Search the World

Search the World


We search the world to find what we already have?


We search the having to find the wold in us – that the world is our oyster.


Its the pureness of the world with+in our true nature, our true self and our divine essence amazingly, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved


Experiences, Learning from Others

Experiences, Learning from Others

Experiences, The Bout About


Most people talk about their experiences.


Experience their bout is what most people talk about.


They truly speak so that others may not have to go through the intensive rigor and sufferings; the hardships and the overwhelming challenges. Its truly about making others aware, diligent, prudent, precautious and to safeguard one another’s interests (remember we are all interconnected) compassionately, considerately, responsibly and wisely, God Bless.


Whether habits or practices; the pureness of life seeks purity in return; Whether it maybe one’s thoughts, actions, feelings, expressions, expectancies and commitments or for that matter so many more thinks and things -> all need to be sacredly following the ethical doctrines, codes, practices, covenants, contracts, commitments, guidelines, rules, regulations and laws governing the world, reality, nature, the universe and our truthfulness respectively, God Bless.

Note – The sad part and path is that some people have to undergo the complete process of receiving hatred all along their lives? (it is their false delusion or assumptions that they are thinking so while no one actually has even the slightest inclination, time or thought about them negatively please. The reason being everyone is+are having their commitments+obligations and responsibilities to truly take care of respectively) And further due to the procrastination and negative chatter in their minds, keep thinking that they are paying infinitely high penalties?by being meted out punishments? in the form of rejections and isolation? (yet again, if one is secluded or harboring any anger, envy, hatred, jealousy, resentment, suppressed emotions or negative tendencies, it is entirely their own choices since no one ever told, informed or ever suggested any such maladies at any given instances whatsoever) at times are never forgiven? never given another opportunity? they are condemned and considered as outcast and are always reflected upon with disregard and lack of esteem or credence? (all along it is the self pitying and wrong notions of the comfort zone of staying in one arena and battling with one duel after one another, where the person is hurting one’s own self and then experiencing victim hood? pity hood? How foolish and absurd can this be?

They are inflicting themselves with more and more agony and anxiety, heaping loads and loads of negative tendencies and not able to emerge to the surface of goodwill, purity, liberty and true freedom? But why? because of the negativeness? Well, its their choice but their price also to pay as well, they need to raise their consciousness and reflect on the betterment and greater possibilities by intending purely well and realizing that each and every moment of their lives spent in regret and delusion calls forth similar set of scenarios to multiply and then they are sadly more sadder than ever, ruminating – hallucinating and retrospectively reflecting on all that went wrong all along, without realizing all the good that went well all along as well?)

Please wake up, this is real life, real people, real time, real responsibilities and real truthfulness and real commitments with real consequences and account-abilities please, God Bless.(see the negative part and path took so much longer to traverse through ((but this does not mean that those who may be experiencing negative periods in their lives have to be shunned or ignored please – in fact their sensitivity is far more greater and delicately balanced please – kindly understand very carefully please)) whereas the positive part and path succinctly and precisely got paraphrased in a very short and neat paragraph, that is what life is about – diligence, prudence, neatness, tidiness, systematic ability, organizational ability, discipline, accountability, responsibilities, due diligence and our creative wisdom consistently, God Bless.)

Note – The above reflect on the sad part and path but greater is the said part and path where those conquering some of the most challenging diseases and healing themselves truly help others to miraculously heal themselves as well thereby – voila, this is it – they reach the plateau of their greatness and gracefulness by encouraging and guiding+helping to let others to likewise let their respective light and divine purpose and will shine through in experiencing good health, wellness and joyfulness all across their lives gratuitously, graciously and jubilantly is one of the greatest of blessing they could ever accrue for they helped others realize what others were ardently seeking – the much needed recovery; all the amazing wonders unfolded through the remarkably relevant shifts in one’s beliefs, practices and convictions + intentions + pure essence in their actions, thoughts and expressions consistently with meaningful and responsible consistency, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved