God can meet You When……….

God can meet You When You Truly Fulfill Yourselves

quotegodisthegodquote-when-divine-consciousness-enters-the-shift-occurs-and-you-will-be-engulfed-by-what-will-debbie-ford-62-87-91 When we experience our true fulfillment that has been the deepest yearning of our souls; to attain self realization; of expanding our higher consciousness through the auspices of our pure awareness, pure mindfulness and pure soulfulness to the level of the divine light that is within as well as all around us; being one with the divine light of creation.

God says, have you met you? This is the most gracious meeting of our lifetime, which is experiencing our true nature; our trueselves and our divine essence; that transcends every other meeting and me think of life, God bless.

©2015 Vashi Chandi

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