Informing Others? Our Trust Forms In

Informing Others? Our Trust Forms In


Some people go all around the world informing one another regarding what’s happening, what’s cool, what’s trendy, what’s jazzy, what’s hep, what’s the in thing?


The very most vital detail they completely overlook? neglect? forget? discard? carelessly shun? is spending some quality time, some precious time in solitude and calmness, in mediation, in seeking to experience their true nature, true self and their divine essence.

Kindly remember, this is not about being ahead in the race of social engagement or being online or being tech savvy by just spending most of one’s precious time in wasteful pursuits? (wasteful since many a time some of the circulated articles or jokes, video clips maybe just discarded by others and others out of politeness and etiquette may not be informing anything but they must be disgusted at the seemingly strange lack of irresponsible behavior of the sender of such blatant information vociferously and unstintingly, they may want to scream to stop and even apply spam filters or others relevant software to help route the incoming clips towards automated deletion and whereas the sender maybe spending enormous time sending across one after the other, the chain of mails and clips and other details that truly do not serve any real genuine purpose. If they wanted, they could conversely do so very much more constructiveness in that very same time frame, all it takes is the conscious diligent attitude of facing the truth squarely and doing what need to be done in a responsible and mature manner with complete+total accountability and one’s creative wisdom responsibly)


When they hear something, they are more interested in sharing what’s concerning others whether it maybe gossip or just general information that does not in any way serve any constructive purpose at many a time? In the bargain what ensues is that one’s inclination and resolve gets scattered in engaging with wasteful pursuits and shifting one’s important attentiveness where they could otherwise have been doing far more better and progressing ahead in their lives very most remarkably as well.


Well its their life, their choices and their liberty+discretion – they are entitled to do what they please and choose however if they do not tend to consciously awaken to their true essence, then they may realize at one point of time or another that there is something missing after all in their life and when they notice this, perhaps they may have already traveled far across in their lives and regret at not having resourcefully utilized their precious time schedules – but as the saying goes, better late than never and ensure to practice firm discipline, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, sincerity and truthfulness along with one’s creative wisdom in attending to the needful relevant matters with utmost responsibility and faithfulness respectively, God Bless.


Regarding our trust forming in, this is trust in the truth of life which represents the incredible magnificence of life and its graceful greatness amazingly, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Intellect, In+Tell+Act

Intellect, In+Tell+Act


Our intellect remarkably helps us to identify+clarify+make+take the right decisions amazingly.


Our true nature, true self and our divine essence with our intellect helps us to practice righteousness in our thoughts, actions and expressions consistently for which we humbly thank nature and the environment, the universe, our parents, the world, the people all across the world particularly our teachers-guides and mentors + including our own selves for the fabulous growth in grace and wisdom infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved


Granted, Taken for or Taking?

Granted, Taken for or Taking?


Taking things or people for granted is one of the most unpredictable of aspects.


Think about it, would you be willing to or be subject to something that you don’t like please?


Depending or bearing down upon someone unfairly might be extremely difficult, please do not push things too far.


Kindly be considerate, compassionate and consciously aware of your engagement with the other noble souls around you please.


They too have feelings and truly deserve gratitude as do you, God Bless.


Truly respect and value everything and every person for they are sincerely striving as you are to earn a respectable living and fulfilling their primordial aspirations, God Bless.

Please Note – It also applies to habits, lavish indulgences as well as so many other divergent aspects – instances – scenarios – situations; where thinking that a little more advantage could be taken and no one would know? that no one is watching?

Accountability – If so, the concerned individual engaging in any such surreptitious action would be actually fooling themselves – for in the long run thinks and things would return to take and firmly demand+seek stringent accountability please. So whether being taken for granted or taking others for granted is something that is not desirable and productive at all please, God Bless.

Evolution – We may have heard this adage several times that the only that is constant – that is permanent is “change”. How, when, what and where things could change, the tables turn around, one never knows, today maybe one person’s day and then that same situation may reverse and place the person committing certain actions in an extremely embarrassing and compromising situation?

Instances – People at times forget completely that they could also be subject to exactly the same set of situations that they place others in and then they are left helplessly wonder, why this is happening to them?

Process – But when they were putting others through a similar challenging process, they never realized that they were rendering others to go through immense anguish and hardship?

Awareness – This is why it is extremely essential to ensure that we live a purposeful life with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, sincerity, truthfulness and our creative wisdom infinitely, God Bless. (just saying sorry won;t help or even genuinely apologizing may not help at all for once the glass is broken, no matter how much efforts are taken, the splinters and small particles of the broken glass may not be able to be assembled back to its original state and condition please, why not be diligent and precautions in avoiding any commitment or engagement in any actions or practices that are unfair and wrong please, please be aware, beware, there is never a second chance regardless of how much ever one may plead and supplicate for what is done once is done and carries a lot of credence with it, so please ensure that what is done is true, is real, is genuine and is truthful as well as sincere and diligently responsible please, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always,

God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved


Parents, God’s Blessings

Parents, God’s Blessings


God bless our Parents.


Our blessings that we earned and our greatest fortune got us our Parents as well, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

A Mother Knows Best, A Father Now Is The Best

A Mother Knows Best, A Father Now Is The Best


A Mother is truly able to understand and guide her child+children wisely by educating them to know and do what is best, meaningful and reasonable for themselves and others respectively.


A Father is truly able to follow the Mother’s remarkable wisdom by inspiring his child+children that now is the best time of their life – that, the future starts right here, right where they are, practicing righteousness in their thoughts, actions and expressions.


When one knows and when one is living in the now with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, sincerity and creative wisdom, it is aligning with living one’s values and true nature which is considered as one of the best things ever amazingly, God Bless.

Please Note – Many a time, when children refuse to study and enjoy playing games and spending most of their time online just engaged more in chatting, when they grow up and face the difficulties of life, they reflect upon the wise words and advice of their parents to be more sincere and true to their calling, of faithfully attending to their respective objectives. But then, when they awaken, it may be with a lot of regretfulness and despair, experiencing immense sadness at having let go of the precious opportunities and time unknowingly?

Attention – This is why, children should understand that their parents are not requesting them to pay more careful attention and being honest with their respective educational syllabus just from an literacy point of view. Parents truly want the very best for their child+children as well as the global societies and have a world of meaningfulness in their approach.

Reasonably – Children when experiencing the pressure of the loads of homework or study may take short breaks and follow the process reasonably and not over exert themselves or feel overwhelmed with the loads of demands, they need to remember that their parents are their best friends as well as mentors and always are doing what is in their best interests so that one day their children could likewise proudly reflect upon their progress in life and truly share the advice that was imparted to them, that while a Mother states to truly know and do what is best for one’s self and others – a Father knows that now is the best, the present moment, each and every moment of our lives is truly precious and the greatest gift of God. Let us seek to resourcefully utilize it in contributing to the vision that belongs to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the Universe by excelling in our respective agendas, assignments, duties, objective, responsibilities, studies and tasks diligently, prudently and responsibly, God Bless.

Children, Please Note – The following is particularly for children who may not realize the financial capabilities or hardships of their parents who may be trying to make ends meet to barely live through each and every day.

They cannot afford to compete with others who maybe enjoying more affluent lifestyles and buy all the electronic devices and gadgets, this is where children need to realize and carefully understand that when their parents tell them at times what is not the best and what is not now and what to know, that also actually is for one another’s goodness and well being for if children force and literally persuade their children to purchase expensive articles just to compete with the social factors, that living in one particular society needs to have each and everything even if one may not be able to afford it. Just purchasing on credit cards and then paying back the installments and higher rates of interests due to non payment on time maybe very most challenging.

While it is good to know what is the best, it is also essential to know what is not necessarily the best especially in the above circumstances and where now is not necessarily the best time. The good times will come when one works towards them by living consciously in the present moment and earnestly striving to do what is needful and responsible diligently and wisely, God Bless but until then the children have to kindly cooperate with their parents, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Life, Its What You Have & Do With It

Life, Its What You Have & Do With It


If we keep focusing more upon what we don’t have, then we might ultimately land up creating a greater vacuum of emptiness and lacking?


Whereas if we seek to practice gratitude, living a purposeful life with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, sincerity and genuinely acknowledging the incredible wealth of treasures such as our intellectual faculties and priceless characteristical virtues, our resourcefulness will come to the fore to contribute to our greater advancement and progress respectively.


The difference being the attitude, the behavior (remember behave is be+have, we have what we be!) the choice, the perspective, looking at each aspect more practically+realistically and realizing that it has another side to it as well – and then aligning+synchronizing by doing what needs to be earnestly done accordingly.


Some people state that life takes away? Well some other people are always affirmative in their beliefs, attitudes and expectancies by confidently stating that life takes our way and thereby attracting more opportunities and possibilities in their lives amazingly.


We may have noted and heard of patients combating some of the most serious of diseases where all they had was a prognosis, an ultimatum and a challengingly overwhelming horizon, not knowing how to cope? But then they sought to reflect upon and seek the help of their higher self, their true nature, their true self and their divine essence and were very most grateful to witness some of the most fabulous miracles and healing that took place in their lives. They sought to relate these to others, others took note and applauded the remarkable spirit and went ahead attending to their respective chores, where some were inspired and likewise progressed in their aspiring fields with remarkable achievements and results.


It is with+in one’s higher self that one discovers and experiences the greater clarification of life rather than wandering aimlessly and calling upon God to come and help show the way. God connects to us through our true nature, our true self and our divine essence, our soul where we humbly seek to participate in this precious life with a sense of true responsibility and wisdom knowing that life is what we have as well as what we do with each and ever priceless moment, whether in our thoughts, actions, expressions and interactions with ourselves and others.


However, what is extremely important is that it all starts with you, right where you practicing righteousness. Its not about some lofty or eloquent words or language, its truly about discipline, the regimen, the process of respectfully abiding by the respective rules, regulations and laws governing national and international jurisdictions as well as nature, world and the universe mandatorily.


Remember from the moment we came to the became, we experienced a greatness of gracefulness that was enormous joyfulness at having come so far in our lives and at significantly contributing to the sustainable vision that belongs to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the universe earnestly, faithfully and commitedly.

What did we learn or are learning from the process is that there is+are much more greater milestones and achievements that await us provided we first truly utilize what we have resourcefully and responsibly and that what we do with what we have becomes likewise – for example, let us state “what we do, with what we have” and now read this in reverse-converse sequentiality “have we what, do we what” – here it is pointing to the aligning, the what to the what which means it is the law of cause and effect, the law of sow and reap and what goes round comes around as well. Its about harvesting miracles when we are living our completeness by truly doing what needs to be done and utilizing what we have diligently, prudently, responsibly and sincerely.


Its not about a poetic or symbolic outlook but rather about facts and accountability since the maths of life is about the formulas that have purity, there is no contamination or contradiction where it relates to its applicability. Formula when expounded here in this context relates to “form+you+lay”. It is from that the form is conceptualized, it is with+in you that you call upon a certain ability+talent and are amazed to note that you could achieve so much more.

Even if it maybe the simplest of aspects such as remembering, making notes, scheduling, taking charge and various other tasks which may actually be quite simple but get or appear to look as if they are complex and that could be because what you have and what you did with what you have gave you the likewise result – so needing to see a different set of results, the need would be to truly do the very best and reasonable with what you have

– but kindly remember the element of purity and truthfulness

– since this is about our life and we cannot just pretend or overlook the accountability or responsibility factor, we have to practice discipline and meditation regularly to instill the confidence, the regimen, the procedure of consciously being one with ourself + of being where we truly are at any given time, place, instance since sometimes we are caught unaware because we may have been in several places other than where we were meant to be and then frantically rush to reach back to where we were to realize, it was where we wear, we were wearing a different costume, a different guise where we were disguising our ownself and then those corresponding set of results kept appearing and manifesting?

But why, we may claim, well it is our outlook and yet again the same aspect coming face to face to remind us that life is what you have and do with it, so even God can only grant the courage and wisdom but it is you that needs to take the disciplined and responsible initiatives of governing your life with care, compassion, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, sincerity and your creative wisdom + living our values infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always,

God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved