Sadhu T L Vaswani – Lets Meet, Meat Less, – Celebrating Compassion – God Bless – Respectfully

Sadhu T L Vaswani – Lets Meet, Meat Less – Celebrating Compassion – God Bless – Respectfully

Please kindly observe November 25th as Meatless Day – Celebrating Sadhu T L Vaswani’s 133rd Birth Anniversary – God Bless

Lets Meet

Let the mind of our hearts and the hearts of our mind meet each other in the realm of gracefulness, greatness, compassion, consideration and conscientiousness please

Meat Less

Let us seek to humbly awaken the virtue of conscious awareness in millions of minds and hearts with the lamp of peace, light, love and wisdom regarding the noble practice of compassion towards animals please


Let us seek to reach across and humbly appeal and seek for the adoption of the legislation that stipulates – No inhumane treatment of defenseless animals please; No indiscriminate slaughter of animals please

Commemoration – Dear Dadaji, We Love You

November 25 2012 proudly marks the 133rd birth anniversary of Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani – This memorable day also marks the universally acclaimed day known very most kindly, lovingly and thoughtfully as meatless day – This noble initiative has been inspired by Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani several decades ago. It is compassionately observed and remarkably celebrated globally. Due to Dadaji’s noble initiative, millions of animals precious lives have been very most miraculously saved and become blissful and a great blessing for the animals and millions of people magnificently as well, God Bless


It is a great privilege to express a few humble words of immense appreciation and gratitude to Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani for awakening the virtue of compassion in millions of hearts with the lamp of awareness, grace, peace, love and wisdom amazingly


Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani set forth on a noble mission with a vision of practicing kindness that has created a phenomenal transformation globally – thereby saving the precious lives of millions of innocent and defenseless animals compassionately


Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani has taught us regarding the incredible importance that pertains to life in all its universal forms


Every living being including animals are rightfully entitled to live since nature has provided us with so many wonderfully nutritious resources of nourishment that are adequate to sustain us healthily


Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani’s legacy is being carried forth proudly where the hallmarks of time are melodiously resonating one tune which is the wonderful virtue of compassion


Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani continues to watch over us with his loving, thoughtful gaze and his ever graceful presence which inspires us to embrace the completeness of our true nature


Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani has inspired us to irrigate and harvest the landscape of life with the very finest seeds of characteristical excellence ingeniously

Sadhu Vaswani Mission

All across the world the establishment of various organizations by the Sadhu Vaswani Mission are teaching people regarding the tremendous importance of observance and practice of true respect, devotion, discipline, good conduct, morality, nobility and spirituality amazingly


Amongst the notable erstwhile accomplishments of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission is the establishment of numerous schools, colleges, universities, hospitals and various other service oriented organizations that truly serve selflessly


This is creatively cultivating the finest characteristics that are an inherent part of ourselves


This is shaping and constructively molding the thinking process creatively thereby inspiring one another to achieve and accomplish the respective visions that belong to the goodwill and harmony of the Universe consistently with an ethical sense of conscious awareness, purposeful living, true dignity, purpose, principles and values amazingly


Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani’s teachings always guide us to reflect upon and look within our higher selves – to discover the amazing treasures that dwell within our divine realm


Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani always taught us that God shines as the Soul in different bodies and makes every form that God creates to shine forth with God’s divine illusion – The God within each and every one speaks with thine – thy higher self – thy true essence – thy true identity – thy true nature – thy true self – this is the union with the divinity that is prevalent within each and every one of us amazingly


This is humbly bowing with profound respect and reverence to the divinity that dwells within each and every one of God’s creations universally


This is praying for greater compassion and consciousness to prevail that evokes the awareness in one another regarding the potential divinity dwelling within them and inspire them to align themselves with the cosmic consciousness respectively


Nature is inspiring and encouraging us to practice a few moments of silence everyday and contemplate upon the higher and truly meaningful purpose of life


Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani’s teachings inspire us to understand that peace and happiness are the harmonious alignment and unification of our thoughts, actions and expressions respectively


Practicing compassion is the discovering, recognition and experience of our true nature – It is living and amazingly experiencing our true essence infinitely


Pujya Dadaji T L Vaswani will always remain amidst us very most admirably, affectionately, devotionally and gracefully – Dada Shyam – God Bless


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – Intuition is our inner guidance, God Bless


May the grace of love along with the joy of thanks and the divine light and wisdom of living your harmonious essence aligned with the pathways of Universal goodwill be with you infinitely, God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always – Dada Shyam, God Bless

Compassion, Love, Light and Wisdom, God Bless,


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