Hunting? Unthink

Kindness in words creates confidence ...
Kindness in words creates confidence … (Photo credit: symphony of love)

Hunting? Unthink

Prayer for Compassion
Prayer for Compassion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Animals, Beautiful Memories


Animals inspire us to reflect on the divine grace of life.


Life inspires us to compassionately reflect upon the role of animals in our lives.


Ani means beautiful and mals means memory. As far as our memory can recall, the kingdom of God has animals and people living harmoniously and peacefully together, as one joyful family.



Let us seek to meditate and listen to the voice of our soul, our higher self, our true nature, our true self and our divine essence, it will speak and enlighten us regarding the principles of unconditionality, where we must experience our oneness with all of God’s creations rejoicefully and partake of healthy, nutritious vegetarian meals instead of feasting on the flesh of innocent defenseless animals please.


According to information featured on the Internet, millions of animals are hunted every year for recreational purposes, just imagine the hunters persecute the humble defenseless animals purely for their joy of being able to adorn their home decor with parts of the slain animals? How repulsive and unethical since they sever off some part of the animals and leave the rest of the animals body to decay and perish? Are these the values that we have been taught as human beings please? Since being human is about being compassionate and kind, being considerate and thoughtful and never thoughtless or barbaric please.

Compassion International
Compassion International (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


When we watch one animal hunting down another, we are intensely watching the persecution and praying that if we could in some way reach across the screen and hopefully help the challenged animal, but alas, we are caught in the witness mode, where we are praying that if we could have somehow been there to help save that animal after all.


Now after watching that challenging footage of the defenseless animal, we can’t help but feel sorry and experience amazement at how one animal was hounding another? But then, in some respects, when we see indiscriminate slaughter taking place or people engaging in hunting down animals for their sporting activities, do we realize that what we are doing is one of the most sinful of acts and that such actions could never be condoned or pardoned whatsoever since hunting down defenseless animals is equivalent to barbarism and cowardice, if we had the courage to face the animals with our bare hands, we would flee, but taking weapons in our hands and hunting the animals?


What type of humanity is this? Humanity? No sorry, this could never be a human being, since human beings are compassionate beings, beings of light filled with pure divine energy and endowed with some of the most magnificent characteristical virtues, so who are these characters that are engaging in the hunting please?

Showroom of Compassion
Showroom of Compassion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Practice Compassion Please

Are they some demonic forces? It is really easy to just talk, read an article, pledge support and then get back to the normal day to day life where we are busy with our agendas and heed to the responsibility of our initiatives but how about those defenseless animals who are continually being harassed and persecuted please? They are living almost twenty four hours a day in intense fear, fleeing at the very slightest sound or movement because they have been stalked right from when they were infants and truly wish to live please, kindly do not hurt them please.


They are being stalked and persecuted, hunted down by these misguided people who are encroaching the habitats of the gentle and innocent animals simply to be able to take out a photograph next to the slain animals and reflect their superiority? What they conquer is earning more sinfulness, they do not win any trophies but prophecize their own agony and sufferings for by bringing home the carcass of slain animals and hanging them on the walls, this is purely barbaric and very most condemnable. There are beautiful artworks that could be adorning the walls and not utilizing animal carcass as home decor or posthumous artworks please.


All the scriptures in each and every religion elucidate the preciseness of the laws of cause and effect, the law of sow and reap, the law of what goes round, comes around too, the law of what we do for others comes back to us in someway+some form+sometime or another. In fact the holy scriptures inspire us to consciously awaken to the greatness of our being by living a purposeful life with conscious awareness, compassion, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, sincerity, truthfulness and our creative wisdom.

English: Child's drawing/painting with acrosti...
English: Child’s drawing/painting with acrostic of compassion (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Coming to captioned title, as we all know the definition of unthink is inconsiderate, not heeding to one’s wisdom and thoughtless. So in some ways, could hunting be possibly referred to as a thoughtless adventure and persecution set of actions?

But there is a price to pay, there are consequences to be faced, since in the kingdom of God when we complete our earthly sojourn, we will have to be accountable for all the sinfulness – the sinful actions that we committed, remember everything is being recorded, accounted and audited, nothing ever escapes the watchful gaze of our higher consciousness and the cosmic consciousness and the greatness witness is our soul that wants us to expand our consciousness and immediately stop persecuting any of the defenseless animals and permitting them to live peacefully but then if we refuse to listen to the wisdom of our soul, when time comes, when we are afflicted with certain incurable diseases and are pleading for healing, going from one holy place to another to be able to live and sustain our lives, even the most expensive of medicines and the very best of treatments are not able to help us, for we face a part of the punishment right here, right in this very world and then continue to pay the punishment by being further punished and held accountable for our discrepant set of heinous deeds of hunting defenseless animals, please awaken and seek to help the defenseless animals, not to persecute them please, please be considerate and compassionate, the animals are very much like all of us and have families and feel the pain and sufferings please, please, please and please, do not hunt the animals, they are gentle and loving, caring and beautiful, think again and please stop the unthinking, please stop the hunting, thank you very much and God Bless.

The Great Kindness Challenge Logo
The Great Kindness Challenge Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


©2013 Vashi Chandiramani

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