Every Vritti Seeks its Sanskritti, Every Sacred Pulse Speaks True/Through its Divine Impulse’s Vision oft its Cosmic Evolutionary Renaissance


For, we wear/were born/borne true be life’s ever radiant divine light ever sow luminescently; evoking/emitting the sacred spark of our pure divine potential in all that was, is and will ever be; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

© 2017 Vashi Chandi

Healing, Well For You’ve Got To Be Your Nature True Nurture Your Be(g)”i”(n)n(in)g, Cherish the Infinity of Your Cosmic Radiance’s Virtues/Wisdom’s Evolutionary Renaissance

Exemplifying the Divine Gracious Essence of Our Cosmic Vein’s Chronological Evolutionary Miraculous Magnificenceoutput_jWyABL

Our healing begins/grows and glows ever sow amazingly by how/who we project ourselves to/true our nature; for IF we ever keep on deluding? illusively vacillating? eluding the pure divine gracious worthiness of our true nature, we will keep getting afflicted by more and more mysterious sets of infinite challenges/and likewise intricacies in various areas of our being/life/evolution so much as if we’re sculpting the precisionality of our very own m’om’ents or m’o(a)re” meants=this intends true refer integrally true our meritorious fulfillment, of how we live in precise conformance with our divine tattvas=principles/values/sacraments that apparently bring greater meaningfulness true the life of our being true/unto itself as God’s pure divine goodness.

Its sow very much like, we elevate/raise and keep expanding our higher consciousness to/true the sacred pedestal of the divine light enshrined within as well as all around us by embracing the gloriousness of God’s divine light that we’ve been embalmed well within God’s pure divine goodwill; in one glimpse that emanates across the retinue of centuries, its integrally about the consonance of our self realization that leads and keeps fulfilling us more in the image of God’s likeness that’s completely bereft of any vainly accumulated/egoistical tendencies; we were/wear born “true be us = true our self” and not/knot someone else please!

The pure divine essence of God’s graciousness doesn’t need us to be someone else for God’s summons heeds true our healing’s ever sacred fulfillment right/light from within the core essence of what exemplifies the beatitude of the bountiful blossoming of our true nature=nature’s truth ever sow pure divine worthily; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

© 2017 Vashi Chandi

Reply? Re+Ply, Core-Responding True/Through the Integral Essence of our Creative Evolutionary Divine Grace


Some of us incessantly keep on replying even before completion of listening, grasping and understanding what’s being communicated?

While sum others avoid this habitual instantaneous re+plying sequence of vacillating incessantly back/forth and instead seek true carefully comprehend the essence of realizing what’s integrally being convocated; and thereby being able to effectively core-respond true the nature of life’s things as its thinking live ever sow pure divine worthily right/light true and through; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

© 2017 Vashi Chandi

Happy Easter, Celebrating the Cherished Miracles of God’s Divine Graciousness Right/Light True/Through its Infinite Spaciousness oft its Divine Hearts Visions of its Cosmic Universal Sacred Light

Reverentially Behold the Privileged Glimpse of the Divine Grace of God’s Infinitude of Miracles True/Through the Auspices of Your Meritorious Oracle Ever sow deservingly as its Pure Divine Worthiness’s Vision Envisioned Sacredness




Purely/Truly live within/for each and every m’om’ent as its consonant m’om’ent lives for you in its divine union with its union’s divinity of your pure divine natures awareness consciousness ever sow conscientiously, efficaciously and meritoriously; as God’s divine breath/light of life, Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

© 2017 Vashi Chandi


Absorb? Observe! For/Four You? Five, For I’ve You, The 5 Elemental Energies Flow From/Form You To/True Yourself; Its Your Cosmic Polarity Exchange

Absorb? Observe Energy, Energize thy Observation Right/Light True and Through

Don’t Just Treat Anyway and Anyhow! But Rather Respectfully Entreat Yourself/Others Ever Sow Pure Divine Worthily for Every Cell/Neuron of Your Being Has been Pure Divinely Crafted/Envisioned







Dosha-TableIndeed become meticulously observant of your pure divine nature’s awareness consciousness’s wisdom; the pure divine essence of every tattva=element with particular consonance of the akasha tattva=space/ether element fulfills you with its/their pure divine gracious energies ever sow pure divine worthily; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

© 2017 Vashi Chandi

Consciousness Unifies, Unification Cognifies

Bring Divine Graciousness True Your Character You Were/Wear Meant True Be the Creative Symposium oft Pure Divine Intelligence’s Proud Testament6732410_orig



Its integrally about bringing greater purposeful awareness to all we do/drew for that will very much bec’om’e our crew.

Yes, regardless of whether we realize sooner or later, the consequentiality of every aspect of our pure divine nature’s awareness consciousness keeps yearning for us true better define/refine the consensus of our sacred perception and the dimensionalities of our cosmic alignment/engagement.

Perhaps, we might be extensively chasing fleeting illusions far much more than embracing the evolutionary kaleidoscope that embodies and enshrines a greater sense of awareness, so then likewise we will be lead towards unifying ourselves with those precise sets of events, incidents, occurrences, experiences and manifestations.

That’s also where the liberty of the goodwill of the pure divine will makes us realize that we have within each and every breath the divine graciousness of the cosmic energies that effectively communicate to/true/through the core divine essence of our being.

There is tremendous accountability/responsibility associated in all that we were, are being and will ever be; time to time, we will reflect intuitively and avail a glimpse of the synchronicity of events and then if we realize and tread on the divine pathways and in precise conformance of experiencing our evolutionary fulfillment, the pure divine graciousness will thus lead us towards consonantly resonating with the pure divine harmonious frequencies of the Universe as its pure divine potentiality’s worthiness ever sow conscientiously, efficaciously and intelligently and then we will stop the discerning paradigm of illusion and elusiveness; then the moment anything even before it unfolds is perceived true/through its tri/quad and quintessence dimensitonalities with remarkable amazement; we will behold the pure divine spectrum that encompasses the unique conversations of the pure divine light that characterizes the sacred encodology of all that was, is and will ever be true itself ever sow pure divine worthily; embrace the pure divine natures awareness consciousness of your being fro its pure divine worthiness will unveil some of the most astounding, creative and magnificent visions ever envisaged that will oft course keep leading towards making greater intelligent choices/decisions and definitions of who you truly were, are and meant true be; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chandi

Divine Inertia, Quantum Infinitude; Quan/Kuan Atti Uttam, Convocational Cosmological Sacred Hierarchies

Its the Expedient Exponential Pure Divine Nature’s Awareness Consciousness’s Insightfulness Orientated Pristine Vision that’s Embodying, Encapsulating, Ensconcing and Enshrining its Infinity of our Pure Divine Characteristical Virtues Pure Divine Worthiness





Most of us live life as a routine, whereas some of us as its root’s inertia=ever sow consonantly in divine union with its unions divinity as God’s sacred light of cosmic evolutionary sacred graciousness; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chandi

Anything can Happen? Vain Thinks can Hamper!


 Its Integrally about Conscientiously “Defining/Refining” What??? We keep on Mysteriously Thinking/Focusing Upon Please!output_5MDBbK2013-12-28-19.34.052013-12-28-19.33.472013-12-28-19.33.402013-12-28-19.33.342013-12-28-19.33.272013-12-28-19.33.222013-12-28-19.33.53f5a4be07e4fe98268fce2e7e9aa6d4954c15caf8be71b9fe1973db767ad4390e


Lets start again-anything can happen? Then its the vain thinks that mysteriously trigger and confuse/complicate and keep leading to enormous hampering, but why please?

These vain/random sets of thoughts that never lead to any constructive achievements could considerably change/transform and lead us potentially to habituate the very essence of our thinking’s to adopt/adapt certain sets of thought patterns as integral beliefs? How come? Why just suddenly give into some sets of thoughts that you never ever knew before and then started renewing them as if they were/wear your life breath please?

Be vigilant since some of the surreptitious thoughts could then lead to a contagion of mysterious emotional tendencies/myriad feelings that were never absolutely there at all and all because of that vain and ignorant way of thinking? Imagine a seed of thought that came by for a while and then kept germinating, harvesting and sprouting what became a lifetime of mysteriousness that was never ever you, the pure divine self, but yet again why please?

Where the vain thinks are concerned, what all if could possibly lead to is absolutely impossible to reflect upon or consider what extent it could perpetuate and completely/totally transform the very essence of being, meaning that what you were/are could possibly lead to someone else you may have never ever imagined; now what was/were/are those sets of sees/beej/thoughts please?

