Age Takes Away, Realization Takes A Way

jim-rohn-jim-rohn-discipline-is-the-bridge-between-goals-andAge Takes Away, Realization Takes A Way


How age takes away that which we never realized?


How realization takes a way that which we never gauged?

A Way

Within humbly refers to our higher self, our true self, our true nature and our divine essence respectively. Whether age, realization, nature, the cosmos, the universe, the world, the galaxies, the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the known and unknown celestial bodies in the spatial realms or any aspect of creation – anywhere – everything follows the righteous way of implementing from within its higher realm the diligent practice of calibrated balance, equanimity, compassion, due consideration, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, sincerity, truthfulness and wisdom in its own amazing ways that we refer to as the laws of nature as well as the nature of lawfulness governing all that was, is or will ever be in accordance with meticulous discipline and its innate wisdom amazingly, God Bless.gordon-b-hinkley-quote-the-discipline-that-is-needed-in-our-lives-is

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness and wisdom always,God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,


©2013 Vashi Chandi

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