Bruce Lee, The Star of Martial Arts

Bruce Lee, The Star of Martial Arts bruce-lee-actor-quote-if-you-love-life-dont-waste-time-for-time-is-what-life-is-made


Indeed, Bruce Lee proudly and very most truly deserves to be called the shining star of martial arts respectively.


He inspired us to reflect upon the amazing power of our intuitive focus and resourceful utilization of our energy and time with disciplined precision and admirable respectfulness.


We humbly seek to honor his greatness and imbue his meticulous practices by being consciously aware of our greatest gift, the present moment, the now in our lives with practice of righteousness in our thoughts, actions and expressions faithfully, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness and wisdom always,God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,


©2013 Vashi Chandi

Time, Hands & You

Time, Hands & You


Don’t let time handle you!


Let your hands till ->(nurture) the time.


You are the masterpiece of the time that is truly with+in your hands, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Time, Play Your Tune

Time, Play Your Tune


Everything works according to time.


Time works a chord in true every think.


You are the symphony of your life – playing the tune of your true nature and divine essence infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Time, Thinks and Things – Pictures Bigness or Bigger Picture

Time, Thinks and Things – Pictures Bigness or Bigger Picture


Some things take time.


Take time in summoning things.


Sum thinks and things at sometimes are truly awesome.


Summoning may show us the pictures bigness however summing up may show us the bigger picture, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Life, Time, Changes – The Conviction Of Nature

Life, Time, Changes – The Conviction Of Nature

Lifetime Chaining – Its Behavior + Mannerisms


Life changes our time?


Time changes our life?


Do changes rule our life and time?


It might tend to vary – but our behavior, beliefs, habits, ideals, vision and will power considerably influence our state of affairs.


Chaining refers to a sequence of behavioral patterns – responses.


Various aspects evolve in accordance with the laws governing their nature.


Our true nature and our true essence behold some of the most fascinating revelations ever.


Indisputably, one of the root causes and impetus for innumerable aspects that ensue in our lives and times relate to our behavior – mannerisms.


At times we realize it is a chain process – the sequence of unfolding patterns – and yet at other times, without any visible attribution? Where there is no explanation available, could this be the inheritance of our previous lives deeds that we are paying for please? Whatever it maybe, with all due respect to its primordial pathways and governance, we need to carefully understand that all things are connected through nature and that nature is the conviction of everything that evolves.


Nature brings us together and nature will get us our true bringing as well when we live a purposeful life with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility and wisdom.


We change our behavioral approach, we notice a remarkable change in things around us – so much so that literally summarizing this as – how we behave is how we be+have.


At times we may commit to giving up certain habits and make pledges but how sincerely we abide by what we conform will bring about evolutionary or revolutionary changes in our lives respectively.


The above humbly means that if we keep having what we had, we will keep the equation maintained and keep getting what we got. But then, over a period of time, that having reaches what we have in please.


To explain the above, kindly understand the following. If we kept getting angry and retaliating – attacking everything with our thoughts, actions and expressions, we kept getting back in someway or another the similar set of frequencies and experiences – whether the law of gravitation – the law of cause and effect – karma – the law of consequentiality emerge and re appearing incessantly in our lives and times.


What may happen is that we are ourselves instrumentally setting up a platform of certain habitual tendencies to virtually govern our lives and when we carefully reflect and notice that – that – that and that much more is actually not what we ever wanted at all but then alas it may be too late, we may have grown in age and regardless of how much amends we may seek to make, somethings cannot be undone at all.


Henceforth, better to face the reality – accept the reality and the truthful essence of each and every aspect that undeniably the consequences of the impacts will follow – there will be a like and opposite reaction and set of eventualities – thereby alerting us to more consciously and responsibly attend to what we think, do and perform please. Life and time matters but also what matters quite very strongly is what you do whether once – whether the first time or at any time please. We cannot give the excuse or pretend because it was the first time, I did not know, I am sorry, Give me another chance? Life and time are impartial and may not be able to give another chance, please understand the reality since the laws of nature are governed by ethical principles, values and wisdom that seeks Universal goodwill, harmony and welfare infinitely and how much do we likewise seek this will also tend to affect us in many ways considerably, remember we are all interconnected, we are all the children of God and cannot harm ourselves or others in any way whatsoever please. This also relates to animals, we cannot permit indiscriminate slaughter of defenseless animals please since nature is watching and carefully witnessing all that we are committing and when the time comes, we have to pay an equal price please. Nature and the Environment are impartial – inspiring us to consistently seek to faithfully work towards establishment of a healthy ecological balance – to seek a responsible and sustainable conservation of our natural resources please.


One thing is for sure that nature wants us to live and co create peacefully and responsibly. Respecting the laws governing nature by adopting a conservative and diligent approach to our ecological, psychological and sociological balances respectively.


Let us seek to be true to our nature as well as nature to the truth by embracing our completeness, creativeness, greatness, gracefulness, magnificence, sincerity, truthfulness and wonderfulness infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Compassion, Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Time, Money, Value, Wealth & Values – Living Our Values

Time, Money, Value, Wealth & Values – Living Our Values


Time represents money.


Money represents value.


Value represents wealth.


Wealth represents preciousness.


Our values are truly priceless.

Living our values represents the true value of our living, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Compassion, Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Time, Its Our Mind – Mind, Its Our Time – God Bless – Respectfully

Time, Its Our Mind – Mind, Its Our Time – God Bless – Respectfully


Giving time to our mind


Giving mindfulness to our time


The measure of time across the landscape of our minds is incredible


In one moment, we think it was just a few days ago, whereas actually it may have been several years ago regarding any specific occurrence


Do we tend to realize that if our minds can recreate and maintain the scope of aspects in their entirety across almost an entire lifetime, what more magnificent creativeness the mind beholds


We may have heard so many a time that we are utilizing about three percent of our mind’s creative intellectual faculties – where ninety seven percent remains untapped – unexplored


It is believed a more disciplined time+mind consciousness regimen when adopted devotionally could seek to help in its own remarkable way – meaning, being consciously aware of our time – our thoughts, actions and expressions – living a purposeful and disciplined lifestyle help us to better regulate the process of our lives please


Each day arrives gloriously and advances gracefully thereby adding much more to the repository of our thoughts respectively


What are we caring for and what are we carrying forth please? This is particularly emphasizing the carrying – when it is our computers or electronic devices, we are mindful and are otherwise reminded about the disk storage and then take measures to allocate additional memory – hard disk space – but here with+within our minds, we may needs to be more considerate and carefully understand that we need to better manage our conscious awareness to ensure that we are definitely paying attentiveness to the thinks+things we care of while letting go of any negative tendencies that may be carried forth ignorantly since over a span of few moments – months or years – the habitual tendencies of our minds might be clogged with immense loads of negative data that is not helping our evolutionary growth in grace and wisdom respectively

Let Go

Letting go of the negativeness – the bad habits or practices could after all tend to help us far much more than anyone else please. We were born without any of the contradictions that may have been acquired please (with all due respect the contradictions seeks to refer to the aspects of negativeness – the negative thinking – the bad habits and indulging in ignorantly wasting and expending an enormous wealth of our time spheres reminiscing and thinking that only our thinking alone will manifest everything we may desire – well along with the good thinking, it is measured, diligent and responsible actions + initiatives that would be required to compliment the process of our life and living please)


This precious moment – these precious moments are gently passing by and will never come back again, no matter how much we may call upon them. Let us seek to constructively utilize our time in attending to our respective agendas – assignments – duties – tasks and responsibilities that have been entrusted upon us faithfully and earnestly please


Everything has been designed for a better life but it incredibly depends a lot on our every think as well please. Since if our thinking and belief contradicts the legitimacy of living a purposeful life with conscious awareness – then we may be seeking to struggle and adopt – create an completely new – separate Universe for ourselves instead of seeking to embrace our completeness, our greatness, our gracefulness, our truthfulness and our wonderfulness which is our actual true nature and the true essence of the Universe that we witness + experience within our true self and all across the Universe when we awaken to our true identity please. The choice is ours, accept the reality and be responsible or realize the acceptation and be rushing towards being responsible. The difference being that in the rush, we may pile up and load – intensify the pace of our attendance towards thinks and things frantically – whereas, when we were aware much before of the stark realities, why did we not take the necessary and responsible actions please? In time, it matters what we mind, In mind its time that matters incredibly please


Let us seek to realize the gift of our time and the time of the gifts that await us when we live a constructive, organized and disciplined and responsible life please. Remember that our minds have been serving us ever since and when we seek to align our lives along with the May the greatness of life accompanied with the gracefulness and wisdom of living be with you always, God Bless


Let us seek to come together to sustain the visions that belong to the goodwill and harmony of the Universe infinitely, God Bless


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – Intuition is our inner guidance, God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light & Wisdom,


Copyright ©2012 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved


Wear – Time – Where – Friendship – Attitude – God Bless – Respectfully

Wear – Time – Where – Friendship – Attitude – God Bless – Respectfully

Wear the Friendship of Time – Time the Friendship of Wear – Where Brings  – God Bless

The Wear – Friendship – Time – Where – Brings seek to humbly reflect upon the incredible importance of Your Attitude Please –  God Bless

Please seek to live a Purposeful Life with Conscious Awareness Truly- Practice the Attitude of Gratitude Truly – God Bless

Life inspires us to be True to our Purpose and Values – God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of compassion, conscious awareness, diligence, foresight, good health, goodwill, happiness, harmony, joy, meaningfulness, peace, prosperity, progress, prudence, purposefulness, success, sustainability and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2011 Vashi Ram Chandi All Rights Reserved

Time – Truth – We – Me – Respectfully

Time – Truth – We – Me – Respectfully

Time – The Truth in We – Me

Time – The We – Me in the Truth

Time is the Truth of our Life

Truth is the Time of our Life

Trust in the Truth is the True representation of Life and its Magnificence

To live in the Truth in our Life – To live in the Life in our Truth that could lead us to the absolute Truth – Enlightenment