Be mindful its far much more than just the mind, it could also possibly be affecting/influencing your heart for your veins-the ventricular fibrillation which is known as one of the heart’s rhythm problems could possibly occur? Seriously referring to the heart beating with the heartbeat catapulting rapidly with several erratic impulses, yet again why please? Why not learn to/true diligently/prudently/vigilantly/wisely and pure divine worthily discipline the thoughts and filter out/distill the unwanted and unproductive thinking patterns/behavior please?

For as you might be aware the ventricular fibrillation with its erratic patterns could be pumping chamber in your heart which is quivering mysteriously instead of actually pumping blood that its intended to do whereby your blood pressure depletes radically and possibly disrupting the essential flow of blood to your vital organs, and yet again beseechingly why please?

Do you think that certain sets of vain thoughts are really worth it please? Because you have a lifetime ahead of you and need to/true fulfill/live your life true its pure fullest divine potential, experiencing its pure divine dimensionalities that could help you true keep growing in the greatness of your pure divine nature’s awareness consciousness’s virtuous worthy wisdom ever sow conscientiously/pure divine worthily; so do not just treat any/many illusive/mysterious/random sets of thoughts indifferently and keep accumulating and collating them as if they were some priceless treasures for the comfort zone of some ignorant state of being; of taking solace in certain thoughts/thought patterns that could in the long run/long term or perhaps very soon make/leave you feeling utterly helpless, and where could this lead to please? Kindly realize, that this life of yours has been entrusted to you for a pure divine purposefulness, true realize and experience the pure divine graciousness’s consciousness’s nature’s pristine awareness that could amazingly/remarkably keep leading to/true your greater evolutionary growth in its pure divine graciousness; its pure divine radiance and its pure divine wonderfulness of who you truly were, are and wear meant true be; so be it, its being sow true the pure divine breath of your life as its ever promising infinite sacred light of your pure divine nature’s awareness conscientious consciousness that never ever vainly thinks but rather insightfully considers/contemplates the pure divine essence of all that was, is and will ever be true/through the auspices of its pure divine vision’s foresight as its pure divine character/characteristics define/refine and sanctify the pure divine gloriousness of your true nature in emerging and embracing the pure divine completeness of your highest self ever sow c’om’passionately, virtuously, wisely and pure divine worthily; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chandi

Running Thoughts? Thoughts that Run Across our Minds? How about the Pure Mindfulness that Reign’s Wh@ts Taught, Nip in the Bud Please!


Taught Racing? But Why Flee from Your Own True Self Please?

Realize Reality, Live with the Pure Divine Essence of Nature’s Awareness Ever Sow Conscientiously, Diligently, Efficaciously, Nobly, Prudently, Righteously, Tenaciously, Vigilantly, Wisely and Pure Divine Worthily




Face the reality of life, do not just keep phasing it from one m’om’ent indefinitely towards living it in a lifetime of illusiveness; wake up/awaken to/true the pure divine graciousness of your being; your being/your ever precious life was meant for its true greatness that embodies, encapsulates, ensconces and enshrines the pure divine character of your ever noblest gracious wisdom sacred morality that bespeaks of the most creative magnificent embodiment of fabulous intelligence poised true attain pure divine gloriousness in all that was, is and will ever be; always focused and envisioned upon empowering the divine visions that belong to Universal goodwill, harmony, peace and welfare ever sow pure divine worthily; so be it, its being sow true the pure divine essence of your life as its sacred divine light; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chandi

As We Say When, Say Vein Has Us #HKSevens #Rugby #HongKongSevens #Sevens

As We Say When, Say Vein Has Us #HKSevens #Rugby #HongKongSevens #Sevens




Your veins are intentuitively listening/glistening “true” what you integrally resonate/say/state about yourself and others.

Believe in the pure divine essence’s conscientious worthiness of your true nature, your true self and let the ever precious championship of your life shine ever sow gloriously in all that you think, do, express and intend to/true achieve in an shuddh bhavana=pure divine intentionality orientated renaissance with/in each and every blossoming breath of your divine self true its divine life of light that’s you and all of God’s creative evolutionary graciousness “within” you as well as all around you ever sow efficaciously seeking its pure divine oneness with all that was, is and will ever be, with an ever observant perspective of the sacred intelligence that embodies, that encapsulates, that ensconces and enshrines its pure divine character/characteristics/virtues and graciousness to keep growing in your pure divine worthiness ever sow pure divine virtuously; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chandi

Shown God?

