Mid Autumn Festival

oprah-winfrey-new-years-quotes-the-more-you-praise-and-celebrate-your8th September 2014 marks the celebrations of the Mid Autumn festival. This is represented by the completion of the summer harvesting season.

The festivities gracefully represent the amazing joyfulness  and gratuitous providence of the Universe and Mother Nature consistently, God bless.

©2014 Vashi Chandi

Mid Autumn Festival, Moon Cake Festival, Lantern Festival, Harvesting Thankfulness

Mid Autumn Festival, Moon Cake Festival, Lantern Festival, Harvesting Thankfulness


19 September 2013 marks the celebrations of the Mid Autumn festival respectively.


This is represented by the completion of the summer harvesting season.


The observance of the above festival is traditionally complimented by partaking of the delicious moon cakes.


The festivities gracefully represent the abundant expression of the amazing joyfulness experienced at the providence of the Universe and Mother Nature always.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless

Love, Light & Wisdom,


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