Elizabeth Taylor – The Gaze Of Grace That Tailored The Moments Of Splendor Enchantingly – We will Miss You – God Bless

Elizabeth Taylor – The Gaze Of Grace That Tailored The Moments Of Splendor Enchantingly – We will Miss You – God Bless

Cherishing the Memory of Elizabeth Taylor With Profound Admiration, Love and Respect – God Bless

Elizabeth Taylor

It is sad to learn that Elizabeth Taylor is no longer with us


All of us would wish to express our sincere sympathy, loving thoughts and prayers to Elizabeth Taylor’s Family


She was a remarkable person who championed the cause of enlightening the World regarding the AIDS awareness and participated by contributing to its cure and research oriented initiatives with relentless dedication


What to say… there are truly no words to express this immense loss


May God provide her Family with the strength and courage as well as empower the AIDS awareness – cure and research campaign – initiatives with a determined foresight and vision to effectively manage and overcome the challenges it represents

True Essence

She truly reached across and touched a part of us motivattionally by reminding us to time and again to reflect upon the beauty ensconced within our true essence


The beautifulness in her expressiveness that she wore was the image of imaginations painting their canvas across the hallmarks of time passionately – she devoted herself to each moment as only she knew how and the moments reciprocated her dedication by endowing her with graceful wisdom and beauty of the heart – we speak of the beauty of the art – she wore both the beauty of the heart and the beauty of the art by rendering memorable performances with a committed focus


She characterized the definition of gracefulness with her innate appearances effortlessly – where her natural beauty outstandingly captivated audiences globally with every gaze that spoke of the enchantment of moments she and her fans delightfully enjoyed and keep rejoicing with admiration and amazement


Her performances in Cleopatra – A Place In The Sun – Rhapsody and so many more versatile enactments – roles etched across the platforms of cinematic history – they are the cherished memories that will never be forgotten – She has truly been an great inspiration and a wonderful person


She will always remain in our hearts affectionately


She has left millions of her fans with the wealth of her cherished legacy of remarkably versatile characteristics that she demonstrated always – reminding each and every one us to embrace the completeness of who we truly are – our true nature – our true self respectively


As a mark of love and respect to her – we should seek to Inspire one another to sincerely work consistently towards accomplishment of the visions that belong to the goodwill and harmony of the Universe infinitely – God Bless


The hallmarks of time and the spirit of cinema will always salute her for her erstwhile accomplishments towards inspiring millions of people with a vision of creating greater achievements for the benefit of the Universal realm and particularly for the initiative of the AIDS campaign – thereby kindling the hope and possibilities of saving millions of lives through the medium of awareness, cure and research remarkable initiatives always – God Bless


Let us seek to carry forth the legacy of her vision with humility and pride – honoring her greatness by remembering and wishing her peace and love always – God Bless

Elizabeth Taylor – Peace, Light and Love – God Bless

Elizabeth Taylor, you will always remain amidst us very most admirably, respectfully and memorably – God Bless You, Peace, Love and Light

Peace, Love, Light and Wisdom, God Bless


Copyright ©2011 Vashi Ram Chandi All Rights Reserved

Earth Hour – 26 March 2011 – Devoting & Pledging The Hour To Power – The Power To Each Hour-Our Resourcefulness & Conscious Awareness – Empowering Generations Characteristically – Energizing The Future – God Bless – Respectfully

Earth Hour – 26 March 2011 – Devoting & Pledging The Hour To Power – The Power To Each Hour-Our Resourcefulness & Conscious Awareness – Empowering Generations Characteristically – Energizing The Future – God Bless – Respectfully

The Power Of The Earth Belongs To The Earth Of Its Power – Futurizing The Hallmarks Of Energy With Conscious Awareness & Wisdom – God Bless

We are Mere Custodians – Appointed To Humbly and Resourcefully Take Care of the Respective Designations We Have Been Assigned With in our Corresponding Capacities Consciously – Considerately – Meaningfully – Purposefully – Prudently – Responsibly & Truly – God Bless

Earth Hour – 26 March 2011

26 March 2011 proudly marks the admirable resourceful participation empowered by the energetic harmonious spirit of millions of people globally


Truly speaking Earth Hour empowers the future remarkably


This is an initiative that has demonstrated the creative brilliance and admirable spirit of People all across the Universe expressing their goodwill cooperative gesture in the form of saving energy in an very most dynamic manner


Their contribution in this form is represented by an enormous relief that is experienced by Nature thereby empowering the evolutionary process of life very most amazingly


This is the reciprocation of Mother Nature bestowing back upon People all across the Universe with tremendous gifts of serenity, peace, calmness and solitude where they experience an harmonious balance prevailing all around themselves remarkably


This is giving back to Nature what it gives us abundantly – spontaneous cooperativeness without seeking anything in return – no incentives – no awards – no plaudits – just simple grateful thanks to Mother Nature in the form of celebrating the Earth Hour by coming together to save energy resourcefully


Apart from the captioned remarkable initiative, the following are a few suggestions featured for the consideration of those that might be interested in it for their considerate reference

Identifying sources of Renewable Energy


Educating / Spreading the message relating to a conservative use of energy


Reliance upon Wind Turbines


Recycling of Waste

Bio Fuels

Alternative Bio Fuel sources / resources


Hybrid / Electrical powered Automobiles


Solar Power – Efficient Management and Utilization


Promoting commuting short inter city distances through Bicycle usage


Holding periodic interactive / stimulating meetings relating to effective / responsible energy conservation


Rewarding appropriate initiatives taken through acknowledgment as well as encouraging as many participants as possible to actively promote the objectives relating to resourceful energy management and utilization initiatives


Establishing think tank panels / study groups that consistently seek to identify innovative / cost effective methods relating to energy conservation


Promoting the Universal Objective that Energy saved, effectively harnessed and constructively deployed is an Investment for the Universe

Universal Spirit – God Bless

The belief, the expectation, the cherished hopes, the joint efforts of all Countries all across the World coming together for Universal Progress is the key factor – exchanging useful information that relates to an effective energy conservation and effective utilization consistently

Behave Be-Have How We Behave Is How We Be-Have – God Bless - Keep Discovering - Discover, Recognize and Experience Our True Nature Our True Self Love, Light and Wisdom, God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi


The primordial definition of life inspires us to be true to our purpose and values – God Bless


The art of life provides us its amazing foresight to accomplish the visions that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely – God Bless


The art of living inspires us to discover, recognize and experience our True Nature – our True Self – God Bless


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom; our higher consciousness – Let us seek to develop our intuition – Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of  life –  Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of compassion, conscious awareness, diligence, good health, happiness, harmony, joy, meaningfulness, peace, prosperity, progress, prudence, purposefulness, success, sustainability and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2011 Vashi Ram Chandi All Rights Reserved

Hong Kong Sevens – The Pinnacle Of Rugby – Respectfully

Hong Kong Sevens – The Pinnacle Of Rugby – Respectfully

Hong Kong Sevens – Expressing The True Essence of Global Sportsmanship & Remarkable Endurance Of Team Spirit Attired In Their Finest Repertoire


The prestigious Hong Kong Sevens is scheduled to be held in Hong Kong between March 25 2011 to March 27 2011 respectively


It heralds the celebrations of an audience; enthusiastic spectators both at the venue as well as all around Hong Kong and Globally to experience the joy of a tremendous sport


The interest is profound and captivates each and every one’s attention very most delightfully, where one learns the true love of sportsmanship is encompassed in the belief of team spirit amazingly


It empowers the vision of the participants thereby providing them with insights relating to an disciplined expression of their tremendous potential amazingly; this empowerment of self awareness of their capabilities compliments the divergent facets of their lives domineeringly


It brings forth the agility and abilities to deliver amongst some of the most phenomenal sprints ever witnessed


This is the stadium where the track of every moment is echoing the symphony of the creative brilliance of multi cultural sportsmanship


The Hong Kong Sevens is globally admired because its events represent the true essence of global sportsmanship and the remarkable endurance of team spirit attired in their finest repertoire

Behave Be-Have How We Behave Is How We Be-Have – God Bless - Keep Discovering - Discover, Recognize and Experience Our True Nature Our True Self Love, Light and Wisdom, God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi


The primordial definition of life inspires us to be true to our purpose and values – God Bless


The art of life provides us its amazing foresight to accomplish the visions that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely – God Bless


The art of living inspires us to discover, recognize and experience our True Nature – our True Self – God Bless


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom; our higher consciousness – Let us seek to develop our intuition – Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of  life –  Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of compassion, conscious awareness, diligence, good health, happiness, harmony, joy, meaningfulness, peace, prosperity, progress, prudence, purposefulness, success, sustainability and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2011 Vashi Ram Chandi All Rights Reserved

Sai – The Sai in i – The i in Sai – When I Sai – I saw i – The Swami in i – The Heart is The Temple Of God – God Bless – Respectfully

Sai – The Sai in i – The i in Sai – When I Sai – I saw i – The Swami in i – The Heart is The Temple Of God – God Bless – Respectfully

When I saw i- The Divine Reflection Of Swami – The Swayam – The True Self – The Divinity Within shone through the i- The Mind humbly seeks To Evoke the Conscious Awareness Relating to the Experience Of The Divinity Of The Soul – God Bless

The i is my true identity – my true nature – my true self – my true essence – God Bless

The Sa is my Sathya Amrit Anandam – God Bless

Sai represents the Divinity Within – With Thine – Thy Higher Self – This is the union with the divinity that is prevalent within each and every one us amazingly – God shines as the Soul in different bodies and makes every form that God creates to shine forth with God’s divine illusion – God is the embodiment of the finest characteristics and virtues infinitely – God Bless

Sathya represents the Truth – Truth is the frequency that has been transmitting its cosmic waves ever since the Universe evolved amazingly – God Bless

Swami represents the Guru – the Master – the Teacher – The Divinity Within – The True Self – True Nature – The True Essence & True Identify – The Devotion – The True Love Of God is experienced when the mind of the heart and the heart of the mind are immersed in profound devotional union with the Supreme Oneness – God Bless

Truth is the elevated alignment of our thoughts to a level of Universal consciousness such as the divine light – Being the moment as it is – Expressing our divinity – Experiencing our evolutionary growth in grace and wisdom – Permitting our light shine to through and radiate the hallmarks of magnificence in living a purposeful life with conscious awareness – God Bless

Amrit represents immortality – God Bless

Anandam represents the virtue of peace and joy – God Bless

Behave Be-Have How We Behave Is How We Be-Have – God Bless - Keep Discovering - Discover, Recognize and Experience Our True Nature Our True Self Love, Light and Wisdom, God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

Life inspires us to be True to our Purpose and Values – God Bless

The art of life provides us its amazing foresight to accomplish the visions that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely – God Bless

The art of living inspires us to discover, recognize and experience our True Nature – our True Self – God Bless

Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom; our higher consciousness – Let us seek to develop our intuition – Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life – Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of compassion, conscious awareness, diligence, good health, happiness, harmony, joy, meaningfulness, peace, prosperity, progress, prudence, purposefulness, success, sustainability and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2011 Vashi Ram Chandi All Rights Reserved