I am Time

I am Time


Sometimes, we want just a little more time to be the i am.


Some other times, we want to be the where we wear be.


And further yet at some other times, we want the time to stand still; to be one with the moment in its graceful evolution.


i am humbly seeks to refer to the oneness of our collective consciousness. The hands of time along with its dividing intersections resembles the wheel in some respects. The wheel spins around while the time spans across and the i am expands surround – evoking our creative intelligence, our higher self’s incredible brilliance in expanding our consciousness, embracing our completeness, our true self and our divine essence amazingly.


The wheel helps to train send across cities while the time helps to transcend across seek greater harmonious ties, friendships and strategic acquaintances with one another.


While time is neutral, the i am is natures will. This is humbly being endowed with the creative intelligence to be one with our true self and true nature, thereby being the moment as it is as well as being the it as the moment amazingly. Realizing the essence of time becomes our primordial objective where we want to carefully grasp and wisely utilize each and every measure of time very most remarkably, constructively, responsibly and wisely.


With time and i am resourcefully calibrated, we can achieve phenomenal strides in our lives since we are earnestly striving to make the most valuable and responsible utilization of each and every moment of our lives considerately, committedly, diligently, responsibly and wisely, God Bless.

Please Note – From the moment, we resonate the captioned title, I am Time, this humbly seeks to reflect upon the measure of time as a gracious endowment where within the very same fraction of time, we are able to achieve far much more and appreciate ourselves and others tremendously. Wherever, whenever, whatever; it all begins and starts with the i am, how we treat the i am for from there onwards, it is purely the form of brilliance, creativity, resourcefulness and progressiveness infinitely, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Never Know What’s Next, But Have True Faith

Never Know What’s Next, But Have True Faith


Life can change in any given instance-moment almost completely. One never knows how+what+when or why but it is essential to live each and every moment with conscious awareness, due diligence, prudence, responsibility and our creative wisdom consistently.


At times, we see the reality of all that there is after all. Whether people or events, the panorama of all aspects unfolds quite mysteriously? Actually, it is in many ways relating to our ardent expectancies whether in the form of positive or negative vibrations – we are constantly emitting and radiating a certain frequency of thoughts – thoughts that are actually pure energy based and having the infinite potential to remarkably change the landscapes and horizons of our lives, which is why as we have been taught time and again, think well, think responsibly, think wisely and act+express with due diligence and responsibility.


At times, those events, imaginary doubts+fears or people that we thought were there, never appeared after all? And that which we never thought or ever imagined, emerged and manifested after all, that is the meticulousness+miraculousness+precision of life. Kindly remember that everything and everythink truly works according to a systematized plan that belongs to the goodwill, harmony and welfare of the universe infinitely. So it is in our best and greatest interests to contribute our initiatives and efforts; align our commitments to be focused upon achieving greater good for one and all, always promoting our pure intentions and seeking the grace and wisdom from our divine essence, from our true nature and our true self, our higher self to help sustain our visions to be devotionally empowered with goodness, goodness and ever fulfilling goodness for the universe and its inhabitants consistently, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Imagine Your Greatness

Imagine Your Greatness


Have the image, imagine the having.


Embody your true essence; Express your divinity+purity; Experience your incredibly brilliant and creative magnificence; God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Lifting Ourselves

Lifting Ourselves


Our Mother and our Father lift us up when we are born and carry us preciously and sacredly for some of the most priceless moments of our lives.


God lifts us up and carries us amazingly at various pathways across our lifetime when we most need the divine intervention and also at some other times when we may never have ever realized at all.


Coming to the aspect of lifting ourselves, we have to truly realize that we have some of the greatest graceful endowments from our Mother and Father, our God, from Nature and from the Universe such as our creative intelligence. The words we speak, believe in and keep communicating+resonating with firm conviction; with+in ourselves and with others can also help to lift us up in letting our light+radiance shine through in living a life of purpose with conscious awareness, compassion, due diligence, dutifulness, purposefulness, responsibility, sincerity, truthfulness and our creative wisdom infinitely, God Bless.


Sometimes, we lift others while at some other times others help us with the same process by inspiring us to awaken to our completeness, to embrace and experience our true nature, our true self and our divine essence which is ever lifting us up to the lofty pedestals of recognizing and truly realizing the practice of our discipline, our humility, our purity, our sincerity and gentleness in all that we think, do and express consistently, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved

Hurt, The Feelings? The Realization!

Hurt, The Feelings? The Realization!


At times, we may unknowingly hurt others feelings and sentiments? Those experiencing the hurt know how it feels and keep suffering because of our ignorant or negligent behavior?


At some other times, we may likewise hurt our very own selves considerably and keep this hurting all across a lifetime? Yet again, this cannot be defined or termed as sheer ignorance or negligence alone since the hurt is very closest to us and we may be earnestly seeking the needful healing, the release from the anguish, but then what is withholding the release please?


Well, it maybe the realization that has not actually dawned or we may have been just putting off thinking that the self pitying or victim hood is going to bring more comfort, solace or that we simply did not know what to really do?

No, that is not an answer at all, we should rather take the necessary and responsible steps at firstly+spontaneously seeking forgiveness from others as well as forgiving ourselves because however deep the scars maybe, nothing hurts more than deliberate hurt because there is a wound and we maybe delving deeper and far more deeper into that hurt for what?

No, it is not fair for ourselves or others, to tolerate or foolishly engage in the deviation from the norms and disciplined practices of living our values, we need to realize, yes realize and be consciously aware of what we are thinking, what we are doing and what we are expressing and not just live on an auto pilot mode, taking things as they come and piling on the heap and loads of overwhelming burdens of hurt that could only further attract more hurt and more on, but why?

We have our creative wisdom, we have our creative intelligence and we have our creative life to live in harmony and goodwill with ourselves and others, wake up, this is not a dress rehearsal or a stage play, this is real life with real values and real commitments, be true to your nature as well as nature to your truthfulness, God Bless.

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless.

Love, Light and Wisdom,


Copyright ©2013 Vashi Chandiramani. All Rights Reserved