To be  True to our Purpose and Values

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2011 Vashi Ram Chandi All Rights Reserved

Belong to Your Self – Your Self Be-Longs To You – Respectfully

Belong to Your Self – Your Self Be-Longs To You – Respectfully

The World seeks your thine – To grow in awareness, grace and wisdom – You belong to your True Self – True Nature

The World speaks your time – To realize the value of time and values – We belong to the Truth – We belong to True Value

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2011 Vashi Ram Chandi All Rights Reserved

Phasebook – Life is a Phasebook – Respectfully

Phasebook – Life is a Phasebook – Respectfully

One Phase after Another – The Importance Of Time Is Truly Incredible


Life is a phasebook – every phase being represented by the time we are experiencing amazingly


The phasebook of life encourages us to wisely adopt resourceful time management schedules


Time management defines the prioritized schedule we allocate towards accomplishment of various tasks respectively


Time reflects the cascade of changes that occur within our lifetime characteristically


Time represents the greatness of evolution along with the he credentials – credibilities of life


Time is what life is made of – the preciousness of time is truly incomparable – time cannot be purchased or bartered – exchanged


A particular phase of our life can encompass the investment of a lifetime


The above emphatically reminds us regarding the tremendously incredible importance of time


One moment we could have all the time in the Universe and yet at another moment we could be constrained by the time on hand – one moment – one phase connects to another and influences it considerably


This is why time and again – the hands of time – the phase book of life cordially remind us to be aware – to be conscious of our time since time represents commitments we make with ourselves and others – once time is gone – it takes along with it truly so much more than words could ever express

Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love & Light God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

The art of life provides us its amazing foresight to accomplish the visions that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely


The art of living inspires us to discover, recognize and experience our True Nature – our True Self


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom; our higher consciousness – Let us seek to develop our intuition- Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life- Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, joy, prosperity, success and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2011 Vashi Ram Chandi All Rights Reserved

Everything – Place – Phase – Plays – Prime – Time – Respectfully

Everything – Place – Phase – Plays – Prime – Time – Respectfully

Everything in its Place and Time – Everything in its Plays its Prime – Everything in its Phase evolves with Time


Every aspect of life originates and manifests in its own time – but adheres to the specific protocol of discipline that respects the importance of the element of time


Everything; absolutely everything has it’s own time truly


Keeping pace with the evolving trends of time represents its own strategic importance


Everything in its place and time – Everything in its way plays its prime – Everything in its phase evolves with time


The above humbly seeks to convey the message that – when at study, please study with awareness, diligence, prudence, responsibility and sincerity – likewise – when at work, please work with awareness, consciousness, diligence, loyalty,meaningfulness, purposefulness, prudence and sincerity – be true to your purpose and values please


Time is what life is made of – the preciousness of time is incomparable


Time cannot be purchased or bartered for or exchanged – once time is gone, it takes along with it much more than time alone


Time represents the commitments we make with ourselves and others respectively

Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love & Light God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

We need to remember that the art of life has empowered us with the foresight and capabilities to accomplish the visions that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness; be more aware and conscious – God Bless


Let us seek to develop our intuition; Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life; Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of compassion, good health, happiness, joy, prosperity, progress and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light, and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind; type of responsibilities- representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions- errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever

T R A D E – E D A R T – Time Defines – The Legacy Of Intuitive Visions – Respectfully

T R A D E – E D A R T – Time Defines – The Legacy Of Intuitive Visions – Respectfully


Trade represents the convergence of multiple interests


When we seek to respectfully spell trade backwards – it pronounces similarly to the e-dart or the art


Indeed the instrumental role that global trade has been playing since time immemorial is truly incredible


From time to time – whether it is the surge – the spike of certain commodities prices dramatically defying all logical parameters prevail or not – the essence of a cohesive universal regulation that is uni-formally structural, effective, prudent, responsible and systematically organized is of critical importance

Pro Activeness

This imperatively seeks the need for establishment of a global think tank that is continually monitoring and interactively collaborating with the the various trade platforms and respective organizations pro actively – where certain data that appears to be unanimously expressed is given due credence since certain aspects when they are conceptualizing in the seed – seedling stage – phases are more effectively manageable and sprout forth their evolutionary magnificence and creativeness objectively – with meticulous alignment of various factors as envisaged due to the pro active perspective accorded to them respectively


For instance, there might be certain aspects – that are being globally expressed by the various members of the global trade community – but because their unanimous voices being expressed are not cohesive and are not able to reach across effectively – hence the resultant being that by the time the actual alert is sounded to take effective steps to mitigate certain critical situations becoming actually very challenging scenarios that cost considerably expensive time, money, resources to be allocated towards their appropriate regulation and sustainability – this does leave many in intriguing amazement that when knowing and witnessing the sequence of events – one is helplessly awaiting one another to take the first step towards regulation thereby accelerating the environment to become rift – adrift with a deluge of speculative factors seeking to entrench themselves contradictorily


Amazement since people are left wondering that why they could not see through the process much earlier- when it was apparently crystal clear of where the aspects were gradually heading – the mirror image – no matter what – whether the economic scales or otherwise – it is not only the theoretical practice alone but also the prudent and well experienced insights of various eminent as well as undiscovered talent amongst the global business communities that are seeking to provide immense wealth of effective knowledgeable tips to help streamline and channelize the various processes effectively


However, the voices expressed might be heard and not listened to unfortunately since in the conundrum – the voices are muffled and ignored as an typical sentimental or prejudiced nationally or par international biased views – par here relates to a partial outlook and overview


Whereas actually the views and insights might be seeking to ardently appeal and bring forth a point – points – issues to the forefront – but who is listening- hearing there may be many hearing and exclaiming – so what – lets move on – but the so what articulated voices do not realize that the sheer scorn or overlooking is blasphemous ignorance that could evolve and revolve confoundingly and contradictorily – hence, there are various aspects that need to be nipped in the bud – prior to their emergence as full fledged challenging scenarios packed with the volatility of tremendous concerns – where speculativeness plays its lead role very most alarmingly and impartially thus engulfing – overwhelming the global business environment with a degree of tremendous uncertainty


People may be apprehensive when there is irregularity and instability that prevails due to the manipulation that  may be caused by certain discrepant factors that were left isolated thinking they were trivial and would subside – but the very overlooked factors may have augmented to cause an accelerated crescendo of epic proportions

True Essence

Henceforth, the preventive and pro active approach would be instrumental in ensuring convergence of a global think tank that does not just meet and symbolically discuss issues but is one organization that embodies and encompasses the very true essence of practice of purposefulness that is true to its fair and just universal values and principles characteristically as well as ingeniously


We are mere custodians of the various positions we have been conferred whether in the private or public sectors – let us seek to appreciate this wealth of enormous precious legacies by safeguarding and effectively combating the weeds of ignorance and replacing them with roots of awareness and pro activeness consistently with meaningful consistency – so that when we handover the legacy of our instrumental steps to our current and future generations, they would reflect upon our erstwhile meaningful initiatives with a perspective of gratitude and seek to further improvise and likewise handover the baton to their current and future generations respectively

Awareness – Consciousness

We are all here in our deputized capacities performing our assignments – tasks for a purposeful reason that seeks to establish its covenant – tenets on the basis of truth, values, dignity, discipline, wisdom, sincerity and moral principles – whether we embark on our personal or professional agendas – we know that one affects the other considerably in one way or another continually and when we compliment both the processes with an effective alignment – we are humbly taking the thoughtful steps that were lingering along the corridors of our minds seeking our ardent attentiveness vociferously


The convergence of humanity is seeking to compliment its wealth of endowments with a spirit of universality – thinking, acting and expressing our creative intuitive magnificence cohesively as one voice – when we are truly one, we are truly won


The vehicle of time evolves – revolves and brings forth the evolution of various aspects with meticulous precision – this is the time reminding us regarding the commitments we make with ourselves and others respectively


Time is what life is made up of and defined with – the preciousness of time is beyond compare – time cannot be purchased, bartered or exchanged – once time is expended, it takes along with it much more than time alone – every aspect of life seeks its evolutionary manifestation along the hallmarks of time precisely – time defines – define time – time is with us when we are truly with time – keeping pace with the evolving aspects diligently and responsibly


Our visions are the amazing intuitive foresight’s we have been endowed with that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely

Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love & Light God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness; be more aware and conscious – God Bless


Let us seek to develop our intuition; Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life; Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, joy, prosperity, progress and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light, and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind; type of responsibilities- representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions- errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever

10.10.10 – Then. Than. Then – Thine. Time. Thine – Respectfully

10.10.10 – Then. Than. Then – Thine. Time. Thine – Respectfully

The Century Speaks – The Credentials Express – The Consciousness Evolves


The sequence of 10.10.10 is an unique day that arrives with its amazing sequence every one hundred years


It heralds the incredible magnificence of time that keeps evolving in accordance with its primordial agenda meticulously


Every aspect of life originates and manifests in its own time


Recognizing the essence of time and keeping pace with the evolving aspects represents its own strategic importance


The testament of time has evidentially proven its attribution associated with commitments that will predominantly emphasize their accentuated importance with incredible precedence



Time is what life is made up of and its preciousness is beyond compare


Time cannot be purchased or bartered for or exchanged


Time reflects the cascade of changes that occur within our lifetime characteristically


Time represents the greatness of evolution


The footprints of time cannot be compared with what has elapsed


Time represents commitments we make with ourselves and others thereby emphasizing the importance that is accorded to the credentials and credibilities of life


Reflecting upon this unique day – what it inspires us is apparently lucidly clear – the time then – the time now – the time ahead represents its incredible commitment to being aware and responsible please

Then. Than. Then

What was then – was than – evolved to the then itself which represented the incredible magnificence of time – the greatness of importance of time can never be ignored – neglected

Thine. Time. Thine

Nature – Evolution – Universe – all keep gently reminding us to awaken to the profound reality – to recognize the incredible importance of time – it is thine – it is time – it is thine – what thou do with thy time represents thy lifetime please

The Century Speaks – The Credentials Express – The Consciousness Evolves

Time speaks throughout the centuries inspiring the immaculate expression of our incredible credentials – every aspect reflects upon the evolutionary growth in grace and wisdom amazingly – being true to our purpose and values respectively

Let us seek to discover, recognize and experience our True Nature our True Self-  Love, Light and Wisdom - God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness; be more aware and conscious – God Bless


Let us seek to develop our intuition; Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life; Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, joy, prosperity, progress and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light, and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind; type of responsibilities- representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions- errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever


The Password Of Life Is Its Pause Word – Respectfully

The Password Of Life Is Its Pause Word – Respectfully


The password of life seeks to inspire us to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness – to develop our intuition which is our inner guidance, compass and the wisdom of the soul

Pause Word

The pause word is meditation – the infinite stillness within that encompasses our true evolution – it is the moments during which we seek to pause and intuitively reflect upon the true purpose of our life – being true to our values


During meditation we listen to the speech of our higher selves speak forth amazingly – the meditation – me-dictation is the immersion – the alignment of the mind of our heart – the heart of our mind with our true nature – our true self amazingly


The above does not mean deviation from one’s assignments – agenda’s – tasks, obligations – responsibilities – a person could not seek to be negligent or ignorant towards one’s duties that have been entrusted upon them with earnest sincerity

Protocol – Etiquette

This would mean adoption and pursuance an effective and responsible set of time management of schedules respectively whereby one is completely aware and conscious of one’s priorities and accountabilities conditionally – everything in its appropriate time and place please

    Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love, Light and Wisdom; God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, joy, prosperity, progress and wisdom always – God Bless

Peace, Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind; type of responsibilities- representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions- errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever

Awareness; The Place in Time; The Time in Place; Respectfully

Awareness; The Place in Time; The Time in Place; Respectfully

Self Awareness; The Incredible Legacy of Self Recognition; Our True Self; Our True Nature; Respectfully

Awareness; The Place in Time; The Time in Place; Respectfully

Awareness encompasses a world of amazing possibilities; it is the place; the space in time and truly so very much more

Inspiration; Respectfully

Awareness seeks to inspire us to practice righteousness in all of our thoughts, actions and expressions

Reflection; Respectfully

While retrospectively reminiscing and recapitulating each and every one of life’s moments, we are profoundly lead to acknowledge the intrinsic importance of awareness; awhereness; we are able to realize that by being aware brings us within the realm of the magnificence in the moments; the incredible moments in the magnificence of life

Awareness; The Space In Time That Places The Time In Its Place; Respectfully

Awareness, The Place In Its Time; The Space; The Paces;The Places; The Times; It is Awareness; It is A Whereness; Respectfully

Self Awareness; The Incredible Legacy of Self Recognition; Our True Self; Our True Nature; Respectfully

This is the infinite discovery which seeks to evoke our Self Awareness; our Self Recognition, the eternal quest; search; discovery, recognition and experience of our True Nature; our True Selves, whereby we discover the Truth; In search for the Truth, we discover Love; In search of Love, we discover God; God is Love; God is the divine essence; God Bless

Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love & Light God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

Intuition; Respectfully
Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness- Let us seek to develop our intuition- Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life- Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul- God Bless

God Bless; Respectfully

May One and All be Blessed with a Vision of Good Health, Awareness, Happiness, Joy, Prosperity, Progress and Wisdom always- God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


This article is being expressed in good faith- with sincere and meaningful intentions- but devoid of any kind – type of responsibilities- representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions- errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview- dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever

National Tea Day – May 30 2010 – Tea & Thee – Respectfully

National Tea Day – May 30 2010 – Tea & Thee – Respectfully

Everything has its Time; Time has its Everything; Every Time does not have its Everything Unless We are There in

Time Tenaciously Please – We Cannot Ignore The Incredible Importance of Time Please – Respectfully

National Tea Day – May 30 2010 – Respectfully

Today marks the celebrations associated with National Tea Day respectively

Tea & Thee – Respectfully

As we punctually allocate time for our delicious cup of tea; life inspires us to meticulously assign the incredible chords and chorus of time responsibly

Time & Again – Respectfully

This is the now in time; it is the preciousness of life which cannot be purchased or exchanged; Once time is gone, it takes along with it much more than time alone please

Calibration – Respectfully

The now in time defines the priorities we allocate to various assignments; agendas; duties and tasks respectively

Discipline – Respectfully

The now in time teaches us the vital importance of punctuality and discipline

Reflects – Respectfully

Time reflects the cascade of changes that keeps a person reminiscing upon the fond memories; time also profiles the remarkable changes that occur within one’s lifetime characteristically

Evolution – Respectfully

Time represents the greatness of evolution; the passage of time remarkably describes its unique characteristics very most eloquently

Incomparable – Respectfully

The footprints of time at certain instances stand apart and cannot be compared with what has elapsed; certain times are truly incomparable and unmatchable

Commitments – Respectfully

Time represents commitments we make with ourselves and others thereby emphasizing the importance that is accorded to the credentials and credibilities of life respectively

Meaningful Message – Respectfully

Every day arrives with a meaningful message encompassed within its realm, seeking to inspire us; encourage us to revitalize our intellectual faculties by constructively investing our precious time schedules thoughtfully, meaningfully, purposefully, responsibly, sincerely, truly and wisely please

National Tea Day – May 30 2010 – Respectfully

The tea day is a day of prestigious recognition; seeking to acknowledge and honor its evolution since thousands of years

Thee – Respectfully

Likewise, while reflecting upon the incredible passage of accomplishments in the delicacies of life; the perspective of retrospectively recapitulating upon the essence of thee; the creative brilliance that is thee seeks to keep emerging and amazingly equipping – providing and empowering us with the amazing foresight – vision – strength and capabilities to accomplish the respective visions and dreams that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely; God Bless

Time – Respectfully

This all explicitly refers to the incredible importance of time; it is the time in thee; it is the thee in time; it is the time schedules in thy life please; how we seek to assign – allocate – manage and prioritize our respective time spheres please – these are the incredible chords and chorus of time that orchestrate the incredible magnificence of life

Everything – Respectfully

Everything has its time; Time has its Everything; Every Time does not have its Everything unless we are there in Time responsibly participating in the process of life respectively since time brings forth along with it the respective instances – opportunities however we need to be attentive, aware, considerate, diligent, meaningful, purposeful, responsible, sincere, true and wise to our respective time schedules please in order to be able to leverage the effectiveness of the time in the schedules – of the schedules in the time please; God Bless

Purposefulness – Respectfully

This inspires us to consistently accomplish our respective agendas faithfully and consciously practice a disciplined and responsible approach to life consistently in all of our thoughts, actions and expressions respectively- to ensure that we are able to let our light shine through and radiate the hallmarks of magnificence in living a purposeful life- a life of purpose that encompasses meaningful values based principles as its primordial agenda consistently- God Bless

Life of Purpose – Respectfully

Let us recognize that the purpose of life is to live a life of purpose- to live a life of meaningful values based principles and ideals that are each evoking our awareness to express ourselves truly- to recognize and experience our True Nature, our True Selves- God Bless

Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Peace, Love, Light and Wisdom, God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

Intuition – Respectfully

Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness- Let us seek to develop our intuition- Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life- Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul- God Bless

God Bless – Respectfully

May One and All be Blessed with a Vision of Good Health, Awareness, Happiness, Joy, Prosperity, Progress and Wisdom always- God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


This article is being expressed in good faith- with sincere and meaningful intentions- but devoid of any kind – type of responsibilities- representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions- errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview- dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever

Valentine Day – Value Time – Value in Time – Well in Time – Well its Time – We are Where We are in Time – Value Thine – Well it is Thine – Time is Thine When You Value It Please – Respectfully

Valentine Day – Value Time – Value in Time – Well in Time – Well its Time – We are Where We are in Time –

Value Thine – Well it is Thine – Time is Thine When You Value It Please – Respectfully

Life is True in its Giving When We are True to our Living Respectively – Respectfully

Life is True in its Giving When We are True to our Living Respectively – Respectfully

Be the Time You Seek – Time the Being You Speak – Not Time Being – But Being Time – Respectfully

Happy Valentine’s Day – 14 February 2010 – Respectfully

February 14 2010 passionately marks the celebrations of Happy Valentine’s Day respectively

Best Wishes – Respectfully

Wishing One and All, A Healthy, Happy, Intuitive, Inspirational, Joyful, Peaceful, Loving, Meaningful, Purposeful, Responsible, Sincere and Truthful Valentine’s Day

Commitment & Commitments – Respectfully

Truthful Valentine’s Day indeed for taking a pledge – making a commitment – commitments with Time and ensuring that the pledge – commitment – commitments is – are honoured and observed respectfully with due diligence and prudence consistently with meaningful and responsible consistency

Happy Valentine’s Day – Value Time – Well in Time – Well Its Time – Respectfully

Happy Valentine’s Day seeks the commitment – commitments in all spheres of life amongst which the criteria of time is accorded amongst the very most paramount and intrinsically pivotal statures consistently

Valentine Day – Value in Time – Well in Time – Well its Time – We are Where We are in Time – Respectfully

Time Knows – Respectfully

Time knows where we are in time because Time keeps its commitment – commitments punctually, diligently, sincerely and responsibly with methodical precision

The Legacy of Time – Respectfully

The greatness of time is truly beyond compare, description or measure – Time is truly an amazing treasure beyond measure for time truly recognizes and understands the intrinsic importance and value of time and observes it with profound discipline, sincerity, trust and methodical precision

Inspiration – Respectfully

Time is truly a great inspiration that is so very much with us humbly and very most ardently seeking our participation in each and every phase of life with a perspective of complete awareness and consciousness; meaningfulness, purposefulness and responsibilities consistently

We Know – Respectfully

We know where we are in this time because we have faithfully fulfilled our commitment – commitments made with Time punctually, diligently, sincerely and responsibly with amazing methodical precision

Vision – Respectfully

We know where we will be in time by the grace of God and our meaningful, purposeful, responsible, sincere and truthful initiatives and efforts – because we shall faithfully fulfill our commitment – commitments made with Time punctually, diligently, sincerely and responsibly with methodical precision

Value Thine – Well it is Thine – Time is Thine When You Value It Please – Respectfully

This humbly seeks to value one’s time; one’s commitment – commitments to the respective time schedules throughout life with sincere discipline and methodical precision

Effective Time Management Schedule – Respectfully

When we take the initiatives relating to an effective time management schedule; the virtue of time reciprocates our endeavors by providing us with adequate time to adeptly accomplish our respective personal and professional agendas; assignments; duties; objectives and responsibilities meritoriously

Awareness – Respectfully

This is the perspective of complete awareness where one is taking considerable efforts to ensure that their respective time schedules are truly honored and acknowledged with the highest and reasonable level of importance meticulously

Life is True in its Giving When We are True to our Living Respectively – Respectfully

The Truth – Respectfully

The sincerity of life is the Truth; the Trust; Trust represents reliability; Trust is the reflection of values; Honesty and Integrity are the vitally essential and extremely important principles of Trust; Being true to ourselves and others

Truth – Respectfully

Truth is our True Nature; Truth inspires us to evoke our spiritual awareness; to recognize and experience our True Nature; our True Selves respectively; Trust in the Truth is the true representation of life and its magnificence

Life is True – Respectfully

Indeed, life is true in its giving when we are true in our living respectively; it is the reflection – the mirror effect where we are attending to our respective tasks with the sole purpose of attending them from the perspective of meeting one’s duty sincerely without diverting one’s attention from one’s task and solely contemplating upon the incentives or rewards

Work is Worship – Respectfully

It is the work – the respective task being done as a form of worship – like it is said that work is worship and demands that we shed all inhibitions or attitudes of inferiority or sarcasms and incessant complaints – since thinking that one is supposed to be elsewhere and not where they are eventually leads them towards delusive distant mirages where they regret had they held onto what wonderful opportunities they were besieged with, they would not have come so far ignorantly – negligently in search of – seeking more rewards though shortcuts that we are actually cutting short their accomplishments considerably

Attitude of Gratitude – Respectfully

To summarize the above, what it seeks to refer to explicitly is that when one is having what one is having, they need to be immensely grateful and appreciative for what they have and ensure that they invest their very best and meticulous – sincere efforts and initiatives towards ensuring that what they are attending to is truly acknowledged for what it represents and is gratefully attended to with complete awareness, meaningfulness, purposefulness, sincerity and responsibilities please; this refers to the following

Magnificence in Purpose – Respectfully

Amongst one the greatest gifts we can keep giving one another infinitely is to consistently accomplish our respective agendas faithfully and consciously; to ensure that we are able to let our light shine through and radiate the hallmarks of magnificence in living a purposeful life; a life of purpose that encompasses meaningful values based principles as its primordial agenda consistently

Life of Purpose – Respectfully

Let us recognize that the purpose of life is to live a life of purpose; to live a life of meaningful values based principles and ideals that are each evoking our awareness to express ourselves truly; to recognize and experience our True Nature, our True Selves

Be the Time You Seek – Time the Being You Speak – Not Time Being – But Being Time – Respectfully

This humbly seeks to refer to observance and practice of thoughts, actions and expressions that are encompassed with Righteousness always please; taking the right steps and never deviating from compliance with the respective laws and regulations; rules and protocols; and other respective compliances that essentially demand explicit adherence respectively

Characterizations – Respectfully

Here with reference to being the time we seek and timing the being humbly refers to the beingfulness; we are characteristically equipped with amongst the very finest of capabilities which are our intellectual endowments – our priceless virtues, each a treasure beyond compare accompanied with a league of the greatest amazing wonders of life that keep unfolding in each and every precious moment amazingly

Truly Incredible – Respectfully

This is exemplifying the amazing beingfulness, completeness, wonderfulness of who we truly are; truly incredible; we are truly gifted and equipped with amazing powers relating towards creating greater goodwill, peace, harmony, happiness and joy all across the Universe; let us utilize each and every moment meaningfully; purposefully; responsibly; sincerely and wisely, always and always for the goodwill of the Universe infinitely

Supervision – Respectfully

Coming to the essence of specifying the importance of the above, what it seeks to emphasize is that maybe at times, one might be facing their respective agendas – assignments that demand serious and careful attentiveness and of critical urgency – but then since no one is looking

– no one is investigating – no one is overlooking and scrutinizing – the concerned individual might simply pretend to remain ignorant and negligent by responding – all for the time being they might follow the respective procedures relating to the procedural implementation – protocol with an immaculate sense of disciplined efforts and initiatives regulatively

– and as soon as a certain amount of time passes by – they might shift away their attentiveness – disciplined efforts away from what they are attending to – or perhaps engage in multi tasking whereby the assignments and tasks they were handling before are giving secondary and more lesser importance and thereby neglected to the status of “for the time being”

Activities – Respectfully

So whenever they are reminded what are they doing? They might retort harshly or sternly that they know what they are doing and they will resume their assignments – tasks when they are able to find some free time and it is only “for the time being” that they are socially interacting

– that it is only for the few minutes they are mobile phone messaging – that it is only for the time being they are chatting on the Internet – on line; that it is only for the time being they are passing their time engaging in activities during their study and work times – negligently and ignorantly attending to activities that are nowhere related to their studies – to their work assignments – by engaging surreptitiously

– pretentiously engaging in activities that are related to a considerable expenditure of precious time that could have otherwise been with utilized with greater productive efficiency – But they think that what they are doing is for the time being – the time being become being time and more of being time – so much of the being time that they forget to recollect when was it that they cited the pretexts that what they initially gave as a excuse – calling it “time being” became so much more than time being alone

Considerable Time – Respectfully

It might have all started very most innocently – since they might have never anticipated – expected that they would get involved in engagement of so much precious considerable time in Internet chats – Social interactions on line – being extensively on the Internet without any purpose – whiling

– idling away one’s time ignorantly – Mobile phone messaging and other similar activities that would actually be taking away so much of their precious time that it became more of an addiction or habitual – so much so that they would be overwhelmed and experience helplessness when they were not engaging in activities that were either Internet chat related -Social interactions – on the Internet Social interactions on line

– being extensively on the Internet without any purpose – whiling – idling away one’s time ignorantly – Mobile phone messaging – So when just giving the excuse of just “time being” – it is important that the time being does not become a habitual indulgence that takes away one’s precious time schedules ignorantly or negligently whereby they eventually start investing their precious time frames related to non productive activities and engaging in actions where they are ignoring their actual assignments – studies – work agendas – duties – objectives and responsibilities

Study time, Study Truly please – Work time, Work Truly please – Respectfully

T I M E – Commitment – Commitments – Respectfully

Time represents the commitment – commitments we make with ourselves and others respectively

Asset – Respectfully

Time is considered amongst the very most precious of assets

Essence – Respectfully

Time once gone is never going to return back; no matter how much one may wish for it to return

Life – Respectfully

Time is what Life is made of Respectfully; how one spends one’s time has an incredible influence on one’s life

Investment – Respectfully

It is amongst the greatest of investments we make at each and every step in life

Expenditure – Respectfully

Once we spend the time, it is more expensive than all the wealth

Gone – Respectfully

It is to be carefully understand that time once elapsed – gone by never returns – no matter how much one may seek to keep wishing for another opportunity

Valentine Day – Value in Time – Well in Time – Well its Time – We are Where We are in Time –


True Wisdom – N O W – Respectfully

Life represents living in the now; being attentive and aware; being conscious of our thoughts-actions and all forms of expressions; practicing Righteousness in all our thoughts, actions and expressions always please; ensuring observance and practice of disciplined initiatives and efforts sincerely – truly please

Value Thine – Well it is Thine – Time is Thine When You Value It Please – Respectfully

Value each and every aspect of life and Respect it please; First and Foremost of all please always and always, absolutely always, RESPECT your Parents always Please; Parents are truly the very greatest and very most precious gift of God;

Parents are our very most greatest Treasure of Treasures; Parents are the Very Most Greatest and Precious Jewels;; they are Truly Outstanding and Incredible – they are greater than any Diamond; they are Truly Incomparable for whatever comparison is made to Parents would not be able to truly describe their Greatness and Gracefulness; Parent are amongst the very most Dignified, Honorable, Loving and Creatively Magnificent; Parent’s love and blessings always shine forth in their Children’s Lives and provide them with the empowering vision in life for which we will always remain very most thankful to our Parents always and always Please RESPECT your Parents always Please;Thank you very much, God Bless

Value Value Please – Respectfully

Regarding value, whether it is Time, whether it is your academic – studies at School or College; whether it is – are the professional related duties at your Work Institutions and related Professional locations; whether it is any aspect of life, please kindly seek to understand the incredible importance of the value – the value – the value – the value

– every aspect of life truly represents a certain value that cannot be simply expressed – defined – described or referenced – the value is one aspect that needs to be very most carefully understood for what it represents and appropriate and responsible steps always taken to ensure meaningful, purposeful, responsible and sincere consistency prevails consistently please; every aspect of life

Value is Well You; Being Well; Well Being and truly so much more

When we Value the True Experience of Life, We experience the Value of True Living

This is living a purposeful life; a life that encompasses values based principles as its

primordial agenda respectively; We are living True to our Values; We are living True to our


Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love & Light God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

Goodwill – Respectfully

The art of life inspires us with the amazing foresight; and empowers us with the amazing strength and capabilities to accomplish the respective visions and dreams that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely

True Nature – True Selves – Respectfully

The art of living inspires us to discover, recognize and experience our True Nature; our True Selves; God Bless

Higher Consciousness – Respectfully

Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness; be more aware and conscious; God Bless

Intuition – Respectfully

Let us seek to develop our intuition; Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life; Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul; God Bless

God Bless – Respectfully

May One and All be Blessed with a Vision of Good Health, Awareness, Happiness, Joy, Prosperity, Progress and Wisdom always; God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind ; type of responsibilities; representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions; errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever