Remembering Neil Armstrong – Reaching Across The Space Beyond The Stars – The Eternal Legend – God Bless – Respectfully

Remembering Neil Armstrong – Reaching Across The Space Beyond The Stars – The Eternal Legend – God Bless – Respectfully


It is sad to note that Neil Armstrong is no longer amidst us. While poignantly reflecting upon his greatness and gracefulness, we humbly seek to express the following few words honoring his radiance, God Bless


Today in spirit he is all the more with us – so much more than words could ever say since he triumphed over life by eternalizing each and every moment of his life as well as those around him with remarkableness


As a mark of love and respect to him, we should always seek to earnestly inspire one another to sustainably accomplish the respective visions and dreams that belong to the goodwill and harmony of the Universe infinitely


Let us seek to carry forth the legacy of his vision proudly and honor his greatness by remembering and wishing him peace, joy, love and eternal happiness, God Bless


Remembering Neil Armstrong with our minds and hearts full of profound admiration, affection, gratitude, love and respect – God Bless

Peace, Love, Light and Wisdom,


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