Pure Feelings, Feeling Your Purity, Shuddh Bhav, The Thought with the Feeling taught the Feeling

Bhav, Bhava, Bhavan, Bhavana, Sambhavana

From the Seed to the Supercede? to the Supersede? Let the Seed’s evolution blossom, True and Through, Righteously Throughout this Graceful Life, God bless

Bhav’s translational definition refers to gesture

Bhava refers to the internal state of feeling

Bhavan refers to building, in these contexts, it humbly refers to one’s nature

Bhavana It has various interpretations, however the most appropriate is the righteous conception

Sambhavana refers to the likelihood, the probability and the possibility

tim-donovan-quote-intuition-is-a-completely-natural-mode-of-perception riccardo-muti-nobility-of-spirit-has-more-to-do-with-simplicity-than pot5Awareness

Gardening our Thoughts

Wherever, whenever we nourish and cultivate the seeds (thoughts) in our minds, we empower likewise set of emotions and feelings – incidents, happenings, circumstances and eventualities to evolve and manifest in our lives.

thomas-moore-poet-true-change-takes-place-in-the henry-van-dyke-poet-be-glad-of-life-because-it-gives-you-the-chance 9311434504_8e75d60c18_mRealization

This is why we 9814059176_d3fe481173_mneed to be carefully aware, realize and understand that harvesting certain tendencies through our thought processes will create, germinate and manifest likewise set of results whether those thoughts are casually, ignorantly or negligently reflected upon, so learn to regulate your thoughts by practicing meditation and becoming a intelligent+keen+vigilant observer; not letting stray thoughts penetrate the sacred chambers of your minds and hearts and always seeking to identify, discover, recognize, realize and experience your true nature, your true self and your divine essence for it is your life that you are creating right from the seeds-the thought process and then still it is continually such that you are living your life as well as your life is living you. In a way, its a matter of discipline as well as a discipline of matter that truly counts and matters consistently, God bless.

©2014 Vashi Chandi

Right, That’s All Right

miguel-de-cervantes-novelist-diligence-is-the-mother-of-good-fortuneRight, That’s All Right

Life is Not only about being Where we are Right, But its also about being “Right Where We Are

Being “Right Where We Are” is about Truly being “Right Where We Are” Alert, Committed, Diligent, Focused, Responsible, Tenacious, Truthful and Wise


Some people want to be where they are when they are right?success-quotes


They need to realize that life’s about consciously being present right where we are. Attentively, Consciously, Diligently, Prudently, Responsibly, Sincerely, Tenaciously, Truthfully and Wisely being present where we must be present.TAGORE MIND WITHOUT FEAR


The above humbly seeks to refer to several people being caught off guard, they leave their sense of alertness and precaution aside? They tend to take enormous risks just for a few moments of fleeting pleasure? Like while driving, tending and intending to shift their focus from the pathways ahead to the weigh path that’s emanating from the screens of their mobile devices? Or others while at work or at home, or anyone, anywhere and at any given time need to be alert, alert, alert, due diligence, due diligence and due diligence is required to be exercised and practiced importantly please since deviating from one another’s respective duties and tasks and being more concerned about keeping abreast of what’s happening across the social media or watching some recreational videos online or listening to music while ignoring the phone calls and the urgent tasks on hand or even other aspects being neglected by not being right where we are could eventually represent its own set of consequences at any given point in time without any alarm or warnings please, life cannot be just taken for granted or for that matter so many aspects cannot just be taken for granted and thinking that we are right, so all else will also be right, its not like that, it needs to be the other way round and around also at the very same time importantly, which is being right we are as well please. titus-maccius-plautus-poet-persevere-in-virtue-and


Or even students who have to attend to their examinations and are frantically rushing to fulfill their respective commitments in the eleventh hour, in the nick of the moment, in the last few hours before their exams begin? Likewise whereever, in whatever capacity, professional designation or stature, each and every one of us have been given+entrusted certain responsibilities, but if we tend to practice the attitude of only being there where we are supposed to be when it suits us? Meaning being where we are only when we are right and otherwise just ignorantly looking away?


Life is not lived that way at all since by only tending to be right where we are only when we are right and not otherwise and carelessly risking and speculating, deviating our attentiveness away from the sensitivity of the situations could land us in trouble sooner or later and then all the apologies would not be helpful since the virtue of righteousness keeps precautioning us, reminding us, inspiring us to be right where we are, practicing righteousness in all that we think, do and express consistently. It is good being where we are right, but it is far more good, ethical and purposeful being right where we are for life cannot be lived just on an auto pilot mode, of just switching on the engines and then expecting to be cruising at an imaginary altitude and navigating responsibly? Since once we shift of the focus, we may land somewhere else where we never may have imagined please. It needs the attitude of righteousness, the attitude of diligence and prudence, the attitude of righteousness time and again, the attitude of responsibility, sincerity, tenacity, truthfulness and wisdom earnestly, faithfully and committedly, God Bless.warren-buffett-warren-buffett-the-business-schools-reward-difficult-complex

Please Kindly Note – It maybe coming many a time to the critial factor that being right is what matters but as we all know very well that along with being right and practicing righteousness, the incredible importance of being right where we are is significantly paramount and enormously potential for shifting our attention away for even a few seconds from what needs our complete and total attention could represent catastrophic results. This is for example workers who are operating+working with certain machinery where regardless of even someone calling them, they cannot afford to shift their attention and diligence away, once they have safely completed the respective tasks and switched off the machinery properly, only then, could they ever seek to respond to what’s being generally discussed. Or even if it may be the driver of vehicle or even if it may be a pedestrian or even if it maybe at the hospitals or in other walks and vocations of life as well as also when one maybe leisurely vacationing or going around generally to attend to their daily agendas, assignments, duties, objectives, obligations, responsibilities, studies and tasks accordingly. The above are only some of the scenarios but likewise there maybe several other instances, circumstances or situations where regardless of what time and age, what definitions or suppositions; what pretexts or reasons, being right is what matters truly but along with being right it is extremely important to be right where we are as well please, diligently practicing righteousness in our thoughts, actions and expressions consistently, please be safe, please be well, please care for yourself and others as well please, God Bless.emily-dickinson-poet-behavior-is-what-a-man-does-not-what-he-thinks

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light & Wisdom,yajur-veda-quote-o-god-may-we-after-being-inspired-by-virtuous-qualiti


©2014 Vashi Chandi

Fathers Day, For Thus Day, The Us Day – The Bliss In A Father’s Blessings, The Blessings Within A Father’s Bliss – Truly Amazing, Constructive, Creative, Great, Graceful, Incredible, Noble, Prudent, Reliable, Responsible, Sincere & Trustworthy – God Bless – Respectfully

Fathers Day, For Thus Day, The Us Day – The Bliss In A Father’s Blessings, The Blessings In A Father’s Bliss – Truly Amazing, Constructive, Creative, Great, Graceful, Incredible, Noble, Prudent, Reliable, Responsible, Sincere & Trustworthy – God Bless – Respectfully

A Father Is A Father, Like No Other – The Two Days Of Life, The True Days Of Living – Respect One Another Truly – Happy Fathers Day, God Bless


Fathers day seeks to humbly rekindle the bond of true admiration, appreciation, guidance, gratitude, gracefulness, love and respect shared between a Father and his Child – Children respectively


This is a day of admirable dependency where the Child – Children reflect upon their heritage with immense pride and honorable reverence


This is a day of dependable admiration where the Father reflects upon their Child – Children’s meritage – achievements with bliss in their blessings – blissful blessings


This is a day that seeks to know one another more truly – the Child – Children that lives in their Father’s mind and heart cherishingly – as well as the Father that lives in their Child – Children’s mind and heart adorably


The two days of life – The true days of life respectfully seek to reflect upon the when we are born in this wonderful Universe – and when we ourselves become Parents and experience the joy of life being re born in the graceful divinity of our Child – Children amazingly

