The Middle East – Collective Consciousness – Call-Elective Count-Your-Shines – God Bless – Respectfully

The Middle East – Collective Consciousness – Call-Elective Count-Your-Shines – God Bless – Respectfully


May Peace, Goodwill & Harmony Prevail In The Middle East Always – God Bless


Reaching Across

We humbly reach across expressing our pure energy that is our collective consciousness – encompassing the wealth of compassion – goodwill – harmony – happiness – joy – love – peace and wisdom to our brothers and sisters in the Middle East


This is expressing our divinity and amazingly experiencing our grace and wisdom – the characteristic manifestation of our ardent and very most cherished desires relating to Universal peace and goodwill consistently


Through this process of collective consciousness – coming together in the spirit of humanity – we are calling – we are electing – we are selecting – we are choosing the abundance of primordial goodness that relates to the very finest characteristics of our living


This is shining forth our radiance – our luminescence – our effulgence – the count your shines is actually seeking to make us aware of our intuitive gracefulness where numbers are symbolic and do not constitute the literal process of counting – but rather the accounting where we are acknowledging our karmic deeds seeking their evolutionary fulfillment through the process of expressing our goodwill in the form of radiating forth our Light, love and wisdom gratitiously

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, harmony, joy, peace, prosperity, progress, success, sustainability and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2011 Vashi Ram Chandi All Rights Reserved


Countries – Count Trees – Count Thee – Respectfully

Countries – Count Trees – Count Thee – Respectfully

Countries – Respectfully

The Universe is magnificently endowing countries all across with the world with an aura of magnificent priceless treasured moments each and every day amazingly

Count Trees – Respectfully

While gratefully acknowledging the immense treasures in each and every moment, we should seek to appreciatively play our respective roles in ensuring establishment of an ecological sustainability– an conservative equitable and fairly balanced environment globally please

Trees – Respectfully

The felling of trees – deforestation is positioned at an alarmingly crucial state – the very trees that provide us with an abundance of a life time of resourcefulness might be subject to manipulative eradication which is truly unfair

Resourcefulness – Respectfully

The resourcefulness of trees has, is and will continue to infinitely prevail however there is an urgent need to carefully understand how we could be able to co create and align our agendas with Nature – permitting evolution to manifest its exuberant magnificence consistently

Countries – Count Trees – Count Thee – Respectfully

In countries, we find count trees – a wealth of trees and thee’s – it is all interconnected – the magnificence of ecological evolution is amazing and seeks our active and aware participation in its sustainability; we start with countries and the proceed to counting trees and thee’s and revert back to where we commenced

– each is strategically positioned to provide a dependable platform to the other; it is counting tree’s prominently; always in the fore front; always according the predominantly precedent strategic importance to trees that they truly deserve always; God Bless

Consciously – Respectfully

Let us seek to consciously give back – contribute to Nature; to the Ecological Evolutionary process our very firm and decisive support; he Universe – Mother Nature stands resolutely in solidarity with its infinite pledge to promote Universal Goodwill, Peace, Harmony, Unity along with a Sustainable Ecological Balance consistently; God Bless

Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love & Light God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

Intuition; Respectfully
Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness- Let us seek to develop our intuition- Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life- Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul- God Bless

God Bless; Respectfully

May One and All be Blessed with a Vision of Good Health, Adequate Food, Clothing, Shelter, Clean and Pure Water for Drinking and Sanitation Purposes; Awareness, Happiness, Joy, Prosperity, Progress and Wisdom always- God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


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