#AdamandEve As/Has We Have, Sow “i” Am’: “With all Due Respectfulness”; Its the “seed in=deed” ; Engendering the Universe as its Noble Beej Tattva=Nurturing the Sacred Seeds of the Divine Apple=Our Pure Divine Potential

The Falling Apple; The Forbidden Fruit; The Gender that We Engender; Its the Pure Divine Essence of the Sacred Seeds that Enshrine the Pure Divine Oneness of our Cosmic/Soul/Solar Consciousness Ever Sow Pure Divine Meritoriously/Nobly/Virtuously/Vigilantly, Wisely and Worthily

With All Due Respectfulness, Its the “Pure Divine Essence” of the “Seeds” of Our “Pure Divine Nature’s Awareness Consciousness”


there-is-no-greater-gift-you-can-give-or-receive-than-to-honor-your-calling-its-why-you-were-born-quote-1and-so-adam-in-that-his-speech-to-eve-uttered-his-faith-in-the-promise-made-to-her-of-her-seed-and-quote-1Germinating beans seedssproutsunflower plant sproutsRealize the sacredness of thy “i”, its embodying the ever graciousness essence of its universal symposium of pure divine collective consciousness; sow what thee do to thyself is what’s unifying all else unto thee as well, for thou art emanated from the ever precious seeds of the universe’s ever gracious manifestation like each and every living being that’s integrally the ever glorious testament of God’s pure divine creative evolutionary nature, sow be humbly proud of thy pure divine essence and strive meritoriously to/true uphold the ideals that has/have created you as/has itself’s ansh-spark of the pure divine infinite graciousness.

Every aspect of our creative evolution emanates and is sustainably nourished right from its core values that germinated it.

So/Sow whenever=vein-ever, cherish our pure divine heritage and be truly grateful in diligently, meritoriously, prudently, vigilantly, wisely and worthily focusing on neither the reasons or the seasons but the authenticity, the genuineness, the integrity and the legitimacy of our true nature is always yearning for our pure divine acceptance of our very ownself, first of all.

Thereby, when/vein we realize the incredibly amazing and pivotal significance of our roots; our cardinal truth; we blossom right/light true and amazingly immerse/emerge/evolve and keep on brilliantly/creatively ascending/transcending light./right true and through the auspices of our pure divine consciousness’s awareness potential.

And obviously, further ahead, we decipher and comprehend some of the most amazing facets/phases of our lifetime, the evolution of the universe as well as the greater/gracious significance and purposefulness of our immaculate/immanent incarnation ever sow meticulously; the moral oath and sacred tattvas=principles+divine values that we have been created true “fulfill”.

The apple fell several centuries ago, but what did we learn from its falling please?

That’s when the original sin occurred, but in between all and all else, fr’om’ there until now and even right from this very present moment to the several glorious centuries ahead; it was, it is and it will always be the “seed”; in=deed; the seed then contained its pure divine gracious wisdom, which without having to eat could have nourished because of its divine emoluments.

Its about preserving our pure divine tattvas=elements=principles=values and nurturing the pure divine calm passionate nature that enshrined within the sacred realms of our soul’s consciousness; for the seed/the seeds remain enshrined, evoking our pure divine nature’s conscientiousness awareness true experience our evolutionary growth in its pure divine graciousness and pure divine wisdom well/goodwilled within its entirety, without any deviation from our cosmic perception that has ordained us with its ever precious divine vision which will be perceptible and facilitate our envisioning when we make ourselves worthy of our true nature’s pure divine potential ever sow pure divine gloriously, meritoriously, nobly, vigilantly, wisely and worthily.

Its not just about eating, rather its about earnestly entreating; yes, the pure divine grace accommodates and facilitates, creates sow many passages for us true express ourselves true/throughout our lifetime, what are we doing/truing? distinguishing? discerning? committing? fulfilling with the preciousness of the sacred minutes = each and every minute of our lives is truly precious and extremely sacred please.

Kindly do not waste it in just idle gossip or forwarding any and very other information that is just about gossip or any negative emotional outbursts or any negative emotional tendencies, for we have been pristinely bestowed/endowed with a pure divine higher purposefulness attributed to our lives that’s always yearning true fulfill the noble visions that belong true the sustainable goodwill, harmony, progress, prosperity and unanimous welfare ever sow pure divine meritoriously, nobly, vigilantly, wisely and worthily.

Its never about me knowing more or you knowing less, but integrally about being “true us”; and if we keep deviating from our divine goals and divine purposefulness of our creative evolution and keep trying to mis lead others by discriminating, then we are actually depleting the reservoir of our own pure divine potential for we are not honoring the sacredness of our birth, of being born/borne true life.

Carefully realize, that our Universe and all of God’s creations are meritoriously orientated, meaning that vein/when we authentically, genuinely and legitimately fulfill our respective commitments, duties, due ties and responsibilities in an pure divinely ordained manner; only then can we be ever considered  or conferred with the subsequent advent privileges in order true be further entrusted with what’s more trustworthier, because having proven our impeccable credentials, we sow/show true the divinance enshrined within us, that we are worthy of the divine trust entrusted upon our goodselves;  which means that thereby, we will yet yield more and more of what’s goodwill orientated and experience an amazing harmoniousness; an wonderful sense/essence of the strategic balance in our lives; the equilibrium that’s truly incomparable for with divine grace comes/calms forth the graciousness of the divine essence of our lives that ever radiantly blossoms and keeps nurturing/nourishing our pure divine potential ever sow conscientiously.

Its the same with our lives; that when our breath rises and falls; in the falling our breath reaches some of the innermost crevices of our beings sacredness; in that falling, vein.when we are focusing during our meditation with pure awareness, its the fulfillment in that falling, because with our breath we don’t expect, we gratuitously acknowledge the pure divine acceptance of God’s divine grace that nurtures our pure divine potential when we practice righteousness and ensure observance/prevalence of our shuddh bhavana=pure intentional awareness in all our thoughts/deeds.

Likewise, vein/when with our pure focus, whenever with the grace of our pure divine acceptance we realize that its the sacred seeds of our birth that we are carrying all along; but with our pure awareness, we start caring all along sow much more. It means and defines that we start rejoicing at being truly alive, we speak true the cells of our consciousness and infuse each and every cell, tissue, divya prana shakti=pure life force energy with its amazing nourishment that it brought us back by circumabulating like the breath within itself, meaning that we are purely devoted with whatever it is like the seed was, is and will ever be.

There’s so much more to this that is just coming forth from the grace of the divine wisdom and each of us will be able to realize for our ownselves which is why i am not elaborating/expounding; since each and every one of us needs true strive and experience our true nature, our true self and our divine essence to realize the divine wonderfulness and the divine purposefulness for which we have incarnated and thereby utilize each ad every moment of our lives in honoring the divine essence of the sacred seeds that always  have, that always are and that always will creatively evolve in pristine conformance with the divine ordinance of life; cherish your divine heritage and realize your pure divine potential, it enshrines some of the most amazing revelations that will transform the way/the vein of your complete evolution; you will cherish every moment of your life and celebrating the divine graciousness of your being as the sacred seeds with you yearn for your divine embrace of God’s sacred breath of life ever sow pure divine conscientiously, ingeniously, morally, meritoriously, nobly, righteously, vigilantly, wisely and worthily; Durge Devi NamoStute; Shiva Shakti bhava, Hari Om Tat Sat, God bless.

©2017 Vashi Chand

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