Remembering President John F Kennedy

Remembering President John F Kennedy



President John F Kennedy represents the dignity of humanity’s true aspiration of characteristical excellence.


Today as we fondly remember him and reflect upon the crossroads of time, we are inspired to introspectively engage in the intuitive conversation with our higher self, our true nature and our divine essence respectively.


The hallmarks of history will always salute him for his erstwhile+noteworthy contributions relating to the development, goodwill, harmony and welfare of the world.


Let us seek to honor his greatness by letting our light to shine through magnificently in living a purposeful life with a commitment to live our values, conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility, sincerity, truthfulness and our creative wisdom infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love and Light,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Players, The Play Is Here

Players, The Play Is Here


The games we play, the game is we are played!


Every game requires a conscious, committed and dedicated engagement and fair, just and responsible participation and so does life and its glorious moments infinitely, God Bless.(just that is justice and righteous)

Here Is, is Here

Its not out there somewhere, it is right here, right+precisely where you are. whether you call it a game, a match, a competition, a duel, a battle, an aspiration, an conquest, an ambition, an goal, an penchant desire, a journey, an adventure, a stroke of luck, your fortune, your stars, your horoscope, the shining star, your stars, your planets, your virtues, your characteristics, your impulse, your determination, an ardent quest, an cherished hope, a true hope, a result, an advantage, an benefit, a gain, a competitive spirit, a lifelong trek, the dream of a life, the moment of a lifetime and so on and so forth; the rules are belief, compassion, conscious awareness, consideration, conscientiousness, competence, commitment, dedication, due diligence, empathy, faith, focus, fortitude, integrity, loyalty, legitimacy, resolve, radiance, responsibility, righteousness, sincerity, tenacity, truthfulness and your brilliant creative wisdom respectively, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved