatever we consume along with practicing meditation. We may do a lot more but still a lot more all depends on what we truly seek since that is what will principally emerge and evolve + manifest in our lives predominantly.


The world will always seek the best for you but your intention has to be pure when reciprocating this sacred quest of the universe for yourselves and others please. Regardless of whatever maybe, it always becomes a matter of your truth as well as your pureness seeking which converses with nature and the universe very most amazingly.


Believe in your true self, your true nature and your divine essence – your life has been given to you to grow in grace and wisdom, to faithfully perform your duties and identify how best you could each contribute and sustain the visions that belong to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the universe infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved




We might tie a lot at high frequencies.


Yet when untying the very same lot at lower frequencies might be quite daunting?


The methodical precision of life is truly amazing for its calibrated processes of alignment and synchronicity.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Pressure & Recognition, The Status Quotient

Pressure & Recognition, The Status Quotient

Living Our Values Represents Our Greatest Success. God Bless


Whether at home, at study, in the society or at work – kindly seek to recognize the pressure – but do not pressure the recognition.


Do the very best and reasonable possible within your means but do not get extremely overwhelmed or intensely anxious with how things are going to unfold or keeping pace with the evolving trends.


We may have heard the fabled adage that life is around ten percent of what occurs in our lives against ninety percent of how we react please? How we respond please?


Your attitude and perspective should not be clouded with solely what’s on others agendas and striving to catch and measure up distantly while overlooking your own agendas and priorities which might be yearning for your much needed conscious approached filled with attentiveness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility and wisdom please.


Every individual who have achieved and excelled have faithfully, loyally and responsibly + wisely endeavored to reach where they are in their respective careers and lives please. Kindly realize carefully that just looking at someone and experiencing any bitterness, envy, hatred, jealousy or resentment will actually hurt you more than anyone else please.


Please remember that wherever you are in life, at this very moment make a commitment – pledge to let go, to forgive and banish all the negative tendencies as much as possible and if needed call upon your higher self – your divine essence to help grant you the awakening – the realization – the wisdom to discern and choose responsibly and wisely whether in your thoughts, actions or expressions respectively.


Whether there is demand or pressure at college, at school, at the university, in the society, at work or on social platforms – do remember that its your choice, of how you react that will either accelerate, precipitate or intensify the complete state of affairs. Agreed there maybe somethings beyond our control but then if just saying that anc conceding defeat is not going to be helpful at all. Life’s academy is far more greater and has endowed us with incredible capabilities and wisdom to live a balanced, joyful, happy and responsible life please.


If you experience tremendous pressure with the challenging ordeals, please do not panic – whether it maybe the competitions at any given platform, always realize and carefully understand that when you achieve and accomplish and reflect upon your accomplishments – you experience a great sense of elation and pride at having come so far after all – but please do remember that if you need to speak to someone and seek counseling or confide in your Parents, your Family members and your true Well Wishers please do so, but do not punish yourself incessantly with any assumptions or negative thoughts that why this is happening only to you – remember that each and every one of us have been given a responsibility to ensure that we are performing well but if in need of help, seek it – do not isolate or seclude yourself and pityfy or self induce any particular ideology of thoughts that might be considered negative please.


In life, many a time, its not solely about the distance – at having come so far and wide but at each and every precious moment, it is this stance – yes, this very stance – at any given moment, depending on what you truly intend to do and provided it is in the best interests of all concerned including you, a lot can be realized – but do remember that this means that if you cannot help someone, please do not engage in hurting anyone in anyway whatsoever even if it maybe on the thought level please. Do what you are supposed to do truly instead of engaging in idle talk, gossiping, rumor mongering or just aimlessly wandering across life please. Life life purposefully with conscious awareness, have a goal that is constructive and meaningful, make each and every moment of your life count and matter responsibly please.


Please do not get caught in the complaining or blaming game since some people don’t have the gift of vision or are afflicted with numerous diseases and maladies and yet they gratefully move forward as if they were the ever happiest. Some others barely have one square meal a day and do not have even a single bottle of water across a complete day and yet they gratuitously move ahead. Others are orphans and are still joyful and resourcefully utilizing each and every opportunity and moment they are gifted with. Likewise, in whatever area of life we may reflect upon, we would be amazed to note how millions of people despite their physical or mentally disadvantaged conditions strive ahead with certain hope and remarkable perseverance, we should be proud of their resolve as well as ours and inspire one another to meaningfully and responsibly move ahead towards embracing our greatness, gracefulness and wisdom appreciatively.

Please Note – And carefully understand one detail please that what you think of, believe in and have faith in your true self, your true nature and your divine essence counts and matters far much more than what others may think or regard you. It all stats principally with and continues with+in+along with you please, develop and maintain a healthy and constructive outlook and responsible perspective of life always please, God Bless.


The captioned topic stated with the pressure and recognition aspects and deviated considerably but somehow, somewhere we may be comparing and measuring ourselves against others who are more fortunate or privileged? Is that so? Well, the reality is that we are also fabulously fortunate, privileged and blessed with so many priceless attributes and capabilities – resources and opportunities and that we need to lean to accept and acknowledge as well as strive ahead purposefully, responsibly and wisely since it starts with us and grows with us but it all starts with+in us since what seeds we plant within our minds sprout and blossom to provide us with a far greater scope that overshadows the miniscule-trivial measures of imaginary competitive platforms – why this reference to such great aspirations and dreams? Well, because unless we learn to live our values and principles, nothing else could matter any much more for it is carrying forth the hallmarks of our primordial heritage that we have been entrusted and then comes everything else – remember living our values represents our greatest success infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved


The Present, Our Future

The Present, Our Future


We think about our future in the present. (seek to live a purposeful life with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility and wisdom in the now in our lives, it is truly precious)


The present thinks about the present in its future.


Life thinks about the future of the present in the present of its future, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved





A sense of satisfaction is obtained from what we have got.


The essence of satisfaction is derived through the experience of the realization in gratuitously+humbly acknowledging and greeting what we have been having ever since time immemorial, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Believe, Happens, Happiness

Believe, Happens, Happiness


When we truly believe, everything happens.


When we believe the truth, every think is happiness.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Settlement, Peace at Being, Being at Peace

Settlement, Peace at Being, Being at Peace


Its so much about set+till+will.


It is the indomitable will power of the human spirit that harvests its evolutionary growth in grace and wisdom infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Carrying – Caring

Carrying < !_! > Caring

Lets Start Caring Truly


All along our lives, we have been carrying a lot.


Let us start caring a lot for ourselves and others truly.


Care carries far much more than we could ever imagine.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Mid Autumn Festival, Moon Cake Festival, Lantern Festival, Harvesting Thankfulness

Mid Autumn Festival, Moon Cake Festival, Lantern Festival, Harvesting Thankfulness


19 September 2013 marks the celebrations of the Mid Autumn festival respectively.


This is represented by the completion of the summer harvesting season.


The observance of the above festival is traditionally complimented by partaking of the delicious moon cakes.


The festivities gracefully represent the abundant expression of the amazing joyfulness experienced at the providence of the Universe and Mother Nature always.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless

Love, Light & Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Holding Back, A Little Time

Holding Back, A Little Time


If only, we could hold time back a little more?


If only, we could hold more back, for a little more time?

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

College, Call Age, The Agenda Calls

College, Call Age, The Agenda Calls


All along + across life, whether at school, at college, at work, at home, at play, at leisure, at travel as well as across the incredible pathways of our lives, it is primarily the agendas that help clarify so much of what we aspire and seek respectively. Perhaps, we may come to realize the instrumental importance of our agendas at one time or another but depending on when we come to acknowledge+reckon and take the essential-relevant steps, we may tend to notice corresponding set of changes and improvements in our lives accordingly.


We may have noticed that if we are not lucidly clear and specific about what we actually seek, then we could be aimlessly wandering and getting or reaching nowhere at all? Please kindly remember that nothing just happens by chance, luck, fortune or destiny on its own, you are the architect and creator of your own destiny, your luck, your chances and opportunities. You are the harbinger – have you heard of the boomerang, well it is a similar concept and ideology – process that applies where certain aspects unfold in our lives whether at the immediate given stages or at sometime in the near or distant future attributing its essence to what we ourselves precipitated whether on the thought, action or expression level, nothing goes unnoticed or ignored, nature and the universe are operating very intelligently and so are we, the difference being that some of us realize our creative intelligence and resourcefully utilize whatever we have been given to the very best of our abilities without complaining or fretting and thereby augmeting our greater share of luck, fortune, achievements, milestones and fabulous rewards and yet despite all accomplishments remaining disciplined and humble with+in the outcomes knowing that we have all come to this world to each play our roles with a sense of grace, purpose, responsibility and wisdom earnestly, God Bless.


Having an agenda where we are detailing what needs to be done when and how responsibly and wisely – planning methodically and implementing systematically helps strengthen the landscapes of divergent routes+road maps of our lives. Make it a point to work with firm discipline and accountability, practicing what has been followed and is followed all along which is to make notes and commit to a clear and specific agenda, know where you are heading and how you intend to do so as well as being well organized about what it is that you wish to achieve please.


We may have noticed how some individuals despite having the most meager of resources defied all the challengingly overwhelming circumstances and scenarios in their lives to ascend and reach the pinnacle of success. They had their note pad in which they recorded their observations and set about embarking from one milestone to another, their determined resolve and indomitable will power inspires each and everyone of us to likewise commit faithfully to our respective agendas where we should ensure that we are consistently living our values and being true to our nature and commitments promisingly and steadfastly.


The captioned title is symbolic and does not particularly apply only to college (remember that we are ever learning and are students of the University of Life’s Academy) but rather across divergent facets and phases of our lives amazingly. Regardless of where we maybe at any given time, we must seek to be clear about our agendas, our commitments, our priorities and realistic set of expectancies by clearly knowing what we intend to achieve as well as being now with what we are attending to respectively. Every moment is truly priceless and has been gifted to us so that we may resourcefully utilize it to the very best of our capabilities with utmost responsibility and wisdom. The better we are, the better life will be, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

What’s Next?

What’s Next?


When some people become obsessively anxious of what’s next, they may tend to become overwhelmingly gripped with actually a series of next’s what incessantly? It is more like they vacillate from one set of possibilities all along to another almost instantaneously utilizing tremendous energy that could otherwise have been more resourcefully divested with care and courage.


It maybe a small fragment – an tiny element that grew in proportion substantially to predominate vast areas+sectors+spans of precious time mysteriously.


Prediction is something that cannot necessarily vouch for definitive set of results – while pray+diction may tend to coast along with beliefs, hopes and fervent wishes – and amongst all precision is what follows a principled and disciplined approach, not leaving things just by themselves to chance, but rather pro actively organizing and systematically engineering the structural approach of every endeavor meticulously. The landscapes of precision intentionally seek to take on the responsible approaches to the divergent avenues from a better informed perspective along with a sense of optimism, prudence, wisdom and gracefulness, God Bless.


We may notice certain individuals continually waiting for that one fine day and moment to arrive all along their lifetime while letting the amazing set of precision oriented opportunities to swiftly pass by ignorantly? Remember, that everything is precision – every aspect of life is absolutely precise in its nature where clarity prevails and is+are governed by predefined set of principles and values that have been prevalent ever since time immemorial, God Bless.


Take any aspect of life and carefully reflect upon it, the realization that will dawn will make one wonder as to why they did not happen to pause and pro actively ascertain regarding the actuality of so many aspects that very clearly kept beckoning their attentiveness. Rushing through may leave one either with lots of anxiety filled moments along with a sequence of having to do one thing over and over again wondering about the repetitive sequence? Whereas being methodical and precision oriented could help establish a platform of firmness and conviction, a maturity that is essentially required when dealing with various aspects of life ingeniously, God Bless.


Having faith in our true self, our true nature, our true essence along with living our values and embracing the completeness of life by being true to our nature – living a purposeful life with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility and wisdom – explicitly complying with the respective rules and laws governing nature, national and international jurisdictions as well as the universe along with our indomitable will power, creative intelligence and courage may provide us with incredible set of preparedness – the pro activeness and the precision orientation to face what’s next confidently, methodically, remarkably, responsibly and wisely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Life, Shone or Shown

Life, Shone or Shown


Do you like the things that life has shown you?


Do you realize the things that you have shone upon life please?


Well, the radiance of what has been shining on in your life is what you had reflected – what you had shone upon life respectively.


Henceforth, if you want things to improve in your life – take the meaningful, purposeful and responsible initiatives that are emitting your greatness, gracefulness and wisdom with pure intentionality.


Remember, we are all divine beings of light filled with pure energy and have been empowered with incredible endurance to sustain the visions that belong to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the Universe infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

People, Look and Worries

People, Look and Worries


Many people worry more about how they look rather than looking about how they worry endlessly?

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Life+Moments, True+Two Things

Life+Moments, True+Two Things


True + two things come into our lives every moment.


One is breath while the other is grace, truly priceless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

The Truth, You Are Incomparable

The Truth, You Are Incomparable


Its true, nothing compares to you.


Its you, nothing compares to the truth.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved