Fill Your Feelings; Feel Your Filling; Fulfill Your Purpose In Life; Respectfully

Fill Your Feelings; Feel Your Filling; Fulfill Your Purpose In Life; Respectfully

Fill Your Feelings; Respectfully

Fill your feelings with characteristic excellence accompanied along with your amazing creatively magnificent brilliance consistently; God Bless

Feel Your Fillings; Respectfully

Seek to experience the beingfulness; completeness and wonderfulness of who you truly are; God Bless

Fulfill Your Purpose In Life; Respectfully

Please recognize and understand that the purpose of life is to live a life of purpose that encompasses values based principles and meaningful responsible ideals as its primordial agenda thereby ensuring that whilst attending to our respective agendas; assignments; duties and responsibilities; we are able to let our light shine through and radiate the hallmarks of magnificence consistently; God Bless

Life is Filled With Moments Of A Lifetime; Life Is Felt With A Lifetime Of Moments; Respectfully

The moments of this lifetime are the lifetime of its moments; we fill, we feel; we feel; we fill; it is our attitude to life that is reflecting the moments we experience; God Bless

The Evolutionary Legacy Of Lifetime Experiences; Respectfully

Intuitive experiences seek to guide life towards its evolutionary fulfillment; Evolution seeks to fill the intuitive experiences with their potentially incredible state of conscious awareness; the state of self realization respectively; God Bless

Fill Your Feelings; Feel Your Filling; Fulfill Your Purpose In Life; Respectfully

Please fill the feelings of goodness, gracefulness and wisdom of who you truly are; The art of life inspires us to discover, recognize and experience our True Nature; our True Self; God Bless

Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love & Light God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

Intuition; Respectfully
Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness- Let us seek to develop our intuition- Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life- Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul- God Bless

God Bless; Respectfully

May One and All be Blessed with a Vision of Good Health, Awareness, Happiness, Joy, Prosperity, Progress and Wisdom always- God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


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