College, Call Age, The Agenda Calls

College, Call Age, The Agenda Calls


All along + across life, whether at school, at college, at work, at home, at play, at leisure, at travel as well as across the incredible pathways of our lives, it is primarily the agendas that help clarify so much of what we aspire and seek respectively. Perhaps, we may come to realize the instrumental importance of our agendas at one time or another but depending on when we come to acknowledge+reckon and take the essential-relevant steps, we may tend to notice corresponding set of changes and improvements in our lives accordingly.


We may have noticed that if we are not lucidly clear and specific about what we actually seek, then we could be aimlessly wandering and getting or reaching nowhere at all? Please kindly remember that nothing just happens by chance, luck, fortune or destiny on its own, you are the architect and creator of your own destiny, your luck, your chances and opportunities. You are the harbinger – have you heard of the boomerang, well it is a similar concept and ideology – process that applies where certain aspects unfold in our lives whether at the immediate given stages or at sometime in the near or distant future attributing its essence to what we ourselves precipitated whether on the thought, action or expression level, nothing goes unnoticed or ignored, nature and the universe are operating very intelligently and so are we, the difference being that some of us realize our creative intelligence and resourcefully utilize whatever we have been given to the very best of our abilities without complaining or fretting and thereby augmeting our greater share of luck, fortune, achievements, milestones and fabulous rewards and yet despite all accomplishments remaining disciplined and humble with+in the outcomes knowing that we have all come to this world to each play our roles with a sense of grace, purpose, responsibility and wisdom earnestly, God Bless.


Having an agenda where we are detailing what needs to be done when and how responsibly and wisely – planning methodically and implementing systematically helps strengthen the landscapes of divergent routes+road maps of our lives. Make it a point to work with firm discipline and accountability, practicing what has been followed and is followed all along which is to make notes and commit to a clear and specific agenda, know where you are heading and how you intend to do so as well as being well organized about what it is that you wish to achieve please.


We may have noticed how some individuals despite having the most meager of resources defied all the challengingly overwhelming circumstances and scenarios in their lives to ascend and reach the pinnacle of success. They had their note pad in which they recorded their observations and set about embarking from one milestone to another, their determined resolve and indomitable will power inspires each and everyone of us to likewise commit faithfully to our respective agendas where we should ensure that we are consistently living our values and being true to our nature and commitments promisingly and steadfastly.


The captioned title is symbolic and does not particularly apply only to college (remember that we are ever learning and are students of the University of Life’s Academy) but rather across divergent facets and phases of our lives amazingly. Regardless of where we maybe at any given time, we must seek to be clear about our agendas, our commitments, our priorities and realistic set of expectancies by clearly knowing what we intend to achieve as well as being now with what we are attending to respectively. Every moment is truly priceless and has been gifted to us so that we may resourcefully utilize it to the very best of our capabilities with utmost responsibility and wisdom. The better we are, the better life will be, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

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