Add We Change

change (Photo credit: Sean MacEntee)

Add We Change

Change happens
Change happens (Photo credit: adam*b)


Change was not what we had. Add was what we changed, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness and wisdom always,God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,


©2013 Vashi Chandi

Take for Granted

Take for Granted

Image representing Granted as depicted in Crun...
Image by None via CrunchBase


If we take everything for granted then what we take for grant it is every think, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness and wisdom always,God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,


©2013 Vashi Chandi

Five Elements, Pure Essence

Five Elements, Pure EssenceThe_5_Elements_of_Nature_(PanchaMahabhuta)


The five elements of nature and the nature of the five elements is instrumentally sustained by pure energy.


Everything is pure in its essence and so are you. Realize and experience your true nature, true self and your divine essence by living your divine purpose and divine will, practicing righteousness in your thoughts, actions and expressions consistently.

Another illustration of the cycle.
Another illustration of the cycle. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Simon & Schuster Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs...
The Simon & Schuster Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Creatures: A Visual Who’s Who of Prehistoric Life (Photo credit: Wikipedia)




Begin each and every day with your meditation, sanctifying the vision of the image of divinity that you behold, that is ensconced within your higher self, expand and raise your consciousness to the level of the divine light, align with the impetus of the remarkable Universal power that harmoniously orchestrates the sequential paradigms of nature in its noble and glorious endeavor.


You begin to realize and discover that what you were holding onto at a certain point in time bears no relevance since you move ahead towards embracing the completeness, the greatness, the gracefulness and wonderfulness of your life that embodies the contentment and joy of who you are truly comprised of.

Water from and to the elements
Water from and to the elements (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
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This is a file from the Wikimedia Commons. Information from its description page there


The nature that is all around as well as within us is the manifestation of the sacred syllables. Explore this respectfully, each and every religion has been gracefully conferred with the incredible wealth of sacred chants which are pure in their nature and are able to invoke the divine grace for the goodwill, harmony and welfare of all forms of God’s creation compassionately.

Pentacle is the sacred symbol used in modern P...
Pentacle is the sacred symbol used in modern Pagan religions. The Pagan pentacle represents the five elements on which is structured the cosmos; the apex at the top of the star enrolled in the circle represents the spirit of God that manifests itself in the emanation of the many deities and in the nature of the universe. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



We may read all the scriptures by mind and heart as well as practice instituting discipline in all areas and spheres of our lives and yet remain unsatisfied or feel the sense of lack of self worth and completeness because one or more of the five elements of nature is missing from the graceful constellation of our human intellect, physique and nature. The key to this is purity, when we clarify our thoughts through practice of meditation, we gradually ascend our consciousness and realize that it is our infinitesimal set of choices encapsulating certain decisions and desires may have surreptitiously crept in and generated a reservoir of incessant and unabated flow that may be hard to regulate and despite doing all the needful, we feel and wonder why and what is probably contradictorily influencing the trajectory of events.


Well, it maybe akin to finding needle in a haystack when we generally approach this healing process of purifying but when venturing towards it during our meditation, we seamlessly transcend the corridors of thoughts, emotions and feelings including the reasoning paradigm effortlessly and are able to dispel the discrepant factors that lay buried within the roots of our nature and replace those with everything that is pure in its essence as our true nature and our true self and our divine essence are well equipped to enlighten us towards the greatness of the reason of what we have so very fortunately come to this earthly realm for which time and again is recognizing our divine purpose and divine will essentially.



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The nature that is all around as well as within us is the manifestation of the sacred syllables. Explore this respectfully, each and every religion has been gracefully conferred with the incredible wealth of sacred chants which are pure in their nature and are able to invoke the divine grace for the goodwill, harmony and welfare of all forms of God’s creation compassionately.

File:The Earth seen from Apollo 17.jpg
View of the Earth, taken in 1972 by the Apollo 17 astronaut crew. This image is the only photograph of its kind to date, showing a fully sunlit hemisphere of the Earth.


The five elements can be humbly defined as a barometer-compass that establishes a harmonious equilibrium between our inner realm and the external realm amazingly. For example, we plant the seeds of certain characteristical tendencies – experience certain emotions+feelings – vibrate at certain frequencies and send across signals after signals almost stealthily (yes, the exchange process is very discreet, swift and almost unnoticeable) – this is the communicative and alignment between our true nature and the outer nature that is there in the Universe. Which is why sometimes, we are barely thinking about somethings and voila, there we are having at that very instant, that very precise set of aspect evolving and manifesting, almost as if it were ordained by us? We are humbly awed at the amazing power of our pure thoughts, the pureness of our energy that apparently works in confluence and consonance with the five elements of nature to bring to fruition the desired aspects into our lives and then when we need somethings again, if we tend to adapt another methodology or indulge in any shortcuts or unfair means to derive greater satisfaction which in the process might be causing harm to others, we maybe helplessly struggling and wondering why the desired aspects are not bearing any results? Well, the creative intelligence of our true nature, of the Universal nature and of the Cosmos are all poised to embrace all that is pure, good and in the best interests of one and all without any bias or prejudice or favoritism or partiality, it is completely impartial and remains neutral forever and ever. If we can learn the process of intending instead of just tending; aligning instead of just adapting casually; embracing the true ideology, values and principles of our true nature instead of just chanting mechanically and then being in too many places at the very same given instance? It needs absolute focus and loyalty, dedication and sincerity, altruism and compassion, humility and reverence and so many more of the amazing values and practices that we have learned across our lifetime, to realize that we have been bestowed with the divine will, divine purpose and our purposeful living with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, truthfulness and our ingenious creative wisdom. If we are thinking of swiftly changing the hands of time or the sequence of events, we maybe left wondering since everything and every think need to operate on the frequencies of harmonious alignment with the five elements that are both in the outer world as well as in the inner world although we may not be able to distinguish and identically relate the appearances of the respective elements, they are well in place when we are placed in our wellness with pure and true intentions sincerely, God Bless.

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Information from its description page there

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We emerge from the divine light and merge with the divine consciousness upon completion of our earthly sojourn realizing the oneness of our soul radiates the magnificence of our being infinitely, God Bless. In birth, we are submerged within divine love. We emerge there onwards from the one divinity and gracefully merge with the divine oneness upon completion of our earthly sojourn. The five elements humbly seek to inspire us to realize that the purity of our oneness seeks to empower us with the foresight to practice righteousness in our thoughts, actions and expressions faithfully. With the oneness of our purity and truth, we transcend across the landscape of our lives experiencing our evolutionary growth in grace and wisdom amazingly.


As we align with each element, we ascend and transcend across the landscapes of our lives phenomenally so much so that we realize all that we ever sought was very much here, right here, ensconced within the realm of our true nature, our true self and our divine essence beckoning us to awaken to our completeness, our brilliant magnificence of living a purposeful life by being true to our nature as well as nature to our truth earnestly and faithfully. This is about respectfully aligning with the radiance of pure energy, the true essence and purity of who we truly are, raising and expanding our consciousness to a higher level such as the divine light, whereby we are able to comprehend and better understand the various aspects of our lives are a matter of consciously embracing certain values and ideologies that operate on other frequencies and remain at the epicenter of all of that begins and commences and is well sustained by the purity of our divine essence. It is from the divine, forms the divinity, with+in the divine oneness of who we truly are and the five elements being the sacred constituents which help us correlate, to align, to comprehend, to energize+synergize, to initiate, to identify as an instrumental compass the goodness of purity that dwells in all of God’s creations amazingly.

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The five elements of nature symbolically reflect their harmonious innate characteristics apart from what they are called, known, defined, termed as and referenced respectively. This is seeking to refer to virtues such as altruism, benevolence, compassion, confidence, contentment, courage, dignity, diligence, endurance, equanimity, faithfulness, forbearance, forgiveness, generosity, gratitude, justice, kindness, loyalty, mindfulness, morality, peacefulness, perseverance, prudence, purposefulness, sincerity,spirituality, temperance, trustworthiness, truthfulness and wisdom apart from the incredible wealth of goodness and purity that each element seeks to infuse within the mainstream of each and every aspect and endeavor remarkably. It is as if the elements are neutral and get further empowered in their reciprocal empowering that they confer when a realized conscious potential intuitive pure intent is unleashed from within its realm of our true nature and true self respectively to emerge and merge with the gratefulness of manifestation in its glorious advent towards Universal harmony, progress and welfare selflessly.


We may read and discuss how much ever but what the pathways of meditation make us tread upon diligently is something that each and everyone of us will discover for ourselves and realize that it humbly encompasses all that was, is and will ever be posthumously perched on the pedestal of purity of its essence as well as the essence of its purity that is infinitely prevalent to help clarify the governance of the Universe within as well as all around us with instrumental precision and magnificence consciously

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                    This is a file from the Wikimedia Commons. Information from its description page there


The amazing bountifulness and grace of nature is meticulously comprised of its pivotal strategic sequence of balanced spaciousness of its five elements. One of the greatest revelations that will dawn across the landscapes of our intuitive realizations is that everything and every think is a matter of calibrated balance. It is uniformed in its proportionality and propulsionality. Whether within the human physique, intellect, mind, heart, system or whether in the Universe and across the spatial realms, the galaxies, the cosmic constellations, the sun, moon, star and planets and all the known as well as the unknown celestial bodies, there is essentially a pure symmetry of pure balance established across the framework of each and every particle right from its very roots. With the purity of balance that we are able to reflect upon during the expansion of our consciousness, we start living our lives there onwards with a sense of equanimity and admirable gracefulness where we feel and experience our completeness from within as well as all around us in our interactiveness selflessly, balance of purity and the purity of balance is not about measurements as we know them, they are about the axis of the Universe which gravitates within and all around us propagating its pureness, and as each and every one of us either consciously or ignorantly seek to adapt and embrace its principles and values, we thereby experience likewise set of factors manifesting in our lives remarkably, it is the pureness of energy where we are making the choices and then subsequently the choices are making us believe whereby we may transcend so far across that we may tend to forget what we intended very long ago, very casually and very haughtily manifested in our lives, or even if we ridiculed someone or belittled or made someone suffer at some point in time manifested within us in the form of ill health or other maladies very strangely, almost, as if out of nowhere at all – it is now+here, and yet again now+here, in the present moment that we are creating our destinies in alignment with the five elements of nature that is+are within as well as all around us, seek to meditate and experience your pure essence, your divine essence, your true nature and your true self, you are being of light filled with pure divine energy and expressing your divinity will help you experience your evolutionary growth in grace, purity and wisdom infinitely, God Bless.

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God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness and wisdom always,God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,


©2013 Vashi Chandi