Higher Education – The Challenge Beyond The Horizons Of Knowledge – Respectfully

Higher Education – The Challenge Beyond The Horizons Of Knowledge – Respectfully

Higher Education

The objective of students seeking to pursue further enhancement of their intellectual aspirations is appropriately systematized globally


This is due to the commendable dedicated initiatives taken each and every day since several decades by millions of people in the educational sectors as well as various other sectors of the global community who admirably provide their much needed philanthropic support and erstwhile guidance


These individuals with their admirable approach inspire us to be aware regarding the awakening of our destinies remains very much within our grasp


During the learning process there comes a stage which is referred to as the higher school education – the pre university and the university academic portfolio agendas respectively


It is at these junctures where on one side the landscapes of the abundance of intellectual wealth that are essential for embarking on the pathways of each and every facet of life beckon – and simultaneously the pressure of facing the related costs befall as insurmountable challenges on certain students and their families


Understandably there are scholarships that are provided to students who are able to prove their intellectual proficiency and determined resolve focused upon achievement of distinctive milestones encompassing the frontiers of knowledge


However, what happens to those students and their families that are suddenly facing the tremendous uphill task of facing and overcoming these phenomenal challenges and have not been able to identify the appropriate channels of scholarships eligibility?


Students and their Parents are left wondering seeking resolutions that could help them better manage – effectively negotiate their entrusted agendas responsibly however in the process of managing they are exposed at instances to tremendous financial pressure – this leaves them perplexed since on one hand they are seeking to sustain their living – day to day relentlessly persevering and then comes this stage of the higher education which leaves them speechless – perplexed and overwhelmed with profound anxiety


The manageability becomes intensely demanding where on one hand even the slightest of ignorance or deviation from the agenda on hand could off set the student’s intellectual aspirations by a complete year or more thereby causing considerable stress – deluge of anxious moments and fervent hopes of seeking miracles across the horizon of each moment by moment – this deviation is the aspect of the educational proficiency of the students at being able to secure high ranks – distinctive academic performances


Some may look away – some may look to seek and find the appropriate way and pursue possible potentialities that could be further explored – how about them who keep seeking this vision? How could they be further assisted to know that the hopes and aspirations they cherish behold promising accomplishments that could be apparently realized?


The vision of provision of higher education becomes an ardent quest that is relentlessly pursued and carried forth with the hopes and aspiration of millions of individuals who seek to witness the day when the possibilities of availing of higher education is not fraught with so many financial challenges and hurdles intermittently


The value of education is priceless and its importance cannot be compared or measured simply through expression of a matter of these or any words – education has been purposeful in shaping the global hemispheres – bridging and connecting – establishing platforms of intellectual wealth that could be further explored to create greater universal goodwill and harmony infinitely


The challenge persistently remains -, how do students and their families facing the higher school education – the pre university and the university academic portfolio aspiring agendas – dilemmas – predicament venture ahead?

Keep Discovering Your True Nature Your True Self Love & Light God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi

The art of life provides us its amazing foresight to accomplish the visions that belong to the goodwill of the Universe infinitely


The art of living inspires us to discover, recognize and experience our True Nature – our True Self


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom; our higher consciousness – Let us seek to develop our intuition- Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life- Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


Copyright ©2011 Vashi Ram Chandi All Rights Reserved

Play – Role – Roll – Well – Respectfully

Play your Role Well –  Roll your Play Well

Well it is your play – Well it is your role

All is well – Well is all – Play well – Roll well

God Bless, Love, Light and Wisdom – Vashi

Copyright ©2011 Vashi Ram Chandi All Rights Reserved