Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas

Nederlands: Sinterklaas tijdens het Het Feest ...
Nederlands: Sinterklaas tijdens het Het Feest van Sinterklaas (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas


The very thought of Santa brings forth exuberant joy and delight.


Santa appears with a cheerful spirit and commitment to celebrate the joyfulness of who we are with+in ourselves truly.


Santa’s presence inspires us to awaken to our higher self that embodies the completeness, greatness, gracefulness, magnificence, wonderfulness and creative wisdom of life’s radiance intuitively, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom, Vashi

©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Santa Claus – Honoring The Saint In Our Cause Without Clause – Being True To Our Nature – Being Nature To Our Truth – Our True Essence – God Bless – Respectfully

Santa Claus – Honoring The Saint In Our Cause Without Clause – Being True To Our Nature – Being Nature To Our Truth – Our True Essence – God Bless – Respectfully


The very thought of Santa brings forth exuberant joy and delight


Santa appears with a cheerful spirit and commitment to sustainably uphold the vision that belongs to the goodwill and harmony of the Universe infinitely


Santa’s manifestation inspires us to reflect upon the saint in our cause and to ensure that we truly honor the greatness of the cause as well as the saint by being true to our nature as well as nature to our truth – to our true essence


The honoring of the saint in our cause without clause humbly implies the practice of acts of selflessness – the unconditional love, goodwill, joy, peace and harmony expressed towards our Brothers and Sisters all across the Universe as well as all forms of God’s creations infinitely


The heritage of the Universe is sustainably empowered by its evolutionary growth in grace and wisdom


This is humbly evoking our conscious awareness to express our divinity and likewise experience our provisionary growth in grace and wisdom as well


When we seek to identify, discover, recognize, realize and experience our true essence – our true identity – our true nature and our true self, we realize the legitimacy of life is our indomitable will and belief in the completeness and wonderfulness of who we truly are

Protocol – Governance

We distinctly understand that the fabled adage – the teachings – the sayings that have been resonating over thousands of years have held the very same ideals and principles consistently – namely – that we should seek to live a life of purpose with conscious awareness consistently


We realize the saint – the cause – the duty allocated to us is truly perceived by awakening to our higher self that embodies the greatness and gracefulness of life’s radiance intuitively


The art of life exemplifies the trust we place in its characteristical competence – This is the luminescence – the radiant glow – the divine light that shines through the hallmarks of our living as we earnestly seek to sow the seeds of awareness, compassion, diligence, joy, love, peace, prudence and wisdom across the landscape of life ingeniously

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2011 Vashi Ram Chandi All Rights Reserved