True Love & Respect For Parents Always Please – God Bless

The two – the true days seek to reflect upon the instrumental roles that Parent’s play in a Child’s – in their Children’s lives – as well as the reverential roles that a Child – that the Children play in their Parent’s lives respectfully – Respect, Respect and Respect please – this is the true love and respect that resonates itself as the very most integral factors of one another’s lives significantly – The true gratitude, love and respect that we express and experience for our Parents always, God Bless


The synchronization of the two days aligning with the true days is only symbolic since the numerical importance transcends far beyond the two days – every day – each and every moment is the truly priceless moment of living when we seek to live a purposeful life with conscious awareness – this reminds us that the jewels of life are its true will in living consciously – God Bless


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness – Let us seek to develop our intuition – Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life – Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul, God Bless

God Bless

May the true joy of life, goodwill and wisdom of living be with you always. May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2012 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Ragging Is Wrecking – Please Be Considerate

Ragging Is Wrecking – Please Be Considerate


Ragging is wrecking the morale and confidence of students


It is causing enormous stress


The state of affairs are precariously balanced wherever ragging is prevalent


This experience is tremendously appalling


The families of the students are extremely anxious at their plight


What is needed is love, respect, sincerity, trust and a greater degree of understanding to prevail please


The students have a vision of accomplishing their academic objectives earnestly


Ragging is outrageous and strongly condemned


It is an extremely serious matter of epic proportions


it is extremely distressing for the students and their families to carry such burdens, concerns and fears continually


Each day the families of the students fervently pray for their safety and well being


Students are truly entitled to pursue their academic – educational curriculum without having to succumb to ragging please


Please be kind, thoughtful,considerate and responsible please

    Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love, Light and Wisdom; God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness; be more aware and conscious – God Bless


Let us seek to develop our intuition; Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life; Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, joy, prosperity, progress and wisdom always – God Bless

Peace, Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind; type of responsibilities- representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions- errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever

The Stem Seeks Its System – Respectfully

The Stem Seeks Its System – Respectfully

The Stem Seeks Its System

The above humbly seeks to refer to the process of evolutionary manifestation where there is the predominant regulation prevalent in each and every aspect of life respectively


The roots – the stem cannot be overlooked negligently or ignorantly – there needs to prevail a consistent perspective of awareness that diligently reigns with reference to its disciplinary and responsible understanding and management please – consistently regarding each and every aspect and facet of life please


This refers to the prevalent legitimacy of life which infinitely resonates its evidential truth that the conditionalities of life are its inherent accountabilities – the accountabilities of life are its inherent conditionalities

Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love, Light and Wisdom; God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness – Let us seek to develop our intuition; Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life; Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

God Bless

May One and All be Blessed with a Vision of Good Health, Happiness, Joy, Prosperity, Progress and Wisdom always; God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,

Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind; type of responsibilities; representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions- errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever

Face It – Phase it – Face The Phases – Phase The Faces – Respectfully

Face It – Phase it – Face The Phases – Phase The Faces – Respectfully

Acknowledgment – Respectfully

Every phase of life seeks it corresponding acknowledgment and decisive responsible initiatives respectively

Face It – Phase it – Respectfully

When one phases what one faces – this seeks to carefully understand and manage the concerned aspects

Face The Phases – Phase The Faces – Respectfully

Aspects and facets of life might increment – augment in stature and magnitude if deliberately ignored – neglected – which is why life inspires us to face the phases with a perspective of constructive, meaningful and responsible phase management please

Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love, Light and Wisdom; God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

Intuition; Respectfully

Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom ; our higher consciousness; Let us seek to develop our intuition; Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life; Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul; God Bless

God Bless; Respectfully

May One and All be Blessed with a Vision of Good Health, Happiness, Joy, Prosperity, Progress and Wisdom always; God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2010 Vashi Ram Chandi

All Rights Reserved


This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind; type of responsibilities; representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

Any and all liabilities are hereby disclaimed regarding any omissions- errors or consequences that may arise as a result of preview; dissemination or propagation in any format whatsoever