Bruce Lee, The Star of Martial Arts

Bruce Lee, The Star of Martial Arts bruce-lee-actor-quote-if-you-love-life-dont-waste-time-for-time-is-what-life-is-made


Indeed, Bruce Lee proudly and very most truly deserves to be called the shining star of martial arts respectively.


He inspired us to reflect upon the amazing power of our intuitive focus and resourceful utilization of our energy and time with disciplined precision and admirable respectfulness.


We humbly seek to honor his greatness and imbue his meticulous practices by being consciously aware of our greatest gift, the present moment, the now in our lives with practice of righteousness in our thoughts, actions and expressions faithfully, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness and wisdom always,God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,


©2013 Vashi Chandi