Remembering Michael Jackson; Heart Across A Lifetime; Life Across A Heartime; ; Respectfully

Remembering Michael Jackson; Heart Across A Lifetime; Life Across A Heartime; ; Respectfully

Michael Jackson; Yours Truly Always

Michael, You will always remain in our hearts; reminiscent of the melodious era of music and dance


He brought music closer to our hearts in his own unique way, that was truly incomparable


He touched a part of our hearts, which always admirably remembers him with love and respect


He epitomized the characteristics of song and dance very most gracefully


He weaved together the moments of music and dance effortlessly


As a mark of love and respect to Michael, we seek to Inspire one another to accomplish the respective visions and dreams that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely


The spirit of music always salutes him for his erstwhile accomplishments


He inspired us to seek to look within ourselves and reciprocate the magnificent goodness that dwells within


Let us seek to carry forth the legacy of his vision proudly and honor his greatness by remembering and wishing him peace, joy, love and eternal happiness


Michael, you will always be the special part of ourselves that you acquainted us with


You will always remain amidst us very most admirably

Remembering Michael Jackson; Heart Across A Lifetime; Life Across A Heartime; ; Respectfully

Remembering Michael with our hearts full of affection and pride; God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


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