Genetic Disorders & Hereditary Diseases; Human Alchemy

Genetic Disorders & Hereditary Diseases; Human Alchemy

Children Inheriting Far Much More Goodness Always, Always In All Correct & Righteous Ways, Matching Fairly Well With The Greatness of Wellness Always, God Bless


Parents experience an extremely challenging set of phases upon revelation of diseases attributed to hereditary causes principally.


No parents should ever tend or intend to engage in any blame process or particular consequences relating to evolution of certain diseases for which they are not at all responsible at all or if any prognosis reflects any likelihood they should only have one set of thoughts and blessings for their children that think of and more and more think of the positiveness, the contentedness of being sending across more and more of the positive vibrations and feelings + emotions to their children that they are healthy and truly well, God Bless. (it is humbly avoiding in getting caught in the self blame or victim-hood or any other negative process which could not help but could possibly deter and dissuade and nurture negative tendencies please, this is not about ignoring one;s reality and facts please but rather it is about hope, hope and true hope and belief in the greatness of life supreme, nature, the universe and one’s true self and divine essence amazingly, God Bless) What the above humbly sought to convey is that on one side with the various professionally qualified medical cures and treatments being administered, if one were to continually within one’s mind, heart, emotions and feelings only keep dwelling upon and contemplating, why, why and why, why did this happen and spend most of their time only engaging in this process, it would not possibly help the situation please, it may rather cause the environment to be filled with greater level of negativity and far much more helplessness, whereas what is required is courage and wisdom as well as healing and responsibility, a disciplined attitude and set of beliefs that things are definitely getting better and better they will get for sure God willing and the willing starts with those willing for they truly trust in God and so does God trust and have faith in their children likewise, so to honor and reciprocate this sacred trust, always have true faith and hope that things will definitely be all right, heal and get far much better soon, God Bless.


In birth, the child is encompassed with complete pureness whether in consciousness, medical, moral, philosophical or any terms whatsoever. By seeking to align with doubtful notions and unwarranted eventualities, one may be actually precipitating and intensifying what is not there to emerge and be there? For what? For who? To justify who? One’s beliefs? One’s doubts? One’s societal pressure? One’s ego? Or what please?


What could rather be done apart from the professionally qualified medical cures and treatments is to strengthen one’s attitude, one’s disciplined attitude, one’s beliefs and one’s outlook towards one’s own self and others since the organs do respond even to what is done on a thought and emotional level basis quite considerably, so please be considerate and practice conscious awareness with due diligence, prudence, responsibility and your creative wisdom even if it maybe in your thinking patterns+processes please.


In fact, it is strongly believed that at many a time certain diseases and suspected genetic disorders emanated very much here in the now. It maybe the eating and drinking habits of certain individuals that maybe causing and influencing significantly even if in moderation and conscious control.


Certain chemicals that are already there naturally in the human body tend to send messages across from the body to the brain and vice versa however when due to over indulgence and indiscriminate consumption of certain foods and drinks may considerably upset the calibrated balance thereby causing contradictory behaviour amongst the cells as well as the complete body.


In certain other instances, many individuals may not realize what they are doing by accumulating significant reservoirs of suppressed emotions, anger, bitterness, envy, hatred, jealousy, rage and a host of negative tendencies consistently. They need to forgive but they hold on reluctantly and keep blaming everyone else for their failing health? Actually, the more they flaunt and refuse the face the facts and reality, the more they keep intensifying the build up of certain cells in their bodies to react abnormally due to the intense pressure but then they are the one’s who are very most hopefully seeking a cure and they themselves are contradictorily engaging in the self defeating attitude of self pitying and receiving only temporary sense of belief and relief which never helps anyone at all, which maybe due to their sheer ignorance and negligence – since they keep thinking they inherited all of this? How come, they are the one’s who are intermittently calling upon certain cells in their bodies time and again to respond negatively and against all known and sound practices relating to wellness respectively.


While millions of people take extremely high levels of responsible care diligently, they may in some instances, to certain extents be nurturing certain sets of paradigms that reflect upon the very same aspect challenging facing them quite conversely? that it leaves them feeling quite drained, fatigued and really exhausted with their depleted energy levels – so very tired, wondering, appealing for divine grace to intervene and help provide the courage, wisdom and the righteous way to help heal and strengthen the respective cells miraculously, God Bless.


All the while if those undergoing the various experiences have other set of individuals who are constantly barging them with negativism and ill will and talks about the unfairness of fate, destiny and the overwhelmingly challenging future ahead? That is wrong, those individuals need to remember that fate and destiny is one’s own hands where the divine grace and wisdom is provided but one needs to consciously reach across and embrace to instill it within one’s life amazingly. They need not engage in pretentiously hanging around and disseminating negativism since if they cannot do good, they need not do any bad and cause any ill will please, for God’s sake, they must completely stay away whether in thoughts, actions or expressions where the particular set of unfortunate scenarios may be prevalent for with their wrong approach, all they do is add to the high level of concerns, worries and mystifying eventualities.


There is truly so much more that could be further elaborated upon but understanding the sensitivities and complexities facing the individuals associated with any such scenarios, what needs to be done is to meditate, to reach within one’s higher self, one’s true nature, true self and divine essence to seek the divine gracefulness and wisdom along with the courage, serenity and vision that could help integrate certain beliefs, practices and diligently responsible procedures of embracing their pureness that lingers in their thoughts and emotions.

Children always inherit far much more goodness and creative intelligence than they could ever imagine along with amazing nutrition and nourishment even before they are born and when born as well as whenever and at whatever age by being truly cared for, thought of very most highly and regarded as true precious gems, remember children are always the treasures of their parents and no parents ever pass on anything that is impure to their children knowingly, if there is-are some contraction of inheritance of genetic disorders and hereditary diseases? they are curable and heal-able for sure, for where there is a true will, there is a true way as well in every way infinitely, God Bless.

The main point here above is, how much do we truly care for and love ourselves please? What are the thoughts and emotions circulating within ourselves actually please? Are we holding onto certain set of negligent and negative tendencies please? But why please? We were acquiring so much more by ourselves and lavishly indulging in ingestion of certain types of foods and drinks? The indiscriminate consumption of any aspects-elements will tend to lead to their corresponding set of results and consequences please, like begets like, what we sow, we will reap accordingly, the law of cause and effect has been ever prevalent since thousands of years and will continue do to so nobly and precisely, please take good and responsible care, wishing you good health and wellness always, God Bless.

Disclaimer – Kindly note, the above few words have been expressed in good faith without any types of accuracy, responsibility, research or certainty. I am not a professional medical practitioner or any qualified counselor whatsoever.

Speaking about this extremely sensitive matter is quite challenging; in fact no words can ever seek to pacify or generally reflect on the overwhelming factors but it is truly hoped, believed, desired and ardently wished that there come about some miraculous transformations, betterment’s and encouragingly progressive developments in the lives of those concerned, God Bless and that those undergoing the experiences, circumstances and scenarios+situations know how it must be but for sure they will be blessed with the grace of God with immense courage, healing and wisdom consistently, God Bless and God Bless always, God Bless.

Alchemy – The amazing beliefs, convictions, faith, hope and will power of the human spirit is truly incredible. If an individual seeks to experience their true nature, their true self and their divine essence, they will know and experience for themselves some of the most amazing experiences ever known to humankind. it all starts with a disciplined attitude of practicing meditation on a daily basis and ensuring to release-let go of the negative tendencies whether in thoughts, actions or expressions completely as well as believing in one’s divine purpose and will of this truly graceful, precious and very most wonderful life infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Emotions, From Feeling to Healing

Emotions, From Feeling to Healing


With emotional freedom, we experience amazing creative intelligence, enormous energy and powerfulness flowing through our being.


This is humbly the sacred pureness that is devoid of any feelings and considers and regards one own self as well as others as one of the divine oneness.


From there onwards one is able to manifest and amazingly awaken and raise one’s conscious awareness far more higher towards one’s true self, true nature and divine essence – experiencing the completeness, greatness, gracefulness, truthfulness and wonderfulness of one’s being, like never before, be for ever liked, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

The Better Times or The Better i Am

The Better Times or The Better i Am


Everyone ardently looks forward to the better times.


The times look forward earnestly to the better i am which is our higher self, our true nature and our divine essence, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Right or Left Behind & On Track?

Right or Left Behind & On Track?


Do the right things with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, sincerity, truthfulness along with your creative wisdom – and you will be right behind as well as on track.


Do the left things or the wrong and improper things and you will be left behind and off track sooner or later and gradually abandoned for practicing unethical and illegitimate procedures.


Consciously seek to practice righteousness in your thoughts, actions and expressions diligently, responsibly and wisely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

God Says

God Says


God says, look at me within you.


The you says, look at you within God.


God and you are purely one within the oneness of truthfulness infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Its Heaven

Its Heaven


Heaven is where we have in.


In having is where it is heavenly. (having humbly refers to the self realization)


Its in, with+in our true self.


Where is wear as well as we+are; The state of consciousness, gracefulness, mindfulness, radianceness, wonderfulness and our divine truthfulness, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Having What We Have

Having What We Have


We think, we had it.


Its think, we have it.


At times, its having it.


At many a time, its wanting to have what others have anyhow, at any cost? No, life is not necessarily the same for all, some of us can afford to have some things, while others cannot and they need to live with the responsible realization, living within their means and resourcefully. Its truly having what we have.


It is being consciously aware of our thoughts, actions and expressions consistently while living a purposeful life with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, sincerity and our creative wisdom infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Get Out?

Get Out?


Some people spend most of their lives in trying to see what they can get out of others?


They ought to realize that life is not only a transaction of capitalizing and seeing how to get ahead of others at others expenditure and loss please!


What they get in the bargain is that they get out from one delusion and enter another ignorant phase of their lives, celebrating their selfishness but for how long?


IF we keep measuring others as stepping stones and ladders where we can climb to the top and then abruptly forsake and sever ties with the very same people who helped us, the time may come when life may likewise play its trump card of cause and effect serving us exactly the very same set of victimization status that we relegated to others surreptitiously.


Remember, time never tells and comes, when and where what is next, somethings arrive almost instantaneously and somethings out of the now+think+its all and then what?No sorry, No apologies and No one more chance or any pleading would ever help for the conditionalities of life will seek their accountabilities very most resolutely and then even if one may want to get out, there maybe no safe passage out, there maybe no possibilities other than paying the price, the penalty and facing the punishment which life determines for we may have made others go through betrayal of the trust that they placed in our goodselves, so never ever do this, never ever keep gaming or scheming or calculating, what we can get out of other people and then leave them agape and extremely distraught and defeated, discourage and helpless????? thinking that we have hurt them so what? NO, NO and Never! This attitude will only bring back the very same set of factors to outplay and manifest in our lives far more challengingly and on a multiple basis intensively, think about it, its not about what we are getting out of others, its about what we are getting out of ourselves, the greedy and selfish thoughts and attitudes of misusing others trust and goodwill please, be true to your nature as well as nature to your truth, God Bless.


Let us seek to practice righteousness in our thoughts, actions and expressions consistently. In fact, if thinking of getting out, there is+are a lot of good qualities and characteristical magnificent virtues that remain ensconced and submerged within the realm of our true nature, our true self and our divine essence, it is+are those precious gems that we can extract + realize, bring forth into the mainstream of our lives consciously, diligently, responsibly and wisely, God Bless.

Please Kindly Note

Kindly excuse and accept my sincere apologies for the language with reference to the captioned title since this title has been deliberately titled get out because there are many people who are having negative attitudes and when they think, read, do and practice, it is all reflecting intensely on all that is negative, that is crooked and unfair, well this is a humble effort to catch their attentiveness and inspire them to reflect on their pure divine essence for they are also noble souls and may have forgotten the true pathways of living an harmoniously enriched life due to certain mis interpretations and as little or as much as possible, these few words have been expressed in good faith, praying for their raised conscious awareness whereby they shed their negative tendencies and seek to embrace their true nature, their true self, their divine essence, their completeness, their greatness, their gracefulness and their wonderfulness infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved




Sometimes, we get lost in our thoughts?


Sometimes, we get taught in our *loss? loosening! The choice is ours; whether to rigidly clasp+grasp or to gently hold and thoughtfully acknowledge through the graceful process of our self realization, remember nothing is permanent, this moment too shall pass!)


In tension, we tighten our minds and all our organs, our complete intellectual faculties and capabilities are enormously compressed? When we can embrace ourselves with our caring thoughts, then why do we incessantly fill our thought paradigm with scattered thoughts that take us far away from our true selves please?

Our true nature and our divine essence beckon us to practice meditation on a daily basis, to converse in the intuitive conversation with God who is always with+in infinitely, God Bless)


Realize and gracefully loosen the intensity of your mind+thoughts with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, pure essence, radiance, responsibility, sincerity, truth, truthfulness and your creative wisdom, God Bless.

Please note – (*loss – At times it is sadly converse where we realize when we loose something precious, the lessons remain with us for a lifetime, intermittently reminding of what we let go, alas. )

Consciously – This is why when we have somethings in our lives, we should realize its true value and sincerely appreciate all that we have been endowed with while resourcefully utilizing each and every moment of lives earnestly and faithfully by practicing righteousness in our thoughts, actions and expressions consistently, God Bless)


At many a time, we are holding onto somethings that we should be letting go-releasing (It is-are >the anger, envy, hatred, jealousy, malice, rage, resentment and suppressed emotions of negative tendencies< that we need to release, to let go off completely) and we are letting go of somethings of priceless value that we should be truly holding onto-on true. It is regarding the incredible magnificence of our true nature, our true self and our divine essence as well as living our values and earnestly taking diligent, responsible and true care of ourselves and others, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved