Fond Memories, In Essence Ever Uniquely Memorizing/Elucidating the Intrinsic Fundamentals of Life’s True Nature – Every Day is Mother’s Day, its Every Ray that Adds Gladness True Life’s Way/Sway/Svadhyay-Self Awareness Introspective Contemplation, Each Mother Resonates 2 Her Children, Nothing Compares True You


May the divine graciousness’s ever virtuous wisdom’s beatitude be with you and yours always…………Jai Shree RadheKrishna, Durge Devi Namo Stute, Shiva Shakti bhava, Hari Om Tat Sat, God bless.

©2021 Vashi Chandi

The Environment & Human Interact’ion’-Proactive Instead of Typically Impulsive/Easily Provoked? Factor:Conduct’ion’/Product’ion’/Intent’ion’/Communicat’ion’-Calm Unificat’ion’/Retent’ion’-Practice the Pause/Proactive Instead of Reactive\Initiatives-Derivatives that R Mutually Conducive

May the divine graciousness’s ever virtuous wisdom’s beatitude be with you and yours always…………Jai Shree RadheKrishna, Durge Devi Namo Stute, Shiva Shakti bhava, Hari Om Tat Sat, God bless.

©2021 Vashi Chandi