Cows – Caring, Carrying and Creating

Cows – Caring, Carrying and Creating


Cows care, they provide milk.


Cows carry the plough to help in the agricultural industry – the cultivation of fields and harvesting of crops – this nourishes us with nutritious food.


Cows provide manure which is instrumentally effective in resourcefully managing renewable energy needs as well as in the horticultural industry to help with organic fertilization.


Cows symbolize gentleness and peacefulness. They are pure and harmless, remarkably symbolizing the truthful characteristics of the universe through their compassionate nature.


Cows inspire admirable resourcefulness in all that they are, be and represent ever since time immemorial.


We should seek to appreciate, respect and support their harmonious and peaceful co habitation-furtherance-sustenance unconditionally please, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light & Wisdom,


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