Shivaratri, Purity, Consciousness, Cosmic Evolution

james-broughton-director-consciousness-is-the-glory-of Shivaratri, Purity, Consciousness, Cosmic Evolution

Shiva Bhakti, Shiva Shakti, Shivaratri; February 27 2014


27 February 2014 marks the auspicious celebrations commemorating Maha Shivaratri respectively.


Shivaratri heralds the glorious supreme victory of true devotion and the purity of consciousness which sustains the symphony of the cosmos amazingly.


Imbuing the gracefulness of our true nature, our true self and our divine essence, we realize the infinitesimal experience of our evolutionary growth in grace and wisdom infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, Om Namaha Shivaya, God Bless

Love, Light & Wisdom,


©2014 Vashi Chandi

Shiva Shakti, Pure Supreme Energy

rig-veda-hymn-of-creationShiva Shakti, Pure Supreme Energy


With the pure intent of our energy, we create.


With the pureness of creation, we are energized.


Everything is pure in its essence and so are you, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Navratri – Jai Maa Durga – Jai Mata Di – Victory to the Mother Divine

Navratri – Jai Maa Durga – Jai Mata Di – Victory to the Mother Divine

Navratri March 16 2010 to March 24 2010 -Respectfully


Navratri – Respectfully

Navratri marks the commencement of celebrations of worship of Goddess Durga and Her Nine Manifestations for nine consecutive days respectfully; Jai Mata Di

Navratri – Respectfully

Navratri marks the commencement of celebrations of worship of Goddess Durga and Her Nine Manifestations for nine consecutive days respectfully; Jai Mata Di

Jai Mata Di – Respectfully

The repeated chants of Jai Mata Di resonate respectfully representing victory to the Mother Divine; victory to Goddess Durga and Her Nine Manifestations respectfully; Jai Mata Di

Bi Annually – Respectfully

This is celebration that takes place twice a year respectively and respectfully; Jai Mata Di

Durga – Respectfully

Durga is the name of the Divine Mother, Goddess Durga, Shakti; Shiva Shakti; The meaning of Durga in Sanskrit respectfully represents the overcoming of obstacles; Jai Mata Di

Bhajans – Respectfully

For all the nine days, a daily morning and evening prayer is held with singing of bhajans – devotional hymns extolling – praising the greatness of Matarani Durga and Her Nine Manifestations for nine consecutive days respectfully;Jai Mata Di

Matarani Durga – Respectfully

The meaning of Matarani is Divine Mother and is expressed with respectful reverence to Goddess Durga and Her Nine Manifestations respectfully; Jai Mata Di

Goddess Durga and Her Nine Manifestations Respectfully – Respectfully

The names of Goddess Durga’s nine nanifestations are respectfully as follows – very most respectfully; Jai Mata Di

Respectfully – Jai Mata Di

Ambe – Jagdambe – Jai Mata Di

Annapurna – Jai Mata Di

Bhadrakali – Jai Mata Di

Bhairavi – Jai Mata Di

Bhavani- Jai Mata Di

Chandika – Jai Mata Di

Durga – Jai Mata Di

Lalita – Jai Mata Di

Sarvamangala – Jai Mata Di

Aarti – Respectfully

The completion of each prayer session are respectively marked by the Aarti which is the devotional song humbly expressing the highest admiration, adoration, devotion, gratitude, respect and reverence to Matarani Durga and Her Nine Manifestations respectfully; Jai Mata Di

Etiquette – Respectfully

The Aarti is performed with a heartfull of admiration, adoration, devotion, gratitude, respect and reverence humbly expressed with the very highest regard to Matarani Durga accompanied along with the lighting of a cotton wick that is dipped in oil, lighting of camphor, incense sticks and ringing the bells and singing the Aarti; Jai Mata Di

Intention – Respectfully

The intention of the Aarti is to humbly surrender and offer all actions with humility to Matarani Durga; Jai Maa Durga; Jai Mata Di; Jai Matarani Vaishnodevi; Jai Maa Maha Kali; Jai Maa Saraswathi; Jai Maa Lakshmi and the Nine Manifestations of Matarani Durga respectfully with profound admiration, adoration, devotion, gratitude, respect and reverenc; Jai Mata Di

Navratri – Garba – Respectfully

During Navratri Garba competitions are held; Garba seeks to respectfully refer to the dance where devotional songs in honor of Matarani Durga are listened to by the heart and the participants as well as the spectators celebrate with their hearts expressing Joy and Happiness respectfully;

The Heart Dancing with Joy – Respectfully

It is dancing to the rhythms of the heart and very most gratefully and humbly expressing profound thanks to Matarani Durga and her nine manifestations; singing and dancing respectfully with calibrated precision that is truly amazing; It is the magnificent dance of the heart joyfully expressing itself gracefully; Jai Mata Di

Awaken – Respectfully

Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness; be more aware and conscious; let us seek to develop our intuition; Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life; Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul; God Bless

God Bless – Respectfully

Goodwill – Respectfully

The art of life inspires us with the amazing foresight; and empowers us with the amazing strength and capabilities to accomplish the respective visions and dreams that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely

Awaken – Respectfully

Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness; be more aware and conscious; let us seek to develop our intuition; Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life; Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul; God Bless

True Nature – True Selves – Respectfully

The art of living inspires us to discover, recognize and experience our True Nature; our True Selves; God Bless

Higher Consciousness – Respectfully

Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness; be more aware and conscious; God Bless

Intuition – Respectfully

Let us seek to develop our intuition; Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life; Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul; God Bless

God Bless – Respectfully

May One and All be Blessed with a Vision of Good Health, Awareness, Happiness, Joy, Prosperity, Progress and Wisdom always; God Bless

Jai Mata Di,

Love,  Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

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