#NorthKorea #SouthKorea This World W”as” Created; In Creation H”as” its Worthiest Potential of All Life, Cherish thy Universe as/has Its Benevolent Self’s Realization Envisioned Virtues Orientated Infinite Wisdom

Seek/Speak True/Through the Divine Gracious Essence of Your Universal Goodwill’s Peacefulness Orientated Vision



In peace, the world is c’om’plete. In c’om’pleteness, the world is ever graciously peaceful

Durge Devi Namo Stute, Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chand

Your M’om’ent, More Meant True YourSelf, Be/Make YourSelf Worthy of God’s Divine Vision that Perceives You Through ItSelf

Treat every M’om’ent as God’s Gift, Entreat every G”i”v”i”ng as God’s Will Meant685154f2f4d50a627e45b8d17f6f337f

You humbly seeks to exemplify the ever gracious symposium of thy pure collective/universal consciousness; Cherish/Fulfill the sacred essence of your pure divine potential, ever sow pure divine worthily; Durge Devi Namo Stute, Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chand