Shown God?


Its “shone Godliness”; realizing the sacred infinitude of our pure divine nature’s awareness consciousness’s pure divine worthiness’s pure divine intentionality’s=shuddh bhavana orientated’s virtues cosmic vision’s divine gracious wisdom’s eternal vision’s observant perception’s consonant pure divine gloriousness and so on and sow forth with each and every element encompassing, embodying, ensconcing and enshrining the pure divine character/characteristics of the glimpse of centuries within the fraction of the micro minute second of nothingness/timelessness and yet ever sow creatively magnificent evolutionary radiance could/would not be able to grasp/perceive the divine essence of God’s being, for we have to/true first of/oft all envision the pure divine sacredness of God’s divine graciousness that remains ever preciously enshrined within the divine realms of our being’s cherished yearning for its glimpse of its pure divine vision’s envisioned  divine beatitude with its pure divine bliss that keeps on consonantly resonating=God is not shown; God is shone; God is enshrined within the sacred heart of our pure divine consciousness and our soul knoweth and embraces its divine vision of God’s pure divine wonderful worthiness ever sow ardently/affectionately/efficaciously and forever in pure divine union’s infinitude with its infinity’s unison ever sow c’om’passionately; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chandi

Observe the Cosm’om’nant Divine Essence of Your Brain ≡ Train the Sacredness oft Your Observation


During our/your daily early morning meditation practice, when we/you are completely attuned to the pure divine oneness/c’om’munion of/with our/your highest divine self / higher consciousness= harmoniously attuning/aligning/coming=the calm in back in rhythm true/with our/your pure divine nature’s awareness consciousness ever virtuously gracious wisdom that remarkably helps to/true keep elevating, expanding and raising our/your divine consciousness further onto/true the pristine pedestal of the level of its divine light; whereby true/through the auspices of our/your divine virtues, our/your divine vision, our/your divine graciousness, our/your divine principles/values/wisdom and pure divine worthiness; infinite evolutionary dimensions converge to/true blossomingly unveil the amazing treasures of divine virtues embodied, ensconced, encapsulated and enshrined within the sacred realms of our/your true divine nature’s awareness consciousness; in each and every m’om’ent seeking for you/us/we true earnestly belong true ourselves as the divine light of being/life ever sow conscientiously, efficaciously, vigilantly, wisely and pure divine worthily.

The captioned title focused on the observation and training process however its the sacred pure divine virtues ensconced within our/your pure divine nature’s awareness consciousness that will always pave the pathways of each and every aspect/facet of our /your being/life’s divine light ever once we earnestly endeavor to/true meritoriously live in divine conformance with the divine sacredness of our being’s sow cosm’om’nance ever sow conscientiously/consonantly.

In fact, there’s far much more that we/you will be able to learn/realize/resonate true/through observance of the divine disciplines of our being/the cosmic divine light of life enshrined within the pure divine oneness of our/your being=that we will then be able to better comprehend, grasp and realize the profound scope of ever graciously virtuous wisdom/virtues that facilitate the cosm’om’nic evolution of some of the most amazing experiences/instances/c’om’munion’s ever sow magnificently and of/oft course, there/thence onwards, we will keep attaining more and more higher degrees of realizations/understandings that will each lead and fulfill us with with its/their pure divine convergent perception of our/your divine oneness with all that was, is and will ever be; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

© 2017 Vashi Chandi

The Divine Wonder of God’s Heart, The Sacred Heart of Divine Wonderfulness


God’s heart is ever graciously enshrined within the pure divine realms of every living being’s pure divine essence.

Its the creative evolutionary magnificent virtuous wisdom of the heartbeat that’s truly amazing; the heart is deservingly/meritoriously here/within each and every one of us/all of God’s creations; while its beat remains ever preciously embodied/encapsulated/ensconced and enshrined within the pure divine precinct of God’s pure divine consonant graciousness ever sow pure divine worthily; sow be proud of your divine heritage, for your heart=beat is ever conscientiously synced with utmost cosmo=strategic precisionality with=in God’s divine light of life/ever sow gloriously; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chandi

Ambitious Goals; Make “Real” T”i’m”e for LIFE as Well Please


Prioritize your creative evolution; realize that your life is far much more greater/gracious than just speaking about it that one day i will……? so on and sow forth? Every m’om’ent is truly precious, don’t leave what you were waiting to attend to – to actually put your on its waiting list likewise for almost a lifetime, for then you would be frantically yearning for that priceless moment to/true arrive, but the constancy of life’s purposefulness will well precisioned true arrive right/light on its well defined/disciplined and devoted stances of time and not just instances of tying time to some thoughts, emotions, feelings of oh how i wish?

Oh, i thought…..? Realize with life, at many a time, its truly about absolute seriousness and the highest degree of discipline that firmly demands observance of the most well defined methodologies ever known to humankind; its not playing games or just browsing through aimless information or just chit chatting in the pretension that what has evolved will thereby subside on its own accord and help to sort out/ought and resolve its own matters in its due course even if we just tend to ignorantly/negligently look the other way deliberately, what is that attitude for please?

Realize that life comes to demand firm accountability at all given times, so whether you defer/postpone or just keep procrastinating and intending to attend to what needs true be attend now a few hours, days, weeks, months, years or decades later…? will most certainly/definitely come back with all that and far much more accumulated quotient/reservoir or the precise discrepant/deviated factors to yet quantitatively  demand yet further greater degree of accountability that would be almost appearing colossal and with alarming deadlines and phenomenal sets of challenges almost as if bringing a whole lifetime of surprises packaged in one single hour/day, but why? Why be living so ignorantly and without lack of essential consideration please? For what can be diligently/earnestly worked upon well within reasonable time frames and responsibilities now/a little further ahead will ensure a much greater/fulfilling and blossoming lifetime later on; you know it, when you evade, there’s a price to pay, for when its time, its”truly” time please; there’s no such way as saying or trying to enact/pretend assuming that life will re consider and provide any succor or exemption whatsoever; for what needs to be done well=needs the goodwill of its wellness true be done and not just tonned right across every moment of our lifetime through the auspices of our pure divine nature’s awareness consciousness ever sow pure divine worthily please; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chandi

Cherish the Infinity of our Creative Evolutionary Divine Nature’s Awareness Consciousness’s Virtues/Wisdom/Pure Divine Worthiness


Every Cell of our Cosmic Being’s Essence Embodies its Pure Divine Worthiness’s Sacred Ambition that Encompasses its Ever Creatively Infinite Evolution of Pure Divine Graciousness, Pure Divine Virtuousness and Pure Divine Wisdomoutput_zqTinj.gif

Χωρίς τίτλο (34)upload1

The transitional definitions are as follows; Ang refers to the core essence of our soul that radiantly shines forth within each and every cell, consciousness and element of our being ever sow gloriously; Pavitra refers to sacred; Tarang to waves and Umang to ambition respectively.

Har ang ek tarang pavitra umangon ka; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chandi

Pure Divine Nature’s Breath Awareness, Practice Meditation, Evolutionary Consciousness

Our Breath Affects, Alters, Influences and Regulates Our Conception/Perception to a Certain Extent, Ensure True Practice Meditation along with “Pure Mindfulness” in all that You Intend True Attain, This is the Shuddh Bhavana=Pure Divine Intentionality Orientation Consciousness as You Wear/Were Meant “True Be”output_mHwg1D



Realize the sacred essence of your pure divine breath; cherish its consonance; respect the pure divine worthiness of your exponential heritage that truly deserves/merits the very greatest and ever gracious sets of fulfilling agendas, assignments,commitments, duties, envisioning, intentions, faithfulness, feelings, foresight, orientation, objectives, responsibilities, tenaciousness, vigilance, wisdom; and so on and sow forth of the unveiling of the pure divine contagion of your pure divine nature’s virtues along with the essential prevalence of your pure divine nature’s conscientious consciousness’s pure divine worthiness shuddh bhavana soulology in all that you ever wear/were; is/are or will ever be; so be it; its being sow true the pure divine essence of your being’s pure divine evolutionary renaissance with utmost devotion towards realization the pure divine sacred essence of who you truly are and were meant true be; do/true ensure to practice meditation on a daily basis with/true/through the auspices of your pure divine nature’s awareness consciousness’s pure divine perception ever sow pure divine worthily; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chandi