Everything – Place – Phase – Plays – Prime – Time – Respectfully

Everything – Place – Phase – Plays – Prime – Time – Respectfully

Everything in its Place and Time – Everything in its Plays its Prime – Everything in its Phase evolves with Time


Every aspect of life originates and manifests in its own time – but adheres to the specific protocol of discipline that respects the importance of the element of time


Everything; absolutely everything has it’s own time truly


Keeping pace with the evolving trends of time represents its own strategic importance


Everything in its place and time – Everything in its way plays its prime – Everything in its phase evolves with time


The above humbly seeks to convey the message that – when at study, please study with awareness, diligence, prudence, responsibility and sincerity – likewise – when at work, please work with awareness, consciousness, diligence, loyalty,meaningfulness, purposefulness, prudence and sincerity – be true to your purpose and values please


Time is what life is made of – the preciousness of time is incomparable


Time cannot be purchased or bartered for or exchanged – once time is gone, it takes along with it much more than time alone


Time represents the commitments we make with ourselves and others respectively

Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love & Light God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

We need to remember that the art of life has empowered us with the foresight and capabilities to accomplish the visions that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness; be more aware and conscious – God Bless


Let us seek to develop our intuition; Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life; Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of compassion, good health, happiness, joy, prosperity, progress and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light, and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind; type of responsibilities- representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions- errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever

Face It – Phase it – Face The Phases – Phase The Faces – Respectfully

Face It – Phase it – Face The Phases – Phase The Faces – Respectfully

Acknowledgment – Respectfully

Every phase of life seeks it corresponding acknowledgment and decisive responsible initiatives respectively

Face It – Phase it – Respectfully

When one phases what one faces – this seeks to carefully understand and manage the concerned aspects

Face The Phases – Phase The Faces – Respectfully

Aspects and facets of life might increment – augment in stature and magnitude if deliberately ignored – neglected – which is why life inspires us to face the phases with a perspective of constructive, meaningful and responsible phase management please

Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love, Light and Wisdom; God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

Intuition; Respectfully

Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom ; our higher consciousness; Let us seek to develop our intuition; Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life; Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul; God Bless

God Bless; Respectfully

May One and All be Blessed with a Vision of Good Health, Happiness, Joy, Prosperity, Progress and Wisdom always; God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind; type of responsibilities; representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions- errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever