Be Passionate About Your Life


Live your life with pure awareness, pure conscientiousness and pure mindfulness+as well as ensuring observance of your shuddh bhavana=pure intentionality prevails in all that you think, do, feel and express/seek ever sow vigilantly/wisely; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

 © 2016 Vashi Chandi


Namah Shivay

Birthday is the happiness that celebrates us for a lifetime.Celebrate life as life celebrates you ever sow graciously; Live forever in divine union with your pure consciousness; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

 © 2016 Vashi Chandi

Wrong; Money is Neither a Servant and Nor a Master!


Money is the pure energy exchange and where reflecting on the above proverb, remember/realize as always ever since time immemorial that your life is a mirror and reflects your outlook.

What you envision, life apparently manifests/unfolds, so be wise and think twice before resonating any fabled adages; it does not mean that once upon a time, it was thought and resonated, so it holds good; no please; truly define true be defined thoroughly; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

 © 2016 Vashi Chandi

As our Rhythm, Sows Our Reality’s Theme/Deem/Redemption; The Melodious Flute of Lord Krishna

krishna wallpaper

The karishma-miracle of life’s divine fluorescence is attained by living a life of purposefulness with pure awareness, pure conscientiousness, pure mindfulness and with observance/prevalence of our shuddh bhavana=pure intentionality in all that we think, do, feel and express ever sow ingeniously, vigilantly and wisely; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

 © 2016 Vashi Chandi

Everyone wants something from you? Who told you?


Do/True you know what you want from yourself please? Figure that out well enough before reaching any erratic conclusions please, for when you put your life in order, you’re the author and you will be surely glad you did/clarified your perception well enough as the divine wills please; Shiva Shakti bhava, God bless.

 © 2016 Vashi Chandi