#Life As/Has its Fact Always Remains In-Tact………

Who Would Have Th’ought’ We’d Come So Far? Remember its We’d and Never Weed! For the Calm “In”sight Uproots the Weeds Tactfully By Resolving the Core/Root Aspects-Issues “Wit”h the Nip in the Bud Strategy – If U Let  Certain Habits/Practices Go On, Remember They’re Growing ON-Which Means U Choose/Choice is Yours, But its Not Worth it to Be Helplessly Accumulating That/Those Discrepant Sets of Tendencies That Are Never in Your Better Interests at all!


…….and so do our core values/virtues constancy of purposefulness evolve-precisely intact-and yet empowering/sustaining some of the most incredible tractioning’s ever known to humankind……..our true nature is testimony to the uniqueness of our divine heritage light/right-bright true and through-ought/insight………ever sw pure divine nature’s awareness conscientiously, meritoriously and note worthily………Durge Devi NamoStute, Shiva Shakti bhava, Hari Om Tat Sat, God bless.

©2019 Vashi Chandi

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