Life, Shone or Shown

Life, Shone or Shown


Do you like the things that life has shown you?


Do you realize the things that you have shone upon life please?


Well, the radiance of what has been shining on in your life is what you had reflected – what you had shone upon life respectively.


Henceforth, if you want things to improve in your life – take the meaningful, purposeful and responsible initiatives that are emitting your greatness, gracefulness and wisdom with pure intentionality.


Remember, we are all divine beings of light filled with pure energy and have been empowered with incredible endurance to sustain the visions that belong to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the Universe infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


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